Danny, I read your first paragraph to my wife and she laughed out loud and said you were feeling her pain.

We also appreciate the thought and the support from Gary and janobyte on your idea but we really don't want anyone to send any extra money.........really. Very nice thought but not necessary at all.
Gary is correct, i did convince her we could do this but it was done to give members something to wear out to events to help identify each other and to show pride in their association with CRG.
We can do sweatshirts but need some time to get it all pulled together. I think a pull over sweatshirt itself,with and without a hood, can be had at a reasonable price but the shipping is what drives the total cost up. We did ship a couple of the T-shirts using a vacuum bag in order to get them in a small box but this would just drive up the cost more if a bunch of them needed this done. Right now I think the minimum size we would need to use for the sweatshirts would be a medium box ($12.35) and I think a large box ($16.85) for more than 2 shirts. It is really difficult to predict the box size needed when there are more than one different size shirts ordered. The medium box is going to be even smaller in the near future according to the USPS info.
Right now we are trying to wrap up the T- shirt orders.......the link to order has been reopened so anyone who still wants one this round get your order in right away.