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Messages - dutch

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General Discussion / Re: Help Id'ing an old Muncie Case & Tailshaft..
« on: October 16, 2019, 06:14:32 PM »
January 8 is the build date. Would be Jan 8, 1964 if the case has "PAT.PEND." cast on it.  " US PATENT NO 3088336" would be a January 8, 1965 build. The 1965 case would also have a squared off upper extension housing boss. Not too many people are excited over 7/8" countershaft cases. Probably good for someone needing the specific model year Muncie. 
ADD: Grooves on the input shaft should help with M20 or M21

It does have US Patent 3088336 cast on it - and I'm not sure where I got the May idea from - as I see your date code logic - just not sure what the '0' or 'O' means but I guess it is pretty old for sure..
No internals just empty case and tailshaft..
We're the 7/8" shaft versions all that poor - I can see why they might get upgraded, but I'm sure they were put in many very heavy vehicles around that timeframe..?
I t also has a couple of square bosses molded into the case next to the upper part of the rear flange so that may be what you refer to as the 'square bosses'..  THANKS!

General Discussion / Re: Help Id'ing an old Muncie Case & Tailshaft..
« on: October 16, 2019, 04:38:35 PM »
Ed - worth anything to anyone considering the age - or possible application possibilities in your estimation?

General Discussion / Help Id'ing an old Muncie Case & Tailshaft..
« on: October 16, 2019, 03:23:47 PM »
If anyone can shed some light on what I have shelved here and planning to get rid of - it would be much appreciated.
Aluminum Maincase - Casting Number 3851325 date code stamped P 0 18 (date code casting circle markings below the casting number are a 4 in upper half of the component casting circle with 3 dots in lower half) and it has what appears to be 7/8" mainshaft diameter bore hole..
Aluminum Tailshaft Housing - Casting Number 3846429 (speedometer hook up on the driver's side)
There is no VIN stamped on Maincase and boss for drain plug isn't drilled or threaded..
I know these are Muncie 4 speed bits - but other than that I'm limited and thinking earlier than 67 or 68 year and casting date marker makes it from the 4th month and 3rd week of whatever year it was produced in - as well as being a May 18th installation of whatever year also - and no drain hole means no M22.
The lack of VIN probably means prior to GM worrying about POP or warranty tracking like the late 67's or 68 versions and onward.
I'm thinking M20 or M21 but other than that is there anything else to add?
I'm hopeful of finding some more info before advertising it for sale - so I can be helpful of definitively and accurately assisting someone who may be looking for such bits for a specific year or model application.
Additionally could anyone add their impressions of what both of these might be worth - they are in excellent condition (no Sidecover unfortunately) and there are no cracks or wear marks in the ears or anywhere inside or out!
Thanks for any assistance!  Randy 

General Discussion / Re: 396 big block knock after warmup
« on: July 03, 2019, 03:50:13 PM »
OOPs I see from the video you have headers - which makes the Heat Riser theory mute.. but check the flange bolts at least for tightness just to make sure it isn't one of them rattling around loose..
Or your emergency cable or adjuster hook not hitting against the exhaust somewhere also!

General Discussion / Re: 396 big block knock after warmup
« on: July 03, 2019, 03:45:32 PM »
That noise is a strange one for me its sounds like a rattle in the exhaust when it gets warm and the metal expands.  A friend of mine had a muffler that rattled when it got hot.

Another thought........could the teeth of the starter be real close to the flywheel?  Maybe the starter gear is not retracting like it should.

Does your exhaust on the passenger side still retain its Heat Riser ?  They always clattered on any big block I ever had and I always tied them wide open with some wire to get rid of the noise if I was keeping the stock exhaust system on any cars I had.  The springs on them are supposed to open with the heat generated and often the spring either isn't strong sufficiently to hold the flap fully wide open once the housing gets warmed up and the flap inside the pipe just ends up fluttering around clattering with the various exhaust timing events and making quite a metallic clattering sound similar to what you have going on..

