I phoned Hanover MD Walmart, (410)579-8725. Spoke to the parts Mgr., Malinda. She stated that she will speak to her Mgr., Cherry Williams to see if she will grant permission to order the PHDBC. Malinda stated they stopped ordering PHDBC because it didn't sell. If you add a little fuel to the fire I think you can make it happen.
You might mention that you spoke to Honeywell Corporation and tell them they are on their list as one of Honeywell's suppliers. This seems to motivate them. I mentioned your name and mentioned that you will buy this stuff by the cases. They already have the information they need to place the order. They placed a call to my Walmart here in NM to get the information. This store should have it in by tomarrow or Monday.
Just a thought, but why not tell Cherry you will send her the $ and have the stuff sent to your address...not sure if this will work but its worth a shot.
Take a break from burning the tires at both ends & give her a call
