Mickey – If this is a true L34, 40+ year old hiccups are exactly that…hiccups. Some people would give their left you know what to have that problem…an engine in a car like that, that hasn’t been fooled with. On the other hand, if it’s a clone or a mod, then you have every right to question mechanical issues.
I will help you out as much as I can with my opinion on the numbers. But in order to do so, I need something to go on. Sorry…but none of your pics helped. Don’t feel bad though, it took me 45 to 50 pics until I finally got what I needed from my own engine pad & tranny. It would help if you can download your pics on the spot to see how you did. I wasn’t kidding when I said you need to jack the car up and play with the light. If this isn’t possible, then simply do what Sauron327 suggested and hire someone to give you a priliminary evaluation. I was hoping the car was in CRG’s data base. If it is, I think someone would have already mentioned it and you would have known first hand if there were any issues with the car.
Sorry, price is something I stay away from. Once the preliminary evaluation has been done, turn it over to someone like Jerry M. This can save you tons of heart aches. Jerry can tell you what the car is worth in its present condition and what it would be worth if it’s completely refurbished. And, more importantly, he’ll darn sure let you know if all of us came up short in our evaluation. If it’s a keeper, you are now armed to negotiate with the seller. Do yourself a huge favor...do not buy this car unless you have it professionally authenticated. Your last comment is what gets guys in trouble.