General Discussion / Re: building a 302
« on: February 14, 2019, 04:40:19 AM »
Seems to me I read on the TRW info specs that the tops can be cut 250 thou which I believe stated it would lower the cr from the intended 11:1 ratio for a .030" oversize L2210 AF piston down about a full point..
I have some that have been cut down - but exact amount - I'm not quite sure of though..
I'll try and find the actual printed copy of the spec sheet of the pistons I have somewhere and get back - if I manage to do so!

General Discussion / Re: Valuation of 1968 Z 2/8's in the US market..
« on: February 09, 2019, 03:04:50 PM »
Chick - Thanks - I appreciate your comments greatly! 
Thanks as well for the message(s) on Gmail.. No issues with the messages at all!
I rarely ever use that account anymore and mainly only if I have pictures to try and share as it seems to be more friendly in that sense than Hotmail from my limited experiences.
With the Gmail pictures I sent you in the past, it was the only way I could find that easily allowed me to take pictures with my old phone and get them into an email format easily that would work for me (and you as well!).
Hotmail is the main email address that I use - and I'm sorry for not responding often to some of your messages on Gmail as honestly, I very seldom use or even think to check it..

General Discussion / Re: Valuation of 1968 Z 2/8's in the US market..
« on: February 09, 2019, 04:09:14 AM »
side shot. A bit to high for my taste, but that how guys liked to run them BITD.
Assume the air shocks! Randy, u might want to have a list prepared of all the tough original items it has along with what it might not. Good example is radiator and tag, tire jack & date code, wheels and date codes, master cyl., brake booster, etc. Your plenty familiar with these rascals and time is on your side. It will help for potential buyers to make the leap and come take a look.
Randy, what other sometimes hard to find original parts are with car? See above!

Yep - air shocks and a tiny bit of a longer shackle to level it up with what I assumed were different springs installed somewhere in it's life for some reason. When I got the car, it sat a bit front end high - so I did the easiest things I could to make it sit level at least.
The air shocks just added a bit of load capacity and stiffened up the ride to boot.
Always hated that Camaros and Firebirds - a friend had one - seemed so soft (it turned me off buying a new '68 one after test driving a few Big Block ones in December '67 and instead I ordered a new SS396 Chevelle) and mushy in the back end and I wanted to insure if I my family came along for a ride or the back got loaded up some it wouldn't look like a 50's drag race car!
Don't have an original jack so no worries about date code for that obviously - the rad as far as I recall didn't have any tag - they were soldered on weren't they?
I'm not sure the tanks are original - I did get it recored in the mid '90's but I don't recall any brand names on the tanks or a tag at that point, although it does have what I assume to be generic fill level notations on the battery-side tank and had a petcock that looked OEM style - that got changed out because it was pretty hacked up.. Maybe I should take a closer gander at them - but I doubt the tag or remnant is there now.
Those kinds of things weren't deemed at all important back in those days - by me and I suspect most everyone else I'm reasonably sure!
I could write for hours about all it has and doesn't and the condition of everything and why I did what I did to it for various reasons and why not - but I'm sure t's just 'stuff' no one has the patience to read or would care at all!
When we discussed distributors - many of the pictures I sent you contained shots of date codes and casting numbers of some of the stuff I considered interesting and somewhat important.
Don't know if you still retain much or any of that (what was that a couple of years back) .. I hesitate now on dates obviously - due to my most recent gaffe when it comes recalling things or not..   :(

General Discussion / Re: Valuation of 1968 Z 2/8's in the US market..
« on: February 09, 2019, 03:32:37 AM »
Bryon - again.. I think why I assumed it wasn't correct was that the GM Vintage Services documentation I received when I purchased the package back in the mid '90's said the delivery was Feb 26th or 28th or something like that, and I assumed that it couldn't (the rear end) be installed the same day as delivery was slated to be - but I guess the 'delivery' date could actually be a lot of different things to different people or GM departments like.. (a) Scheduled to actually leave the factory assembly line (b) Picked up from the actual Norwood facility (c) or Actually strapped onto a rail car and sent off somewhere.
Maybe all of the paper trail sheets do have some bit of 'slack' in them too, despite what the date on the tags or shipping paper work actually says..
I'm not that familiar with how the Norwood, or how in fact any of the plant scheduling and paperwork meshed up or worked.. I'm sure it wouldn't certainly be as precise as today's plant more computerized schedules - but again I'm only speculating somewhat in saying that.. 

