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Messages - dutch

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General Discussion / Re: Z/28 engine pad stamp codes..
« on: September 11, 2020, 06:08:54 PM »
So are you sayin' don't trust what you read on facebook!!??!!?  But those guys are experts!   ;)

I truly must admit that I am amazed of how much misinformation people post and you can almost see how the bad info, if it fits someone's narrative gets propagated and soon becomes the 'truth' on places like Facebook.. even in their Camaro owners section..
All it takes is one guy to say something off the wall and soon there are others with even further off the wall info to gladly share - and off it goes!
I must admit I get involved occasionally when I can't read any more falsehoods and chime in - but I try and keep from commenting just because I know eventually some 'expert' will chime in and try and make me look bad for trying to contribute some logic to an exchange.
I knew very little about Estes' covert or the codes involved - that's why my initial post here - but before I got back to share what you fellows had offered up in the way of info on it - it seems to have taken on a new life of its own and now not only are MI codes are solid proof of Z2/8's but apparently now also of COPO status..
I give up!
Thanks for the Estes' info - I'll have to try and dig deeper at some point and learn more about it - just for my own interest and information..

General Discussion / Z/28 engine pad stamp codes..
« on: September 11, 2020, 12:35:52 PM »
Was reading some stuff on a Facebook discussion regarding 1968 (all 3 years of 1st gen actually) Z2/8 engine code stamps, and someone came up with MI after all of the regular MO, MP, and DZ, codes were mentioned.
Apparently they claim the Estes' Z convertible has an MI code assigned to the 302 block and they claim that proves it is a valid code for Z2/8 engines thusly.
Firstly - does this 'one vehicle' in fact have an MI code stamping and does it have a regular 678 engine block casting number??
Secondly - we all know this is a valid, yet oddball vehicle. Should it in any way be considered a 'production vehicle' or one that should hold any significance as a valid type or model for the 1968 production year?
Thirdly - some have commented that this particular car is or should be considered a COPO car since it has this MI code and in fact are saying that MI is a code designated for a COPO vehicle by GM?

I would love to hear any thoughts regarding this particular car - and it's unique code or designation if in fact MI is truly the stamp on the engine block.
I personally consider this car can't or shouldn't be considered a COPO because it wasn't ordered through the dealer or COPO system - instead it was probably concocted as a on-off or test vehicle status considering it was the only example made, and that it probably like many was probably slated and destined to be crushed at some point like many other 'test vehicles' GM made for evaluation and then finally destroyed after a point, never truly considered to be a long term car for public sale..
All comments and/or details shared are greatly appreciated!

General Discussion / Re: This car will come back as something else
« on: August 11, 2020, 04:29:05 PM »
With that much rust - it could certainly 'come back'... as a Mustang..

General Discussion / Re: My new 68Z
« on: August 09, 2020, 03:11:01 PM »
If it possibly was sold new in Canada, GM Vintage Car Services can be your documentation 'friend' - just give George or Frank a call and with the VIN they can immediately tell you if it was or is a car they have all of the documentation and details on..
Probably being a Cal car its a long shot - but still worth a try!

Decoding/Numbers / Re: Oil Pan Ident/Date Code Stamping?
« on: April 05, 2020, 02:10:40 AM »
Never noticed it on my '68 MO - but never had all of the paint completely off of it either.. 
Jerry's 'Definitive' book doesn't mention any pan stamping or in fact even list a GM part number for those pans in his book listing either and if one was normally there I'm sure he would have known and noted it - so I highly doubt it is a GM stamp of any kind.
Maybe a rebuilder or machine shop ID of some sort?

General Discussion / Re: Big Block ID assistance..
« on: February 28, 2020, 02:37:34 PM »
Thanks for all of the help and time..  Much appreciated! 

General Discussion / Re: Big Block ID assistance..
« on: February 28, 2020, 01:05:17 AM »
Thanks guys - When I get back to it I will take off the pan to see if its 2 or 4 bolt - but being a truck likelihood is it could  more probably be a 4 assuming more trucks than cars probably got the extra fasteners!
Any idea what the vin count started off at in that year run.. being January 1st would assume it would likely be 500000 making it the 7311th produced or is that thinking correct or ?

