Author Topic: The 1967 Camaro as Seen at Auto Shows & Unique Promotional Exhibits in 1966/1967  (Read 96893 times)


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Visiting the Chicago Auto Show this past February inspired me to start researching a new first generation Camaro topic.  I thought I would gather together the images and information showcasing the participation of 1967-1969 Camaros in major Auto Shows and Chevrolet produced promotional exhibits/tours back when they were new.
While media coverage and multiple different facets of advertising and promotion were used to get people interested in the new Camaro, there is nothing like seeing a new car in person.  Auto Shows and traveling promotional exhibits give automakers a venue to introduce new models, new packages and concept cars to an interested and receptive public.  These notions haven’t changed in over a century of automobile manufacturing and probably never will.
I have uncovered so much information on this topic that I have decided to split all of it up into three separate threads devoted to each model year of the first generation Camaro.  This thread will be limited to Auto Shows and promotional exhibits/tours that showcased the 1967 model year Camaro.  These events took place between the summer of 1966 and the summer of 1967.  I will present the information chronologically, starting with a little background on how this new car received its name.


« Last Edit: March 28, 2018, 11:50:28 PM by SMKZ28 »
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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SPRING 1966, Chicago, Illinois & New York, New York

Even before it was introduced to the public in the fall of 1966 the new sporty car being developed by Chevrolet to compete with the Ford Mustang was a topic of conversation for the General Manager of Chevrolet at two of the country’s largest auto shows.  On page 26 of the book Camaro! From Challenger to Champion: The Complete History Gary L. Witzenburg states that Pete Estes, “already admitted at February’s Chicago Auto Show press breakfast that a new car was in the works, and confirmed at a similar meeting at the New York Auto Show in April that it would be ‘in the Corvair/Chevy II range.’”  Concerned with the same subject, author Robert Genat wrote on page 226 of his book entitled Chevy SS: The Super Sport Story that, “during a press luncheon at the (1966) New York International Auto Show, a reporter asked Chevrolet’s General Manager, Pete Estes, if Chevrolet would be introducing a Mustang-type car in 1967 and, if so, what would it be called?  Estes’ reply was just one word, ‘Panther.’  Estes went on to explain that Panther was the code name for the new car Chevrolet was developing for the sporty car market.  Estes refused to make any predictions on first year sales but, he guaranteed this new car would be competitive.” (

1st picture: Cover of 1966 Chicago Auto Show program (

2nd picture: Cover of 1966 New York International Auto Show program (
« Last Edit: February 04, 2021, 08:22:37 PM by SMKZ28 »
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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June 1966, Conference call

Several years ago Scott Settlemire, “The Fbodfather”, wrote an article entitled “The Day the Panther Died.”  Using notes from files in Chevrolet’s archives, his article goes into great detail about how the name Panther was done away with and how the new Camaro name was introduced to the press.  This is what he wrote:
June 29, 1966 was a day of firsts. It was a day where 200 journalists were inducted into SEPAW (more about that in a minute).  That day, the first and LAST meeting of SEPAW took place.  It was the first time in history that 14 cities were hooked up "real time" for a press conference via telephone lines. (Something that seems so very simple today, but so very complicated back then).  And it was the first time that the world found out that a new Chevrolet would be called "Camaro" – rather than "Panther."
On June 21, 1966, approximately 200 journalists from around North America received the following Telegram:
"……….Please save noon of June 29 for important SEPAW meeting. Hope you can be on hand to help scratch a cat. Details will follow……………….(signed) John L. Cutter – Chevrolet Public Relations – SEPAW Secretary."
……….as you can imagine, there were many befuddled looks upon receiving such a telegram.

The next day, (June 22) – the same journalists received this telegram:
"………..Society for the Eradication of Panthers from the Automotive World will hold first and last meeting on June 29. (Insert city here) chapter will meet at (insert hotel name here) and join national 14 city telephone hookup with meeting in Detroit at which national president E. M. Estes will preside. Please telephone acceptance to Frank Faraone, (Telephone # ) Delaware 7-4601……….. (signed) John L. Cutter – Chevrolet Public Relations SEPAW Secretary………"

Well………that certainly gave the journalists something to think about…..and the best part is that they would not have to travel around the country to attend this "SEPAW Meeting" – rather, they only needed to travel to one of 14 cities.

This was truly a technological undertaking….. The Bell System (the only telephone system back then for those of you who are under 40 years of age….) call arrangement included 14 cities and originated from Detroit’s Statler-Hilton Hotel (sadly demolished about two years ago after sitting in ruin for nearly 25 years) where Chevrolet General Manager E. M. "Pete" Estes made some announcements.  There were more than 100 persons involved in providing the two-way communication system over 13,715 miles of telephone circuits, including 9,259 miles of microwave radio and 4,446 miles of coaxial cable.  The announcement over the wires was heard by approximately 150 of 200+ journalists in the cities of: Atlanta, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Cincinnati, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, St. Louis, San Francisco, New York, and Washington.  Amplifiers and microphones were installed in each of the 14 meeting rooms across the country so that newspersons could hear Mr. Estes’ remarks and direct questions to him. The questions and answers were heard simultaneously in all cities on the circuit.  GM was insistent that the system be tested – so a test call was made on Tuesday and was further backed up by an auxiliary circuit in case difficulty developed anywhere within the system.
It’s interesting to note that we think nothing of linking friends on a conference call at will from our homes or offices – without any real forethought. It was a different world 40 years ago…..and as you can see by the above figures – it was quite an accomplishment.

The REAL story, however, was in what Mr. Estes was about to tell the journalists.  Looking through notes that survived 40 years within Chevrolet files, I’ve managed to put together some of what Mr. Estes talked about that day.

Mr. Estes started the press conference with:
"……..SEPAW stands for the S ociety for the E limination of P anthers from the A utomotive W orld – and by your presence, you are automatically charter members…………July 1 marks my first anniversary (As General Manager of) Chevrolet. It’s been a fast and highly competitive year……."
He went on to mention the many travels he made to dealers and plants – and mentioned milestones such as the 3 millionth Los Angeles produced Chevrolet passenger car—and the first passenger car to roll off the newly opened Lordstown, Ohio assembly plant.
Mr. Estes continued with: "……… is also a year in which Chevrolet has gotten into the hottest sales race since 1959……"
He gave a brief review of sales, model-year-to-date sales lead, and talked about his optimism for great June sales figures. He made it very clear that Chevrolet intended to remain America’s number one selling cars and trucks.

"………one of the reasons we’re going to stay number 1 is also a reason for this meeting. Chevrolet is definitely going to have a new car included in the new models for the 1967 model year – and this car will be introduced on September 29, 1966………….This is NOT news to many of you! As far back as April 8, 1965, A Detroit newspaper had page-one headlines proclaiming that Chevrolet had a "Panther" car to answer the horsy offering of a competitor. The question of who was answering who has been discussed frequently, since the four-footed competitor really answered the Corvair. And the Corvair actually followed up the Corvette which was the real pioneer of the sporty-personalized car in this country…"
"… the two years since then, you gentlemen of the press, radio, and television have literally designed, built, and marketed the Chevrolet “Panther” to the point where we get irate letters from customers plus phone calls demanding all specifications and price so they can place orders!”

Mr. Estes continued: "………We have frequently said "what Panther?" and there have been many other names suggested ….citing Chevrolet’s preference for names starting with the letter "C"………….."

"………….the personal sized car market is big …..” He went on to give current market figures and projected figures. "…….Corvair will remain in this market …….handling the family-type small car business…….." "…….with the 1967 line, Chevrolet will offer what we feel is the last word in personal sized cars……” He went on to describe the size of this new car in terms of comparison to both Corvair and Mustang – and some general details.

He announced that this new Chevrolet would be built in two assembly plants – one in Los Angeles (Van Nuys) and one in the suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio (Norwood.) He also mentioned that Chevy II production would be switched to Willow Run (Ypsilanti) Michigan where they would be built alongside Corvairs.

He then invited all news people to drive this new Chevrolet – and in fact all of the new Chevrolets at a Press Preview in Detroit on September 12 and in Los Angeles on September 19.
Mr. Estes then said: "………..Oh yes! I almost forgot! The purpose of this meeting! Gentlemen: much as we appreciate the tremendous publicity given "Panther" we ask you to help scratch the cat once and forever. And as such, this will be both the FIRST and LAST meeting of SEPAW. …………Chevrolet has chosen a name which is lithe, graceful, and in keeping with our other car names beginning with the letter C……….it suggests the comradeship of good friends……….as a personal car should be to its owner……..Above all, it is the name of our new car line to be introduced on September 29……..and to us, the name means just what we think the car will do: GO! ….and here it is!........"

At that moment, five very pretty girls came onto stage – each holding a letter……Mr. Estes held the sixth letter – and while a narrator described to out-of-towners what was going on, Mr. Estes placed each girl in order and then lined up with them for all to see the word "CAMARO."  (

Apparently the reason why “Mr. Estes placed each girl in order” was that they didn’t quite get it right on their first try.  On page 28 of Camaro! From Challenger to Champion: The Complete History, Gary L. Witzenburg writes, “unmentioned over the communications linkup was the fact that a couple of the coeds lined up out of order at first, spelling ‘CAMAOR.’”  As can be seen in the pictures, these girls were wearing cheerleader type outfits with “Chevy” spelled out on their shirts. 