General Discussion / Re: Valuation of 1968 Z 2/8's in the US market..
« on: February 09, 2019, 03:17:10 AM »
I believe Bryon that the cast date code on the center section was 02/28/8 and the car is an 02D trim tag car.. don't quote me exactly and it's 30 below outside and my garage isn't heated - so I'm not crawling under it to check for certain.. maybe in a couple of weeks, or when I feel a lot better.. if I can't find the JM 'Definitive' book I wrote everything I found down in...

General Discussion / Re: Valuation of 1968 Z 2/8's in the US market..
« on: February 07, 2019, 09:42:19 PM »
My apologies to all - I do somewhat recall posting info on the car years back - but thought it was on Team Camaro or another site. I did frequent many other sites besides CRG back then, when I was able to be a lot more into cars.  :-\
I didn't do any of this out of a sense of fun or trying to waste people's time or testing their humor or patience..
I actually had forgotten all about doing it until I saw the link provided and to say that I am somewhat embarrassed about this is being generous to say the very least!
It is obvious that I have entertained the idea of selling it previously, mainly because over the years many heard just how infrequently I used it and that led often to some asking if I would be interested in selling.. but I never know what the actual market is, because living here in the 'backwoods', Barret Jackson isn't much of a realistic pricing point for me to go by obviously - nor are those around here who think $10,000 for a car is a lot to spend before you break out the paint roller or Wagner Power Painter and paint yourself.
Whether you choose to believe any of this or not, at least take my word for the fact that I am grateful for the responses I've gotten about it, and the fact that I am very thankful to you BULLITT for your offering to help me out today.. I sincerely did and do appreciate your time and trouble..
For me 5 months is sometimes a long time - let alone trying to recall exact details of what I did or said 5 years ago.
Again - my apologies for those who feel I've wasted everyone's time here - my intention truly is to sell it before this Summer somewhere, somehow - that much won't change.. and to piss off anyone trying to achieve that end certainly wasn't my intention here at all..

General Discussion / Re: Valuation of 1968 Z 2/8's in the US market..
« on: February 07, 2019, 04:08:15 PM »
Appreciate your comments Chick - as I sat here and typed out the first post I must admit it really got to me about getting to this point and it's not going to get any easier.. I can already see that!
Guess some days (especially long Winter ones when the snowbanks in the driveway are taller like today, than my wife's little RAV 4) it's just harder to imagine being 18 again and taking cars like this out on test drives at local dealerships or in fact even living on a daily basis with vehicles like this year-round -verses today's 'nanny' cars..