What is the likelihood that the 336781 heads that are with it would be correct or original to that style or number of block and are 781's a decent performance head in any way for a performance package?
I don't know what the date code on them is and I'm not close to take a look at this point..?

General Discussion / Re: Big Block ID assistance..
« on: February 27, 2020, 10:54:38 PM »
Thanks guys - When I get back to it I will take off the pan to see if its 2 or 4 bolt - but being a truck likelihood is it could  more probably be a 4 assuming more trucks than cars probably got the extra fasteners!
Any idea what the vin count started off at in that year run.. being January 1st would assume it would likely be 500000 making it the 7311th produced or is that thinking correct or ?

What is the likelihood that the 336781 heads that are with it
are correct for it? Don't know what the date code on them is and I'm not close to take a look at this point..?

General Discussion / Big Block ID assistance..
« on: February 27, 2020, 08:00:52 PM »
I have access to a Big Block that has a casting number of 3999289 on the back top - a stamping of T0123TSK on the pad along with what appears to be T5S507311 partial VIN and GM 10P on the bellhousing back under the flywheel along with a 74-67 CONV cast there as well..
Anyone care to try and decode this for me - I'm thinking 454 - early '70's possibly a truck engine - but I'm not sure..  It had 336781 heads on it but not sure if they are original nor am I sure if the block is 2 or 4 bolt mains yet..
Thanks for any help - Randy!

Just a question and sort of unrelated somewhat but...  are the '0' rockers from a 302 as mentioned here worth anything or are they of a composition or ratio tolerance that makes them in any way unique or valuable - other than just to someone looking to make a 302 completely 'original' looking with the '0' symbol..?   
I have a set - well 15/16th's of a set, that came out of a MO motor years ago (one got tweaked a bit when I stuck a valve and bent the pushrod and valve slightly - and rather than try and find a single rocker, I just replaced them all with Comp roller tipped versions at that point..
Just asking, as I ran into them while cleaning up in the jungle a bit a bit a week back and wasn't sure if they should get tossed out or kept for a reason..
Thanks - Randy

The replies were much appreciated - Thanks!

Thanks for the confirmation - I really thought so but...
Were there any outliers or exceptions through any and all generations?

General Discussion / Small and Big Block Chev Bellhousing bolt patterns..
« on: February 11, 2020, 03:23:22 PM »
Sort of a strange question I admit - but can anyone tell me if the block bellhousing bolt patterns are the same or different between small and big block castings?
I have a very well built engine stand and I would like to sell it to free up some space and also for lack of need for it, but I can't find anywhere that confirms the block bolt patterns are different or the same..
I've always played with small blocks and welded up this stand for ones I had, but the question "would the fixed standoffs also allow a big block to be bolted up to it" and I really had no certain idea.. 
I'm pretty sure they would, considering most all of the transmissions interchange between them from what I know - but in saying that I realized I was somewhat assuming (you know how that works) and would like to get some better assurance that is the case before I try and advertise it..
Thanks for any input or comments!

General Discussion / Re: Help Id'ing an old Muncie Case & Tailshaft..
« on: October 17, 2019, 10:35:29 PM »
Yea - that is what I was thinking in that it could without a vin stamp on it, be considered a 'Born With' unit for anyone who has a need for a date coded M21 or M20 tranny for an appropriately dated car - but up here in Canada that is pretty much an extremely long shot to say the least..
The case is perfect and the ears have no cracks and the main shaft hole appears to have no wear on it since I've read where they often can get sloppy - so for anyone who can dredge up the proper internals it could be a perfect deal - but again I doubt there is much interest up here, but we'll see..
Again - Thanks to all who chimed in to assist me in figuring out what it was originally!   

General Discussion / Re: Help Id'ing an old Muncie Case & Tailshaft..
« on: October 17, 2019, 02:06:54 AM »
Thanks for all of the help with this today.
Not quite sure how to try and proceed with this as I'm not sure where its value if any resides or where to best try and advertise it.. but I'll give it a few days and look at some sites where the general MO is larger bodies cars like the Chevelle  or possibly GTO and Pontiac sites and see if there is a For Sale section that might give me some ideas or pricing of similar stuff to go by.
Much appreciated is the info certainly!

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