1st picture: Cheerleaders and Pete Estes with “CAMARO” (page 28/29 Camaro! From Challenger to Champion: The Complete History by Gary L. Witzenburg)
2nd picture: Cheerleaders and Pete Estes with “CAMARO” (
3rd picture: Cheerleaders and Pete Estes with “CAMARO” (
4th picture: Dictionary Page (
« Last Edit: March 12, 2018, 03:21:20 PM by SMKZ28 »
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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June 1966, conference call continued

The conference call was reported in newspaper articles for several days after it took place.  For instance, an article entitled “GM Unveils Camaro, a New Chevrolet” on page 9 of the Thursday, June 30, 1966 edition of Redlands Daily Facts, a Redlands, California newspaper, stated “DETROIT (UPI) - Chevrolet division of General Motors Wednesday announced plans for the new car it hopes will take the 300,000 car ‘bite’ out of the new sporty-type market pioneered by Ford's Mustang.  The new car, to be named ‘Camaro’ will go on the market Sept, 29.  It will be built on a 108 inch wheelbase, the same as Mustang, and will have an overall length of 180 to 185 inches, said Chevrolet General Manager E. M. Estes.  He said it would have a number of unique features not available on Chevrolet's other lines, but declined to discuss them. The car will be built at Chevrolet's assembly plant in Norwood, Ohio, and Los Angeles.  Plans are to schedule a run of 1,250 units a day, which Estes said would amount to 12 per cent of the Chevrolet output.  At 1,250 a day, yearly production would run approximately 300,000 cars a year with time out for model changes.” (   The exact same body of words appeared in an article entitled “Chevrolet Announces New Car” on page 8 of the Friday, July 1, 1966 edition of The Daily Inter Lake, a newspaper from Kalispell, Montana. (   

A different article entitled “Chevrolet to Challenge the Mustang” on page 3 of the Monday, July 4, 1966 edition of The Troy Record, a newspaper from Troy, New York, stated “DETROIT (AP) New Camaro stands ready to challenge Ford's high-riding Mustang for supremacy in small, sporty car field.  E. M. Estes, Chevrolet's general manager, took the wrap off some details of the new Camaro recently at a news conference, hooked together by a two-way telephone line.  For Estes, announcement of the new car put an end to a question which had irritated him over the past two years. That was: ‘When is Chevrolet going to come out with a car to match the Mustang?’ Estes answer was to offer that Chevrolet's Corvair, Chevy II and Chevelle had put the division far out in front in race to attract sports car enthusiasts and that the Mustang actually was a belated attempt to catch up with Chevy's lead.  The Camaro gives Chevrolet a car to do sales battle with Mustang, starting with 1967 models.  Estes laughingly told newsmen he would not tell them all details on the new car until press preview time in September, but he did release a few details.  Camaro's wheelbase will be IO8 inches, the same as the Corvair and the Mustang.  Its overall Iength will be around 180-185 inches. The Mustang-Camaro sales race seems certainly to make competition between Chevrolet and Ford more intense next year.” (
« Last Edit: March 12, 2018, 03:22:06 PM by SMKZ28 »
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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AUGUST 1966? Detroit, Michigan

This set of pictures shows a group of Chevrolet automobiles from the 1967 model year gathered together in some type of show in a large room.  I found them at the Camaro Pilot Prototype Car Registry web site but no information is provided on where and when they were taken, or what the event is. 

Although I have never been there, researching and viewing hundreds of images of convention halls over the past few weeks leads me to believe that the room can be identified as Cobo Hall in Detroit, Michigan.  The unique ceiling is a direct match to known pictures taken at this venue.  Once I figured this out, I needed to find out what event it was and when it took places.  I do know they are not pictures of the Detroit Auto Show because, as you will see later in this thread, I have found a copious amount of images of this event and these pictures do not represent the same Chevrolet display.  In addition, there are no other manufacturer’s automobiles or trucks in these pictures.  All of the cars are Chevrolets.  Seven of them are the brand new Camaro.  This leads me to believe that this is some type of sales convention for representatives of Chevrolet dealers to come see the new offerings for the model year prior to their on sale date.  As for when it took place, it must have been some time before the Camaro was unveiled in the dealer showrooms on Thursday, September 29, 1966. 

Further research led me to some possible answers.  The Camaro Pilot Prototype Car Registry web site states that there were four Sales Conventions and that they “were strategically located in Detroit, Chicago, Jacksonville, and Phoenix.” (  On page 29 of the book entitled Camaro! From Challenger to Champion: The Complete History, Gary L. Witzenburg mentions that, “Camaro starred at a Chevrolet sales convention in late August.”  One particular website with a timeline of significant Camaro events states that this sales convention took place on August 22-23, 1966. (   The Camaro Pilot Prototype Car Registry web site says that this sales convention took place “on or around August 25, 1966 at the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel.” (  This location is what initially confusing me.  The pictures were clearly taken in Cobo Hall not a historic downtown Detroit hotel.  More research was needed.

The Pilot Prototype Car Registry web site features a spread sheet put together for the 49 total Norwood produced Pilot Cars which states that four of these cars were designated to be used at “sales convention Detroit.” (   These four cars were:

1)   N100001: Sport Coupe/Paint # 900GG Granada Gold - Show Paint Required/Trim # 709AB Gold/Standard - L/6 230 cu. in. Engine/Standard - 3 Speed Transmission/P01AA - Wheel Discs/P58AA - 7:35 - 14 - 4 W/Wall Tires (Firestone)/U63AA - Push Button Radio/Front Antenna/110 Volt Wiring/A39AH - Deluxe Seat Belts (  This car still exists and has been restored and shown throughout the country.

2)   N100020: Convertible/Paint # 900RR Bolero Red - Show Paint Required/Trim # 765AA Black/Top Color – White/L30AB - V/8 327 cu. in. Engine/M35BG - P/G Transmission/A31AA - Electric Windows/A67AA - Folding Rear Seat/B37BA - Floor Mats/C06AA - Power Top/D55JJ -Console/G80BA – Positraction/J50AE - Power Brakes/N33BA - Tilt Steering Wheel/N40CA - Power Steering/N96AA - Magnesium Wheel Cover/P58AA - 7:35 - 14 - 4 W/Wall Tires (Goodyear Tire Company)/U57AK - Tape Deck/U69AB – Radio/Front Antenna/A39AA - Deluxe Seat Belts/V31AA - Front Guards/V32AA - Rear Guards (

3)   N100028: Sport Coupe/Paint # 900YY Butternut Yellow - Show Paint Required/Trim # 765AA Black/Standard - V/8 283 cu. in. Engine/M20AA - 4 Speed Transmission/C08AA - Vinyl Roof/ P67AA - 6:95 - 14 - 4 W/Wall Tires (General Tire Company)/A39AA - Deluxe Seat Belts/Z21AA -Exterior Moulding (

4)   N100038: Sport Couple/Paint # 900LL Tahoe Turquoise - Show Paint Required/Trim # 765AA Black/L48AC - V/8 350 cu. in. Engine/M20AD - 4 Speed Transmission/C08AA - Vinyl Roof/ C60ED - Air Conditioning/D55LA – Console/J50AE - Power Brakes/N40DA - Power Steering/ Standard - 7:35 - 14 - 4 R/Line Tires (Goodrich Tire Company)/U17BA - Instrument Panel Gauges/ U63AB – Radio/U73AA – Antenna/U80AA - Auxiliary Speaker/Z22AE - Rally Sport/A39AA - Deluxe Seat Belts/110 Volt Wiring (

Looking through the pictures of the unknown event you can clearly see that there are at least three out of four Camaros that fit these descriptions.  There is a light colored sport coupe with white wall tires which must have been N100001, a convertible with a black interior and magnesium wheel covers that must have been N100020, and a dark colored RS/SS sport coupe with a vinyl roof & red line tires which was probably N100038.   A color picture does show a Butternut Yellow sport coupe with a vinyl roof & white wall tires that could be N100028, but it doesn’t match the pictures provided for that particular car on the Pilot Car web site.  I believe the fact that at least three, and possibly all four, out of the seven Camaros in these pictures match the information provided on the Pilot Car web site which states they were designated to be used at “sales convention Detroit.”  I believe this information proves that these pictures were taken during the “late August” Chevrolet sales convention that took place sometime between Monday, August 22nd and Thursday, August 25th, 1966.  The rest of the Camaros in the display had to have been very early production cars since full scale production had started about two and a half weeks earlier on Sunday, August 7, 1966. 

The salesmen who attended the Chevrolet sales convention must have viewed the new 1967 Chevrolet line up of automobiles at Cobo Hall and not at the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel.  The hotel must have been the location where the salesmen stayed while they were in town for the convention.   The hotel was probably also used for meetings, Chevrolet product film viewing, special dinners, and any other business related activities conducted during one of these annual conventions.  Incidentally, the Hotel still exists.  The building, built in 1924, is now the Westin Cadillac Hotel.  Cobo Hall was probably a short 10-15 minute walk away. 

