My vote is for 4 or 5, nothing on the back. If they don't know what CRG is it doesn't really matter does it?
I think the size of the CRG logo is what sells this design. It’s simple, professional, and to the point. I like this design a lot but my only concern is maintaining the logo’s size and the integrity of the words “Camaro Research Group”. I think the meaning of CRG is important if you think in terms of marketing…CRG’s business card. My guess is it will be about the size of the logo in the upper right hand corner of this page and be very hard to read from 2' and beyond (~1 1/4" X 11/16" on my screen @ 125% zoom).
If my printer wasn't down I'd copy several sizes of the logo to see what the smallest is we can get away with...can someone help us out with this one? I think the words should be visible from a minimum of 3 to 4'. Sorry...the worst thing is having First Gen guy's designing shirts...details, details, details...

Just another 2 cents...
Thanks Doug!
Please don´t forget all of us that live in the real world outside US and A and also want to buy these items! 
...thinkin about shippin, tax etc ...
Does anyone know what the cost would be for shipping these over seas?