Charley? Do you (Or anyone for that matter) have a photo of a build sheet taken from the gas tank of a Van Nuys '69 Camaro? I'd love to see one (to compare to the one taken from my '69 Corvette gas tank).. 
Two different documents - the Corvette had a "Corvette Order Copy" that listed color, trim, and options (but didn't have a VIN on it), and the LOS Camaro had a Body Broadcast Copy that had boxes for components down to the part number level.
Thanks for the information John. I had to repair a leak in my gas tank back in the late 80's, and while I had it out, I photographed and then removed the tank sticker to preserve it. Due to discolorations from glue and accumulated dirt, portions at the top were illegible, and I never realized that the VIN wasn't on it. I was just happy to verify the options and information that I could read which coincided with what I'd been told by the original owner and from the Protecto-plate... Why would this document have such detailed information on options, colors, dealer, dates, etc.. but not include the VIN? Is there some other means of positive association (to a specific car) other than the VIN?
(PS. After posting this (It's just TOO EASY to ask JohnZ these questions!)
I did some google searching and found on Corvette forum an explanation of sorts: )Does the Camaro Body Broadcast Copy (as used at Van Nuys production) include the car's VIN?