Click on the following link to see a film created by the Jam Handy Corporation about the new 1967 Camaro that was shown at the Chevrolet sales convention: 

If anyone has any additional information on the Detroit Chevrolet sales convention for model year 1967, please share.

All three pictures can be found here: (

« Last Edit: March 12, 2018, 03:23:07 PM by SMKZ28 »
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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AUGUST 1966? Detroit, Michigan continued

All three pictures can be found here: (
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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AUGUST 1966? Detroit, Michigan continued

All three pictures can be found here: (
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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AUGUST 1966? Detroit, Michigan continued

All three pictures can be found here: (
« Last Edit: February 21, 2023, 03:28:09 PM by SMKZ28 »
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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AUGUST 1966? Detroit, Michigan continued

Both pictures can be found here: (
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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September 1966, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada

On Saturday, September 24th, 1966 the Canadian public got their first look at the new sporty Chevrolet  when a multitude of Camaros were provided by General Motors to help promote the new car line to the automotive and motor racing enthusiasts attending the Canadian Grand Prix for the Pepsi-Cola Trophy.  This race was the third event of a total of six for the inaugural Sports Car Club of America’s Canadian-American Challenge Cup (Can-Am), and it was held at Mosport Park road course in Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada.  According to an article entitled “Meet the Camaro” in the November 1966 edition of GM Topics (vol. 17, Number 9) “fans at the track had the chance to inspect the Camaro close-up when 25 Camaros of differing models fitted with various options and performance packages were set up in a display area.   Fifteen of these cars, all convertibles, were used in the Parade of Champions when all the drivers entered in the race were driven around the track prior to race time.”  Pictures from the article show a large tent located in the paddock or somewhere else on the grounds of the road course at Mosport Park.  The tent had large letters written on it that announced “CHEVY SHOW.”  A caption on the second page of the article proclaimed that “the Camaro was the hit of the show.”  It went on to say, “gay and lighthearted was the mood around the ‘Chevy Show’ where the Camaro was on display for the benefit of the sports enthusiasts gathered for the race.”  Inside the Chevy Show tent the race enthusiasts could see a brand new Camaro RS/SS 350 Cutaway car display.  As far as I can tell, this event was probably the first time that the Camaro Cutaway car display was shown to the public.  The previously mentioned caption goes on to say that “one of the highlights of the show was a cutaway of the Camaro which allowed interested spectators to view the interior of the car.  Most of the mechanical parts of the car were cutaway as well.  Electrically operated motor, transmission, rear end, and wheels pulled, slid and revolved in full view of the audience.  The whole car rotated on a turntable to give viewers a look at the car from all angles.” 

It is interesting to note that this event took place five days before the Camaro could be seen for the first time at Chevy dealer showrooms on Thursday, September 29, 1966.  The people who viewed the cars at this race were some of the first non-press members to see it in person.

To see and read the entire article, “Meet the Camaro”, see my previously posted thread: 

All pictures are cropped versions taken from the article.  They are courtesy of CRG member Mike Scott.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2018, 03:23:34 PM by SMKZ28 »
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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October 1966, Paris France

The earliest image I have found of a Camaro on display at an Auto Show meant for the public is from a venue that was somehow connected to the 53rd Salon de l'Auto in Paris, France.  This event took place Thursday, October 6th through Sunday, October16th, 1966 at the Parc des Expositions, Porte de Versailles.  The car is a lightly colored 1967 Camaro RS convertible with rally wheels, whitewall tires, bumper guards, pinstripe and a black convertible top.  The car appears on a riser in what looks to be a banquet hall at the Hilton Hotel in Paris, France.  Since the Getty Images metadata states that this was Tuesday, October 4, 1966, this might have been an introductory dinner party held a few days before the opening of the show.  Interestingly, October 4th was less than a week after the Camaro was first seen in dealerships in the United States on Thursday, September 29, 1966.  Does anyone know if that was the same date they first appeared in showrooms in Europe as well? 

1st picture: Program cover for the event:

2nd picture: Metadata states, OCTOBER 04: 4Th Of October 1966. France. Hilton Hotel. Chevrolet Camaro (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images):

3rd picture: Metadata states, Motor Show To Open October 6th The annual Motor Show will open at the Porte de Versailles, Paris, October 6th. OPS: A Camaro Chevrolet (General Motors) on show at Hilton Hotel, Paris. (Credit Image: Keystone Pictures USA/ZUMAPRESS):

I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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October/November 1966, Los Angeles, California

The next public Auto Show that I found Camaro information for was the 44th Annual Southern California International Automobile Show.  It was held Thursday, October 27th through Sunday, November 6th, 1966 inside the Pan Pacific Auditorium in Los Angeles, California.  This event was sponsored by the Los Angeles Motor Car Dealers Association.

1st picture: Program cover for event:

2nd picture: Camaro Cutaway: Caption states, “Photograph caption dated October 29, 1966 reads, "Princesses of Auto Show pose with cutaway model of new 'Camaro' by Chevrolet. The girls are, left to right; Tess Christensen, representing Europe; Diana Stensen, representing America; and Fanny Lu, representing Asia.  All are UCLA coeds. 'Camaro' has hideaway headlights, fold-down rear seat for extra storage, and is powered with V8 engine."

3rd picture: Barris Camaro Mod Top Picture (From Wednesday, December 26, 1966 edition of Automotive News): ( posted by member “Bluetoppace”
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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October/November 1966, Los Angeles, California continued

1st picture: Barris Courtesy Chevy Ad (courtesy of The Supercar Registry member ‘PeteLeathersac’ at

2nd picture: another Courtesy Chevy Ad (courtesy of The Supercar Registry member ‘PeteLeathersac’ at

3rd picture: Barris Camaro Red Mod Top (

I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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October/November 1966, Los Angeles, California continued

1st picture: Barris Camaro (

2nd picture: Barris Camaro (courtesy of The Supercar Registry member ‘JChlupsa’ at
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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October/November 1966, Los Angeles, California continued

The following article about the Barris Mod Top Camaro appeared in the Winter 1967 issue of 1001 Custom and Rod Ideas Magazine.
1st picture: Cover of the magazine (

2nd picture: Page 6 of magazine (courtesy of The Supercar Registry member ‘JChlupsa’ at

3rd picture: Page 7 of magazine (courtesy of The Supercar Registry member ‘JChlupsa’ at
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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1966/1967, Throughout the United States

During the 1960’s Chevrolet produced a traveling spectacle called the Chevy Show and it took place in a portable inflatable theater called a Cinesphere.  These Chevy Shows were seen throughout the nation at fairs and shopping center parking lots by millions of people.  An article entitled “Agricultural Expositions Prime Business Targets” located on page 33 of the Sunday, August 21, 1966 edition of the Morgantown Dominion Post, a Morgantown, West Virginia, newspaper states, “Chevrolet is sending out two Cinenspheres— inflatable theaters that can hold up to 250 persons and present three shows an hour — to a total of 30 fairs this season. Among the places where Chevrolet has dispatched the Cinesphere are the Heart of Illinois Fair in Peoria and the Milwaukee Fair. ‘IT’S ONE way we have of keeping the Chevrolet name and image before the public,’ a company official said. ‘It helps us get to the grass roots of America.’ Chevrolet spends $15,000 a month to support its two cinespheres, which includes the salaries of a half a dozen men who travel with them and local manpower hired in each town.  Local dealers are also encouraged to tie in with the traveling show.  The Cinesphere was at the Allentown Fair, where more than 500,000 persons attended its nine-day run earlier this month.”

In addition to grandstand attractions featuring Camaros driven by “Joie Chitwood and his famous Auto Daredevils” an article on the upcoming 97th Danbury State Fair held in Danbury, New York (October 1-9, 1966) appeared on page 4 of the Brewster Standard Newspaper from Brewster, New York also mentions, “other highlights will be the 1966 Chevy Show in the cinesphere theater.”

Click on the following two links to see newspaper ads for the Cinesphere Chevy Show when it visited San Bernardino, California in March of 1967.

1st Ad:   (San Bernardino Sun, March 17, 1967 page 53)

2nd Ad:  (San Bernardino Sun, March 18, 1967 page 32)

While the next two newspaper articles are from 1968, they give a good overview of how the Chevy Show operated.  I’m sure it was much the same during 1966 and 1967.

