Phil,Thanks for letting me be part of the reunion (Norwood Gathering). It really was a great event, well organized, and very well attended by assembly line workers. It really was more of an event for these old guys than the us car owners-restorers. My thanks to you for putting this all together. The Friday night panel discussion went by so quick and was very enlightening with the foreman or managers that were speaking. On my slow ride home I thought of 10 more questions I should have asked. I did ask about the white paint on the 67-68 trim tags but no one seemed to remember why it was painted white. I talked to a guy that was working on the beginning of the Chevrolet assembly side and he remembered seeing the painted tag but had no other info on it. I heard so many nice stories though out the day from those guys and they each had fond memories of working at Norwood, most guys I talked with worked for GM for 30 years or more. I was telling someone it took me 45 min. to get my steering column in the day before I left and a former working standing there told me he put 40 columns in an hour, just one of the many nice conversations I had that day. I lost the few pictures I took on Saturday, so if any one else attending has any please post them. The guys told me to come back after I finish assembling the car but I think they got a kick out of seeing as a partial car.
Phil I hope you can continue the reunion event and I would be honored to participate again. Thanks. George.