The NOALOX is specifically for Aluminum-Aluminum, or Aluminum-copper connections... seemingly overcomes the oxidation that happens with aluminum, so it would seemingly have no positive effect on a copper-copper joint...?
It does not state on the bottle anything regarding Aluminum for or against.
IT STATES coat wire and fill contact surfaces of connector, wipe off excess ~ PROMOTES GOOD GROUND CONTINUITY~
Maybe it is Aluminum exclusive, however I have had NO issues with ANY electrical Gremlins - NOT INSIDE SWITCHES or ELSEWHERE since I began using it 8 years ago... NONE. Never had to wiggle a connection retighten a ground etc. I have introduced several restorers to the product and they said that they use it without fail as well.
It is a gray paste with a slight texture to it.
FWIW the original battery cables are copper plated aluminum NOT SOLID COPPER... there is yellow printing on the cable stating such.