Underneath a picture of the 1968 version of the Cutaway Camaro, an article on page 99 of the January 21, 1968 edition of The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida states, “CAMARO 'HALF CAR' The ‘inside’ story of Chevrolet's exciting new Camaro is exhibited in the special ‘half car’ display unit pictured above.  The sporty Camaro is "cut in two" to reveal design highlights and the workings of inner mechanical components. The Camaro ‘half car’ is a centerpiece of Chevrolet's 1968 automobile road shows.” (
An article on page 7 of the June 4, 1968 edition of the Ashbury Park Press from Ashbury Park, New Jersey talks about what guests witnessed during their visit to the Chevy Show.  It states, “Cine-sphere Show Set For Opening EATONTOWN - The Cine-sphere Chevy Show, already seen by millions of people in the United States, will be at the Monmouth Shopping Center Thursday through June 15. Kitson Chevrolet and the Monmouth Shopping Center Merchants Association are the sponsors.  A movie, ‘Chevrolet x-citement,’ will be shown on a dome-shaped screen in a vinyl-coated theater supported entirely by air pressure, maintained by aromatic blowers.  The theater will seat 174 persons.  There is no admission charge, and viewing hours are from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily except Sunday.  The viewer will find himself in the center of the action, which will include a helicopter ride under Utah's Rainbow Bridge, a mule ride into the Grand Canyon, a ski ride in the Rockies, and a whirl around the Indianapolis speedway behind the wheel of a racer.  A highlight of the show will be a drawing for two Chevy Juniors built on a go-cart chassis, with a fiberglass body and a three-and-a-half horsepower, one-cylinder engine, capable of moving the vehicle along up to 25 miles an hour.  Registration tickets for the drawing will be available at all stores at the center.  The drawing will take place at 8 p.m., June 15.” (

1st picture: Cover of Mainstream: News of Chevrolet Merchandising Activities, November 1966, Volume 4 Number 3: (   Does anyone have this or any other copies of this publication?  I would love to see more of Chevrolet’s merchandising activities!

2nd picture: Ad for Pinewood Shopping Center December 9-17, 1966:

3rd picture: Camaro Cutaway and engine in Tent:
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November 1966, San Bernardino, California

Another public Auto Show that I found Camaro information for was the inaugural Inland Empire International Auto Show.  Being from Chicago, I didn’t know what the “Inland Empire” encompasses.  According to Wikipedia it is a “metropolitan area and region in Southern California. The term may be used to refer to the cities of western Riverside County and southwestern San Bernardino County.  A broader definition will include eastern Los Angeles County cities in the Pomona Valley, and sometimes the desert communities of Palm Springs and the rest of the Coachella Valley; a much larger definition includes all of San Bernardino and Riverside counties.”  The show was held Saturday, November 19th through –Sunday, November 27th, 1966 at the National Orange Show Grounds in San Bernardino, California.  It was sponsored by the San Bernardino Motor Car Dealers Association.
The stock picture of the Camaro Cutaway car is featured on page C-14 of the Saturday, November 19, 1966 edition of the San Bernardino Sun.  The caption states, “Inside Story of New Camaro Is Shown in Special Half-Car Display.”  An article on page 12 of the same publication discussing the new Chevrolet models mentions that, “with the entry of the new Camaro as its sixth line of cars, the 1967 Chevrolet lineup represented at the Auto Show offers the most complete model coverage in the division's history, General Manager E. M. Estes announced.  ‘The 48 new models of Chevrolet, Chevelle, Chevy II, Corvair, Corvette and Camaro offer an unparalleled variety of sizes, styles, options and other features,’ Estes said.  ‘With these exciting new products for 1967, Chevrolet expects to continue a firm hold on the No. 1 position in the industry.’”

1) San Bernardino Sun (CA) November 18, 1966 (
« Last Edit: April 18, 2023, 03:18:10 AM by SMKZ28 »
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Pre November 22, 1966, Unknown Location 
UPDATE: Texas State Fair Auto Show, October 8-23, 1966  Dallas, Texas

I need your help with the location and date of this one.  After all my research I still could not figure out what Auto Show this picture represents.  This picture was definitely taken at a public Auto Show because in addition to the Chevrolet display in the foreground, you can see the Oldsmobile and Dodge displays in the background.  It is not a very large show.  Besides the Camaro Cutaway display, there is only one other 1967 Camaro on the floor.  Notice the large hot air balloon display above the Camaro Cutaway.  This was also seen in the pictures from the Detroit Chevrolet sales convention.  Does the half and half colored maple leaf on the back wall mean that it’s a Canadian Auto Show?  I couldn’t find any information to answer this question.  I kind of doubt that Chevrolet would put “USA-1” on the license plates if it was in Canada.  As for the when, I believe I see the numbers “350” under the “SS” in the grill of the only Camaro on the display floor. This probably means the event took place before November 22, 1966 since those numbers in the grill were discontinued after the optional “396” was introduced to the Camaro lineup. 

UPDATE: This photo was taken at the Texas State Fair Auto Show which was held in Dallas, Texas, October 8-23, 1966.

Pictures are from here:
« Last Edit: February 21, 2023, 08:58:43 PM by SMKZ28 »
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November/December 1966, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The next public Auto Show that I found Camaro information for was the Greater Milwaukee Auto Show.  It was held Friday, November 25th through Sunday, December 4th, 1966 inside the Wisconsin Exposition Center at State Fair Park in West Allis, Wisconsin.  The first page of the special Auto Show section of the Sunday, November 27, 1966 edition of The Milwaukee Journal displays a sketch of what looks like a stylized version of a Camaro RS front end with a “1967” license plate sitting next to a brass era automobile.  Because both new and vintage cars were displayed, the theme for the Auto Show was “Review the Old and Preview the New.”

1st picture: First page of The Milwaukee Journal (November 27, 1966):

2nd picture: Ad for Chevrolet at Auto Show (The Milwaukee Sentinel, Wednesday, November 30, 1966 page 11)

3rd picture: Ad for Humphrey Chevrolet (The Milwaukee Sentinel, Wednesday, November 30, 1966 page 12) 
While not concerned with the Milwaukee Auto Show, this ad for Humphrey Chevrolet appeared among the articles about the show.  Notice the custom stripes available for the Camaro at this Wisconsin Chevrolet dealership.  Does anyone have one of these specially striped Camaros?? 
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November/December 1966, Detroit, Michigan

The next Auto Show where I found information on Camaro involvement was the 51st Detroit Auto Show.  This premiere event took place November 26th through December 4th, 1966 at Cobo Hall in Detroit, Michigan.  It was presented under the auspices of The Detroit Auto Dealers Association.  Because it takes place in the “Motor City” it was, and still is, one of the largest and most important Auto Shows of the year.  As one would expect, the new Camaro played a huge role in the Chevrolet displays at the event.

1st picture: Program Cover for the event:

2nd picture: Outside of Cobo Hall (dated 1965):
3rd picture: Setting up the show (November 24, 1966) This picture was taken on November 24, 1966 which was two days before the Detroit Auto Show opened to the public.  You can see workers, temporary floor runners covering the carpet and unfinished displays.
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November/December 1966, Detroit Michigan continued

Since the 325hp, L-35 396-cid V-8 was introduced as an option for the Camaro on November 22, 1966, the Detroit Auto Show was probably the first time the majority of the public was able to see a Camaro SS 396 in person.  An article entitled “396 Cu. in. V-8 Engine Announced” appeared on page 33 of the Wednesday, December 7, 1966 issue of the Palos Verdes Peninsula News, a newspaper from the Palos Verdes Peninsula region of California, stated, “DETROIT - Chevrolet announced it will offer a 396 cubic-inch V-8 engine and Turbo-Hydramatic transmission for the new Camaro.  E. M. Estes, general manager, said a Camaro convertible equipped with these ‘Big car’ options - hitherto available only on the regular Chevrolet and Chevelle SS models will be exhibited at the Detroit Automobile Show at Cobo Hall.  The new options, to be offered in both coupe and convertible models, will be available early next year.  Dealers will begin taking orders next month for Camaros with the 325 horsepower Turbo-Jet V-8 engine.  Besides the Turbo-Hydramatic, the new engine will be available with 4-speed and heavy duty 3-speed manual transmissions. ‘Addition of the high performing 396 engine and Turbo-Hydramatic transmission brings still more big car features to Camaro, increasing the total power team selection to 18,’ Estes said.” (

When show goers arrived at the Chevrolet display at the Detroit Auto Show the Camaro RS/SS 396 convertible E. M. Estes was talking about in the previous newspaper article was there to greet them on a rotating turntable.  According to a sign attached to the turntable, the car featured “special paint and trim.”  The color pictures I have located demonstrate that the special paint was a dark blue and the special trim refers to the unique white deluxe interior.  The sun visors, dash, deluxe steering wheel, lower portion of console, boot cover, seats, and door cards were all white.  The car also has the Rally Sport package, white Super Sport nose stripe, white side pin striping, front and rear bumper guards, rally wheels, front disc-brakes, 4-speed manual transmission, console instrument cluster, and white wall tires.  A large sign appears near the car stating, “announcing Camaro SS with 396 Turbo Jet V8.”  Two different female models appeared with the car during the show.  I believe this same car appeared later on the auto show circuit in 1967 with a new name and different wheels.  Stay tuned. 