General Discussion / Valuation of 1968 Z 2/8's in the US market..
« on: February 06, 2019, 04:47:35 AM »
I fully well know the..  'it's worthless without pictures' deal but..
Can anyone try and give me a range of current prices for 1968 Z 2/8's in the US currently, or what this Summer could hold for values that such a vehicle might bring?
I have one that I have owned for over 30 years now and it hasn't moved more than 3 times in each of the past 3 Summers (and very little in many Summers previously unfortunately) and with our driving seasons here pretty short duration compared to the US or even Southern Parts of Canada - that won't change - nor will my lack of interest now or indeed time to play with it, going forward.
The car is a 63,000 mile mostly original version, with a 355 engine in it presently with many parts on it from the original and 'born with'  .030 over - '678 block, perfect uncut crank, stock rods, TRW L2210AF pistons, ARP fasteners, 291 heads, 610 intake, orig. clutch fan, orig. pan, orig. windage tray etc. etc. etc.. which is completely rebuilt and residing on an engine stand in my garage.
This engine also has a very rare '266 distributor which few of these engines were blessed with (leftovers from '67 production according to sources of mine who have discussed and confirmed this with Jerry MacNeish and had similarly dated and equipped cars judged) but it is missing the original carb and alternator presently.
The engine and transmission are original to the vehicle but the 3:73 12 bolt presently seems to be dated a couple of days too close to the delivery date - so I suspect it was possibly swapped in a warranty deal at some point shortly after delivery into Southern Ontario Canada.
Rumored to originally have been sold to a NHL hockey player (probably Toronto Maple Leaf player - because of the dealer proximity to Toronto) I have confirmed the ownership back as far as the 2nd owner in personal conversations.
It is a Norwood 02D car - originally with '302' fender badges (just barely still installed before the GM swap over to the newer Z2/8-type) changed out by a previous owner wishing for more profile I guess, and was an original PP Seafrost Green/black stripes, repainted (still very decent paint) in the 1980's red with black stripes.  Interior black standard, original with no console and in very nice condition with non original radio installed and aftermarket dash pad (original cracked one I still have).
Cowl hood (original flat one with the car still) and front and rear spoilers added as well as air shocks and some small trim pieces..
Originally a fairly low option KD1 (smog) exempt Z2/8  as delivered into Canada as per George Zapora (GM Vintage Car Services) and their vintage car documentation department.
Rear quarters were changed in 1980 with OEM GM units - but from what I'm told there was very little need to do so - just a very picky owner who otherwise left the car untouched and stripped it down to bare metal for the repaint at that point, there was some evidence on the floor pans of the original green overspray when I got it.
Original chrome is decent for a car of this vintage, original gas tank, wheels, Hurst shifter added, T3 headlights, floor pans and rockers very solid and good, perfect trunk, original glass except windshield, needs better window fuzzies (I have repop versions - but haven't put them on), and I have brand new door rubbers which I can't seem to get the time to install over the past 3 years - which seems to be a common theme here and shows how much I've actually had sufficient time to play around with the car or urge to do so!
I would like to sell it is the US depending on how much trouble and cost it will be to do so - since where I live here in Northern Ontario there isn't much appreciation of this type of vehicle or subsequent value given to ones that are fairly rare and/or unusual.. keep getting.. the "Yea - I had one just like yours when I was in high school.. 'cept mine was a convertible and had an automatic, with air conditioning.. wish I still had it" type of thing - if that makes any sense at all and emphasizes my point!
My wife has finally convinced me it needs to go, and as much as it makes me feel 18 all over again every time I fire it up -at my age now and condition, maybe that's not necessarily a good thing in some ways.. Replaced knees, shoulders, and an impeding hip operation keeps me from even getting in or out gracefully or from driving it well  - so I'm realizing 'the time has come' if you catch my drift..
I do have some older pictures from 10 or more years back - but have never been successful trying to put any up here and my old Photobucket account is probably inoperable now I'm sure..

This kinda hurts to have to do but it is what it is..
Just trying to start getting plans organized - so any decent stabs at giving some pricing ideas are much appreciated!

Note: This long and rambling post is NOT intended as a 'fishing expedition' or veiled 'For Sale' effort here - so Please take it for what the intent is, and my appreciation is great towards anyone who can try and throw some estimates of current values my way!
Thanks very much.. Randy             

General Discussion / Re: 1969 Z28 CrList ad
« on: January 13, 2019, 03:43:20 PM »
Nice ride and, I think, if Canadian registered, buyer might be able to get documentation from CA DMV of 'Born with' options, selling dealer, etc.
Valuable info .

That would be GM Vintage Car Services in Oshawa Ontario that doles out vin related info and 'as delivered' info packages on Imported vehicles into Canada - it has nothing to do with DMV or any government related departments - Thank God!

If the young lady comes with it - I did look through the description and didn't see it noted..  :D  I'll have to get busy putting in a bid certainly!
Oh - that car is great looking as well..

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