1st picture: Color Picture (

2nd picture: Color Picture (

3rd picture: (

4th picture: Palos Verdes Peninsula News (CA) December 7, 1966 (
« Last Edit: April 18, 2023, 02:43:08 AM by SMKZ28 »
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November/December 1966, Detroit Michigan continued

1st picture: B&W (

2nd picture: B&W Brunette ( via

3rd picture: B&W Brunette (  via

4th picture: B&W (
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November/December 1966, Detroit Michigan continued

All three of these pictures came from (
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November/December 1966, Detroit Michigan continued

These two pictures came from (
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November/December 1966, Detroit Michigan continued

These two pictures came from (
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November/December 1966, Detroit Michigan continued

The next four pictures show the same specially painted and trimmed Camaro RS/SS 396 convertible outside of the Auto Show.  Notice the license plate that states “1967 Camaro SS Convertible” is the same plate seen on the car in the above shots from the Detroit Auto Show.   Also notice that it is wearing rally wheels with the 1968 center caps.  I’m not sure if the pictures were taken before or after the Detroit Auto Show.  Anyone know why the 2x4 would be placed under the front driver’s side tire?  The location is unknown to me.  It must be a location where cars are prepared for auto show duty???  If anyone knows, please share.
Both pictures come from here (
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November/December 1966, Detroit Michigan continued

Both pictures come from here (

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November/December 1966, Detroit Michigan continued

Here are shots of the interior taken at the same time as the previous four pictures posted above.

Both come from here (
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November/December 1966, Detroit, Michigan continued

Additional pictures indicate that there were at least seven other Camaros in the Chevrolet display at the Detroit Auto Show.  Color pictures indicate that they included a Royal Plum RS/SS convertible with a white top and wire wheel covers, an Ermine White convertible with blue interior and base wheel covers, a Butternut Yellow coupe with base wheel covers, a dark colored coupe possibly in Deepwater Blue, a light colored coupe possibly in Emerald Turquoise with base wheel covers, a Bolero Red convertible with mag style wheel covers, and the Cutaway Camaro RS/SS 350 on its special rotating display. 

Both pictures come from here: (
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November/December 1966, Detroit, Michigan continued

1st picture: (

2nd picture: (

3rd/4th pictures: ( Detroit Lions NFL Players
« Last Edit: February 17, 2023, 02:44:48 PM by SMKZ28 »
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November/December 1966, Detroit, Michigan continued

Both pictures came from here (
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November/December 1966, Detroit, Michigan continued

Notice that the girls in this and the next photo are wearing the same style “Chevy” cheerleading outfits that were worn on the day Pete Estes made the conference call announcing the name of the Camaro to the press. 

Both pictures came from here (

A color version of the Chevrolet newspaper ad:
« Last Edit: March 10, 2023, 06:33:29 PM by SMKZ28 »
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November/December 1966, Detroit, Michigan continued

You may have noticed in the above photos that there were no trucks or vans in the Chevrolet display.  That is because a different part of Cobo Hall was reserved for these vehicles.  In the Chevrolet truck and van display visitors could see a specially built Chevrolet “Dream” truck called the Golden Cameo.  Part of the display was a specially built trailer that was hooked up to the Golden Cameo which carried a special Camaro RS/SS “Dream” car called the Californian.  All three wore matching yellow paint.  I believe that this was the first public appearance of the Californian and the Golden Cameo with trailer “Dream” vehicles from Chevrolet.  According to page 45 of Camaro! From Challenger to Champion: The Complete History written by Gary L. Witzenburg, the Californian was “pearl yellow” and it had “special paint stripes and exhausts exiting from behind the front wheels.”  He also mentions that it was “mounted on a matching trailer pulled by a matching Chevrolet pickup customized with Camaro styling cues.” 

As you can see from the above pictures of the Chevrolet automobile display, trucks and vans were displayed in a different section of Cobo Hall.  When I first found the color photo of the Golden Cameo and Californian there was no information provided as to its location or date.  After doing more research and looking at other pictures that were known to have been taken at Cobo Hall, I was able to come to the conclusion that this picture was in fact taken at Cobo Hall.  The same ceiling lighting pattern can be seen in a picture of a 1971 Ford Ranchero taken at the November/December 1970 Detroit Auto Show.  Further proof came from an image of an AAU track meet held at the venue in 1971.  Once the location was secured I needed to find the date and event.  The appearance of trucks from other manufactures in the background of the picture proves that the color picture was taken at an Auto Show and not just a Chevrolet sales convention.  Furthermore, since there is a model year 1967 El Camino in the Chevrolet display next to the Golden Cameo and Californian the event has to be the November/December 1966 Detroit Auto Show.
1st picture: Color picture of Golden Cameo/California from:
2nd picture: 1971 Ford Ranchero taken at the November/December 1970 Detroit Auto Show: ( via

3rd picture: AAU track meet held at Cobo Hall in 1971: www.ebay
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Nearly 9 months after their appearance at the Detroit Auto Show, an article on the “Dream” truck/car duo in the September 1967 edition of Hot Rod Magazine mentioned that the Golden Cameo was equipped with an “SS’ed egg-crate grill, deep-pile interior where you sink into super luxurious black vinyl buckets and a padded, simulated leather top.  Then there’s the race car—a Camaro 350.  But you don’t have to do a darned thing to this one.  It’s got slicks and mags and a 4-speed.  And a trailer, too.  Not just an ordinary trailer mind you, one that you can drive the car right up on with no sweat and then tow to the meet at speed because it follows properly and the electric brakes are good enough to stop the Chaparral at the end of the Mousanne (sic) Straight.  The Camaro could probably fall off the trailer and win its class at the Nationals with low 12’s at 110 or so.  Well, ok, 112.  And knowing the way they do things at Estes-land, the Cameo will run 90 on command in case the Camaro driver gets bored sitting in the pits and telling all the guys that his outfit just isn’t for sale…..” 

The article did not mention the appearance of the stacked hood louvers on the Golden Cameo that previewed the hood used on 1968-1969 Camaro SS’s.  Nor did it mention the clear Plexiglas bubble hood, the different size tires front and back, the wrap around nose stripe, the pinstripe below the doors and around the wheel wells, the engine size “350” painted on the front fenders between the stripes, the lack of a front bumper and the possibility of a custom roll cage in the cockpit. 

1st picture: Color Close up of just truck and Camaro (Hot Rod Magazine, September 1967) (courtesy of CRG member Jon Mello)

2nd picture: Color Close up of just Camaro (Hot Rod Magazine, September 1967) (courtesy of CRG member Jon Mello)

3rd picture: Black & White of just truck (

4th picture: Black & White of truck and Camaro (Chevy Truckin’ Magazine, April 1993) (

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December 1966/January 1967, Indianapolis, Indiana

The next public Auto Show where I found information on Camaro participation was the Indianapolis Auto Show.  This event took place Friday, December 30, 1966 to Saturday, January 7, 1967 at the Manufacturer’s Building on the Indiana State Fair Grounds.  It was sponsored by the Indianapolis Automobile Trade Association.  At the time it was billed as the second longest running auto show in the country.  Now they advertise that its America's longest-running auto show!  The first official Indianapolis Auto Show took place in March 1913.

The Friday, December 30, 1966 edition of The Indianapolis Star had several articles concerning the Camaros at the Indianapolis Auto Show.

All three pictures are courtesy of The Supercar Registry member “PeteLeathersac” at 
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December 1966/January 1967, Indianapolis, Indiana continued

One more courtesy of The Supercar Registry member “PeteLeathersac” at
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December 1966/January 1967, Indianapolis, Indiana continued

A Camaro with an interesting Mod Top made a very rare appearance at the Indianapolis Auto Show.  The copywriters seemed to be a bit confused when they wrote the caption for the picture that appeared on page 8 of the Thursday, January 5, 1967 edition of The Indianapolis Star.  That caption stated, “Can You Top That?  -  The surrey with the fringe on top couldn’t hold a candle to this convertible with the foliage on top.  Vinyl upholstery in an Aztec print is used for the top of this Chevrolet Camero (sic).  There also is an acanthus leaf design, floral design, and houndstooth (sic) check in such colors as spice, gold, charcoal, and melon.  The car with the new “mod” look is being shown for the second time in this country at the Indianapolis Auto Show which will continue at the Manufacturer’s building through Saturday.”  It’s interesting to note that they did not realize that the Mod Top was a vinyl roof, not a convertible top.

An article on page 10 of the Wednesday, January 11, 1967 edition of Indiana newspaper entitled, The Daily Journal of Franklin, states, “we’ve heard of ‘Mod’ clothing, ‘Mod’ restaurants and that ‘Mod’ look (shaggy hair, et al), but hang on to your hat Dad, ‘cause now there’s a ‘Mod’ model in the automobile line and Kelly’s Chevrolet in Greenwood can prove it.  The Kelly concern is currently displaying four ‘Mod’ look Camaros that feature some of the fanciest and most colorful tops that we’ve seen in quite a spell.  The ‘Mod’ top Camaros feature all sorts of wild, colorful design patterns that we’re told are quite the rage on the west coast.  From what we hear there are only five such ‘Mod’ top Camaros on display east of the Rocky Mountains and the Greenwood concern has four of ‘em.  What will they think of next?”  I wonder if one of these cars was the one at the Indianapolis Auto Show or was it another car (out of the 5 east of the Rockies) that was at the show.  Franklin is 20 miles south of Indianapolis so it definitely could have supplied the Mod Top Camaro to the Auto Show.

Both pictures are courtesy of The Supercar Registry member “PeteLeathersac” at

1st picture: Mod Camaro Ad:  The Indianapolis Star Sunday, January 1, 1967 page 42
2nd picture: Article Thursday, January 5, 1967
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December 1966/January 1967, Indianapolis, Indiana continued

Picture courtesy of The Supercar Registry member “PeteLeathersac” at

picture: Article Wednesday, January 11, 1967
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January 1967, Rochester, New York

The next public Auto Show where I found information on Camaro involvement was the Golden Anniversary, 50th Rochester Auto Show.  This event took place Thursday, January 5th to Sunday, January 8th, 1967 at War Memorial Auditorium in Rochester, New York.  An advertisement for the Auto Show on page 15 of the Saturday, January 7, 1967 edition of The Democrat and Chronicle, a Rochester, New York newspaper, boasts, “FREE!  Nothing to do or buy….You can win a 1967 GOLDEN CAMARO.  Loaded with extras.”  About a week and a half later a little blurb on page 43 of the Wednesday, January 18, 1967 edition of The Democrat and Chronicle proclaimed that “WILLIAM ASAY IS WINNER OF THE 1967 CAMARO AT THE auto show.”

Both pictures are courtesy of The Supercar Registry member “PeteLeathersac” at
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January 1967, Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas

The next public Auto Show that I located information on participating Camaros was the 8th Annual Dallas/Fort Worth Auto Show.  This event took place Sunday, January 8th to Tuesday, January 10th, 1967 at the Will Rogers Exhibits Building in Fort Worth, Texas.  An interesting piece of documentation for this Auto Show is a script from the WBAP-TV/NBC station in Fort Worth, Texas that relates a news story on the Dallas/Fort Worth Auto Show.  While the first page gives an overview and talks about a street version of the Ford GT40, an Oldsmobile and a GTO, the new Camaro is mentioned on the second page of the script.  It states, “this is Chevrolet’s answer to the Ford Mustang and Mercury Cougar; the Camaro.  This cutaway model is for people who are only half-convinced to buy one.”  This attempt at a humorous line must have been given by the news anchor while footage of the Camaro Cutaway display was shown because the script also mentions in block letters, “CAMARO ROTATES.”  Click on the links to see larger and clearer versions of the script:

1st Picture – 1st page of News script:

2nd Picture: 2nd page of news script:
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Camaro Cutaway Car Display Information

According to the Camaro Pilot Prototype Car Registry web site, Pilot Car # N100017 was turned into a Camaro Cutaway car for use in Chevrolet displays.  “’The Cut-Away Car’”, as it has been named, “was delivered on June 2, 1966 from Fisher Body as coach #DD24D.  Like all F-Body Pilot Prototypes at Norwood, it started its hand built assembly in consecutive VIN number order as the seventeenth build of the engineering study.  One of eleven on Fleet and Special Order # 5-11 made by Sales Mechanical Exhibit, it carried model # 12637.  This yellow on black coupe was the twelfth coupe ever built.  With a 350 cubic inch power plant and a standard 4-speed transmission, its extensive presence in the General Motors Jim Handy Video, photo shoots at the Detroit Auto Show and lengthy use in photographic display of sales literature make it the most highly documented Pilot Prototype Camaro that was undoubtedly destroyed.  It was required to be received by J. MacQuaid at Chevrolet Flint Manufacturing… (as soon as possible), for a cut-away viewing display.  Like all of the eleven builds for the mechanical exhibit it was built “Omit Undercoat” for ease and desirability of publicity photos.  NCRS certificates show #17 being returned to corporate, Zone 0, where it is thought to have been destroyed after lengthy use in displays.  Extensive and exhaustive history searches have gleaned no documented ownership history.  Current whereabouts and existence is unknown as of 3-1-2015.”

1st picture:

« Last Edit: February 21, 2021, 06:41:55 PM by SMKZ28 »
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Camaro Cutaway Car Display theory

While on the subject of the Camaro Cutaway car display I would like to mention that I have come to the conclusion after all of this research that Pilot Car # N100017 could not have been the only Camaro Cutaway car built.  Since articles posted previously in this thread say that the “Camaro ‘half car’ is a centerpiece of Chevrolet’s automobile road shows” and “Chevrolet is sending out two Cinenspheres” it can be concluded that there had to be more than one Camaro Cutaway car constructed, or shall I say, deconstructed.  Two would have been needed for the two Cinespheres alone, not to mention all of the numerous Auto Shows going on in multiple cities across the United States.
Not only was a Camaro Cutaway car display a major feature of the Auto Shows and the Cinespheres but one or more were featured for short periods of time at Chevrolet dealerships across the country.  For instance, an advertisement for Clark-Maple Chevrolet in the Saturday, May 6, 1967 edition of the Chicago Tribune boasts of an appearance of the “Cutaway Model Camaro SS 350 Rally Sport.”  It tells the reader to “see parts in motion, V8 295 hp engine, special suspension, front disc brakes, 4-speed transmission.”
Information presented on the Camaro Pilot Prototype Car website demonstrates that there were TEN additional Camaros built to the exact same specification as the known Camaro Cutaway car # N100017.  All eleven of these Pilot Cars were Sport Coupes with the following equipment: “Paint # 900YY Butternut Yellow - Show Paint Required/Trim # 765AA Black/L48AC - V/8 350 cu. in. Engine/ M20AD - 4 Speed Transmission/A67AA -Folding Rear Seat/A82AA - Head Rest/A85AA - Shoulder Harness/C08AA - Vinyl Roof/ D55LA Console/J50AC - Power Brakes/G80CA – Positraction/N33BA - Tilt Steering Wheel/N34FB - Wood Grain Wheel/N40DA - Power Steering/Standard - 7:35 - 14 - 4 R/Line Tires (U.S. Royal Rubber)/U57AD -Tape Deck/U69AB – Radio/Front Antenna/A39AA - Deluxe Seat Belts/ Z22AB - Rally Sport/Omit Undercoat.”
In addition, all eleven cars were “Fleet & Special Order 5 – 11” and their stated manufactured purpose was for something called “Sales - Mechanical Exhibit.”  Their destination was “Chevrolet Flint Manufacturing.”  It seems logical to me given the fact that more than one Camaro Cutaway car had to be built in order for Chevrolet to use them at multiple Auto Shows, the two Cinespheres and at the dealership showings that several, if not all eleven cars, were turned into Camaro Cutaway display cars.  Can anyone confirm this?

Click on the following links to see the information on the additional ten Pilot Cars built identically to the known Camaro Cutaway Car (N100017):

N100019: (
N100021: (
N100022: (
N100023: (
N100024: (
N100026: (
N100032: (
N100040: (
N100044: (
N100045: (

Could these additional ten identical Pilot Cars have been turned into Camaro Cutaway Displays once their stated uses as Ride & Drive Cars, Magazine Test Photo Cars and TV Commercial Cars were over and done??  Is that one of the reasons why they were all built exactly the same?  Can this also explain why “extensive and exhaustive history searches have gleaned no documented ownership history and current whereabouts and existence is unknown.”  If they were all turned into Camaro Cutaway Displays they could not possibly have been sold as usable cars, so they were probably crushed.  It seems logical to me given the fact that more than one Camaro Cutaway car had to be built in order for Chevrolet to use them at multiple Auto Shows, the two Cinesphere Chevy Shows and at the dealership showings that several, if not all eleven cars, were turned into Camaro Cutaway display cars.  Can anyone confirm this?  If anyone has additional information, please share.

Both pictures of the construction of a Camaro Cutaway car came from here:
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January 1967, Los Angeles, California

A really interesting Camaro made an appearance at the High Performance and Custom Trade Show held from Tuesday, January 10th to Thursday, January 12th, 1967 in Los Angeles, California.  I believe it was not open to the public.  This was the first time this trade show was ever held.  In the past fifty years its popularity has grown by leaps and bounds.  It is currently known as Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA).  According to page 107 of the Sunday, January 8, 1967 edition of The Los Angeles Times, “the 1967 High Performance and Custom Trade Show will be held at Dodger Stadium Tuesday through Thursday.  The industrial show, which includes more than 130 exhibits, is open to dealers.”  One of those exhibits was put on by the newly minted business partners of Bill Thomas Race Cars of Anaheim and Nickey Chevrolet of Chicago.  A small blurb on page 60 of the Monday, November 28, 1966 edition of The Los Angeles Times publicizes, “Bill Thomas/Racecars of Anaheim and Nickey Chevrolet of Chicago have announced a merger-working agreement.  The association, according to Thomas, will result in expanded automobile racing activities, particularly for the new Chevrolet Camaro.  A series of performance kits have been developed for the Camaro.”  You can see some of the parts included in these “performance kits” hanging on the wall of the Nickey/Bill Thomas display booth.  Included in their exhibit is one of their creations, a 1967 Camaro SS with a transplanted 427.  This is probably the same car used in the original Nickey/Bill Thomas SS 427 magazine articles back in 1966/1967.  That car was originally a red SS 350.  See pictures and original magazine articles here:   
1st picture: Blurb from Monday, November 28, 1966 edition of The Los Angeles Times (courtesy of The Supercar Registry member “PeteLeathersac” at

2nd picture: Nickey/Thomas Booth & SS 427:

3rd picture: Great Lakes Dragway test: Caption: Nickey Chevrolet Camaro - Great Lakes Dragway
“UNITED STATES - NOVEMBER 14 (1966): Nickey Chevrolet Camaro track tested at the Great Lakes Dragway. Car Craft magazine's Dick Scritchfield traveled to Chicago to get the low-down on how Nickey Chevrolet was producing “the wildest Camaro ever by dropping Chevrolet’s biggest engine into the new GM featherweight.” His account of the big-block conversion ran as a story called “427 Camaro” in the Feb. ’67 issue. (Photo by /The Enthusiast Network/Getty Images)” (
« Last Edit: April 12, 2018, 05:13:22 PM by SMKZ28 »
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January 1967, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The next public Auto Show that I found information on Camaro inclusion was the 33rd Annual Pittsburgh Auto Show.  It was held Wednesday, January 11th through Sunday, January 15, 1967 at the Civic Arena in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  It was sponsored by the Pittsburgh Auto Dealers Association.  A couple of local newspapers told their readers about a Camaro Cutaway car at the Chevrolet display.  The stock photo of a Camaro Cutaway car appeared on page 59 of the Tuesday, January 10, 1967 edition of The Pittsburgh Press.  Under the photo the caption proclaims “CAMARO ‘HALF CAR’ designed to tell the ‘inside story’ of Chevrolet’s new Camaro is one of several special exhibits at the Pittsburgh Auto Show.  It has been designed to reveal the workings of the inner mechanical components as the entire unit revolves on a turntable.”  A day later the same stock photo could be seen on page 30 of the Wednesday, January 11, 1967 edition of The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.  The caption under this one read, “Revealing Cutaway—‘Inside’ story of Chevrolet’s Camaro, sleek contestant in the auto industry’s increasingly competitive family sportscar market will be apparent in this special ‘half car’ which will be at the auto show.  It’s cut away to show design, structural and mechanical features which can’t be seen by the buyer in the showroom.”  A Chevrolet ad appeared on page 38 of the same newspaper.  Its headline proclaimed, “We won’t be hard to find at the Auto Show…..Just look for the crowd”

1st picture: 4  Tuesday, January 10, 1967 (

2nd picture: 5  Wednesday, January 11, 1967 (

3rd picture: 2a   Chevy Pittsburgh Ad (
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January 1967, Detroit, Michigan

Auto Shows featuring new model year cars were not the only automotive events where Chevrolet chose to use product placement.   A Camaro Cutaway car was displayed at the 15th Annual Michigan Hot Rod Autorama.  This was one of the most prestigious custom car and hot rod shows in the country.  It was held Friday, January 20th through Sunday, January 22nd, 1967 at Cobo Hall in Detroit, Michigan.  While not the focus of the original photographer, a Camaro Cutaway Car display can be seen in the background of photos taken at the event.  The title of the group of photos is misleading because it clearly contains pictures from 1967, not just 1965 and 1966.  The owner has disabled the downloading of his pictures, so click on the following links to see three black and white images containing the Camaro Cutaway display:
3rd picture: 
The Nickey Chevrolet of Chicago and Bill Thomas Racecars of Anaheim partnership had a booth at Autorama held at Cobo Hall providing interested parties information on their “performance kits.”  A Camaro SS 427 appeared next to the booth to show patrons how those “performance kits” could be put together.  It could be, but I’m not sure if it is the same car that appeared less than two weeks before at the High Performance and Custom Trade Show out in California.  How many of these cars did they have to use for display?  Could they possibly have one in California and one in Chicago??  I’m not an expert on Nickey/Thomas Camaros but I did notice that “NICKEY” badge does appear above “CAMARO” on the front fender.  Unfortunately you can’t see the nose of the car or if it has the vent windows unique to a 1967 model.  As a result, I’m not sure if this picture was taken at the 1967 or 1968 Detroit Autorama.  Does anyone know?  Also notice that the famous high performance man from Nickey Chevrolet, Don Swiatek, is in the information booth. 

Picture: Nickey/Bill Thomas Camaro SS 427 1a: 
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February/March 1967, Chicago, Illinois

Several interesting Camaros appeared at the 59th Annual Chicago Auto Show.  This event was held Saturday, February 25th through Sunday, March 5th, 1967 at The International Amphitheater in Chicago, Illinois.  Images suggest that at least seven Camaros appeared in the Chevrolet display at the Chicago Auto Show.  There were probably more that can’t be seen in the photos.
One of the largest and most prestigious Auto Shows in the country almost didn’t take place that year.  According to “’the show must go on,’ was the theme of the 1967 Chicago Auto Show, when four weeks prior to its opening, a catastrophic fire destroyed McCormick Place.  A rapid reorganization returned the event to its former venue, the International Amphitheatre, where it would remain until McCormick place was rebuilt/reopened in 1971.”

1st picture: Destroyed McCormick Place Photo: This aerial view shows the original McCormick Place exhibition hall after an enormous fire destroyed it in 1967, just four weeks before the 59th annual Chicago Auto Show was to open.  Located on the edge of Lake Michigan, the $35 million structure was only six years old.  Four weeks after the fire, the ‘67 show opened on schedule in the International Amphitheatre, its former venue, Halsted at 43rd Street.

2nd Picture: International Amphitheatre outside picture

3rd Picture: Program Cover and Globe:

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February/March 1967, Chicago, Illinois continued

Picture: Chevy Ad from inside the Chicago Auto Show Program (

Clipping from February 12, 1967 edition of the Chicago Tribune newspaper (
« Last Edit: April 06, 2023, 03:10:05 AM by SMKZ28 »
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February/March 1967, Chicago, Illinois continued   
Like he did the previous year, Pete Estes spoke about Chevrolet’s new models at a press breakfast on the opening day of the Chicago Auto Show, Saturday, February 25, 1967.  According to pages 41 & 42 of Gary L. Witzenburg’s book entitled, Camaro! From Challenger to Champion: The Complete History, Pete Estes said, “in its first five months the Camaro has scored an impressive impact on the market.  It is solidly in second place in sales of all domestic small cars and it has been cutting into the volume of the leader—which had a two-and-a-half-year head start.  Total sales since introduction day have passed 70,000.  On a model-year basis, Camaro is selling about forty percent of Mustang, and in January this figure was forty-five percent.  Addition of Camaro has increased Chevrolet’s overall penetration of small-car domestic sales from twenty-one to twenty-seven percent since last October 1st.  Besides helping Chevrolet, it has contributed to the overall growth of the small sports-type market, which has gone up each month since October 1st and now stands at eleven percent of all domestic sales.  Camaro is succeeding in two objectives: first, it is keeping Chevrolet owners who might otherwise leave us to buy a small sports-type car.  Secondly, it is drawing new owners to Chevrolet and away from competition.” 
Author Gary L. Witzenburg goes on to say that, “Estes reported high owner ratings of Camaro’s styling, performance and handling.  He also reported the high percentage of options being ordered: eighty percent V-8 engines, nearly forty percent Rally Sports, eighty-two percent optional automatic or four-speed manual transmission, forty-four percent power steering, seventy percent whitewalls and wheel covers, twenty-three percent vinyl roofs (the highest of any Chevrolet), and thirteen percent equipped with air conditioning.  He mentioned the recent addition of the 396 V-8 and Turbo Hydra-matic transmission to the option list and added that a collapsible spare tire to increase luggage space and a floor shifter, without console, for the three-speed manual would become available in March.  The SS’s nose stripe also would be offered as a separate option, effective immediately.” 

Just like for previous Auto Shows, a special ad was run by Chevrolet in the Sunday, February 26, 1967 edition of The Chicago Tribune.  Again the headline proclaims, “We won’t be hard to find at the Auto Show….Just follow the crowd.”  This must have been a standard ad that Chevrolet ran in local newspapers at Auto Show time.  The only difference is in the copy at the bottom of the ads where the information on the local Auto Show is presented. 

1st picture: Color picture: The Chicago Tribune Feb 26, 1967 “We won’t be hard to find at the Auto Show” (
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February/March 1967, Chicago, Illinois continued

Just like in Detroit, the Chicago Auto Show reserved a different section of the venue for trucks and vans.  Chevrolet again displayed their pearl yellow Golden Cameo “Dream” truck with attached trailer carrying the pearl yellow Californian Camaro “Dream” car in this section of the Chicago Auto Show.  If you look through the windows of the Golden Cameo in the first picture you can see the Californian Camaro parked on the trailer.

1st picture:

2nd picture:  This picture of a model sitting in the passenger seat of the Californian Camaro “Dream” car as it sits on its trailer came from the May 1967 edition of Car & Driver Magazine. (

3rd picture: Here is a picture of how it was placed in the magazine. (
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February/March 1967, Chicago, Illinois continued   
This picture shows mostly other Chevrolet models on display but you can just make out the back end of a Camaro convertible just above the driver’s side of the windshield on the Impala convertible in the foreground.  I believe the dark colored full size Chevrolet “Dream” car on the stand was a luxurious four door model with a special limousine interior called the Royale and the lighter colored car in front of it was a specially trimmed Caprice coupe called the Capella. 

The pictures came from here:   
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February/March 1967, Chicago, Illinois continued

The Chicago Auto Show featured at least two Camaro convertible “Dream” cars.  As can be seen on the license plate, the first one was called the Camaro Cabriolet.  On page 45 of Camaro! From Challenger to Champion: The Complete History, Gary L. Witzenburg talked about a few of these Camaro “Dream” Cars.  Speaking about this particular car he wrote that, “a pearl blue SS-396 convertible called 'Cabriolet' was fitted with heavy-duty suspension and engine mounts, and other high-performance components, plus simulated air scoops on the hood.” 

The interesting thing about this car is that Chevrolet had already shown it without its special “Cabriolet” license plates back in November/December 1966.  I believe it is the exact same car that was used to “introduce” the SS 396 to the public at the Detroit Auto Show.  If you remember from the Detroit Auto Show section of this thread there are a few color pictures of the car on a rotating display that clearly show that it was painted a special dark blue.  There was even a sign on the front of the display that stated that it had “special paint and trim.”  That special trim included a non-standard deluxe interior made up of sun visors, dash board, deluxe steering wheel, lower portion of console, boot cover, seats, and door cards that were all white.  This picture clearly shows the white sun visors, white steering wheel, white boot and the top of the white dash board.   While I can’t make out any different “air scoops” on the hood from the picture of the car in Chicago, it did have a standard SS hood on it when it was shown in Detroit.  The wheels are the only major difference.  At the Detroit Auto Show the car was displayed with the optional Rally Wheels with white wall tires but in Chicago the car appears to be wearing American Racing “Daisy” wheels with red line tires. 

On a different note, I’m not sure why they would choose to display the car with only one of the headlight doors open.  Possibly this was a failure of the door cover to shut after a performance of the cars features was given.

Close up of my own picture of a display celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Camaro shown at 2017 Chicago Auto Show
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February/March 1967, Chicago, Illinois continued

The rear of the second Camaro convertible “Dream” car that appeared at the Chicago Auto Show can be seen to the right of the Camaro Cabriolet in the first picture.  This is the Camaro that has me a bit confused.  Notice the molded in rear-deck spoiler, the special chrome gas cap, and the unique exhaust exits.  The car appears to be what would later be called the Camaro Cherokee “Dream” car but the license plate on the rear does not say “Cherokee.”  Unfortunately, I’m not able to decipher definitively what it does say since the picture is not clear and the name is written in cursive.  The top word is definitely “CAMARO” but to me the bottom word looks like “Carnival.”   

I did a search on the internet and came up with a list of words that start with a “C” and end in an “l.”  These include capital, crystal, caramel, cardinal, colorful, caravel, coastal, chaparral, and carrousel but the only one besides “Carnival” that seems to fit and makes sense for the name of a car might possibly be “Caravel.”  Whatever it is the license plate certainly does not say Cherokee.  What do you think it says? 

All pictures are close up shots of a picture I took of a display celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Camaro at the 2017 Chicago Auto Show.
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Camaro 50th Anniversary Display:  Here is where I found the picture of the Camaro Cabriolet and Camaro “Carnival.”  It appeared in a collage of pictures of Camaros appearing at the Chicago Auto Show throughout the years to help celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Camaro.  I took a picture of the collage on February 11, 2017 at the 108th Chicago Auto Show.
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February/March 1967, Chicago, Illinois continued

One fact about the car is certain.  Whatever the car is named in the above pictures, it certainly cannot be the Camaro Cherokee that was used to pace several SCCA Can-Am races held during the Fall of 1967 and survives today in restored condition.  This restored Cherokee was built in June 1967.  The auction company that was selling the car several years ago mentioned that the Cherokee's VIN # is 124677N233228 and that it has an 06B build date according to the cowl tag.  Since the restored Cherokee was built in June it could not possibly have been sitting at the Chicago Auto Show in February!  This means that at least two of these cars had to have been built, one prior to the opening of the Chicago Auto Show on February 25, 1967 and the other in June 1967. 

While you obviously can’t see the sides or the front of the “Carnival,” other photos demonstrate that the car was candy apple red with a white nose stripe that dropped down the side of the car and extended all the way to the rear wheels.  It also looks to have had a white pin stripe surrounding the special rear-deck spoiler.  The car featured a deluxe interior with red sun visors, red dash board, red seats with white piping, red door cards, red steering wheel, and a red form fitted hard boot over the convertible top.  It was also equipped with dual red bullet side mirrors, driving lamps, unique split front and rear bumpers, unique wheels, and a special hood with clear Plexiglas bubble covering the special carburetors.  While it is hard to see, a few of the pictures seem to show that the car has the black shift knob of a manual transmission (probably a 4-speed).  I’m positive that this Camaro “Dream” car was shown at other events but I’m not sure if it ever sported this name again.  If anyone has any additional information, please share.
An article in the September 1967 edition of Hot Rod Magazine shows a few pictures of the Cherokee with the red interior and white stripes.  It instructs the reader to “pay attention to the zoomie Camaro with the clear plastic hood insert, you’d know what a 396 with Webers looks like.”  It goes on to say, “now we’re not going to tell you that those eight polished aluminum stacks are the next boulevard cruiser option but if you see a Camaro ‘Cherokee’ and it’s got a spoiler on the back and the paint is just as smooth as, well you fill in what it’s as smooth as, better consider your next move carefully, very carefully.”
All three pictures are courtesy of CRG Member Jon Mello           
« Last Edit: September 06, 2018, 06:59:46 PM by SMKZ28 »
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Here are a few more pictures of the Cherokee with red interior and white stripes built prior to February 25, 1967.

1st picture: Color image of the front of car from (

2nd picture: B&W image from page 23 of Camaro: An American Icon by Gary L. Witzenburg and the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide

3rd picture: B&W cropped image from all three Dream Cars (

4th picture: B&W image of all three Dream Cars (  The truck in this photo is the Golden Cameo and the futuristic “Dream” car on the bottom is the Astro 1, which would debut in April at the New York Auto Show.
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Here are a few more pictures of the Cherokee with red interior and white stripes built prior to February 25, 1967.

1st picture: B&W image of the rear of the Cherokee with “Cherokee” license plate from unidentified Auto Show (Jon Mello posted on different CRG thread)

2nd picture: B&W image of Webers (Jon Mello posted on different CRG thread)

3rd picture: B&W image of Cherokee from back and side (

4th picture: B&W image of one of the cars being built ( In referring to the attached picture of one of the Cherokee show cars, CRG Member Mark made a fantastic point when he said, "here’s one of them in the GM Design Center, probably the first one since its obviously not a white Camaro (which the 06B car was) and this one hasn't been painted yet.
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While looking at all the information I have gathered for this thread the thought occurred to me, could the Camaro “Carnival/Cherokee” “Dream” car that was produced some time before February 25, 1967 have been one of the 49 Norwood pilot cars?  It makes sense to me that at this early date Chevrolet would turn one (or more) of these pilot cars into “Dream” cars after they were finished with their initial duties.  Why bother building a new car to tear apart when they had so many of these pre-production pilot prototype cars sitting around.  If this scenario did take place, there is only one of the 49 Norwood pilot cars that seems to fit the criteria and that is # N100037 (  This car was a Bolero Red Camaro RS/SS 350 convertible with a red interior and a manual transmission.  Talking about # N100037, the Pilot Car Registry web site states that, “with a 350 cubic inch power plant and a standard 4-speed transmission, its extensive presence in General Motors Proving Grounds photo shoots make it the most photographed build of the pilot program.  It was required to be received by C. Caswell at the General Motors Proving Grounds on or around June 20, 1966 for testing.  NCRS certificates show #37 being returned to corporate, Zone 0 and it is thought to have been used as a company promotional vehicle shortly thereafter. Extensive and exhaustive history searches have gleaned no documented ownership history.  Current whereabouts and existence is unknown as of 3-1-2015.” 

I know from the pictures that the “Carnival/Cherokee” had a red deluxe interior with white piping on the seats.  Again, I’m not an expert.  Did the color of the piping on the seats correspond with the color of the convertible top and/or color of the nose stripe if an SS?  Pilot car # N100037 originally had a black convertible top and a black nose stripe.  Is this why it also had the black piping on the seats?  The picture of the car in mid-creation seems to show a bit of black where the nose stripe would have originally been.  If pilot car # N100037 was used as the basis for the “Carnival/Cherokee” perhaps the interior and convertible top were changed, along with several other things on the car, to make it unique for show duty.  It’s all just a thought that ran through my head.  If anyone knows more please share.
1st picture: Color picture of possible Bolero Red Pilot Car # N100037 (

2nd picture: color # N100037 as used in 1967 Camaro Brochure (
3rd picture: B&W # N100037 interior (

4th picture: B&W # N100037 with black convertible top up (
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If the above scenario could be true, could the pearl yellow Camaro Californian “Dream” car have also been one of the pilot cars?  Perhaps it was one of the 11 identically built Butternut Yellow RS/SS 350’s mentioned above in the Camaro Cutaway car discussion.  Perhaps they built 10 Camaro Cutaway cars and the other one was turned into the Camaro Californian???   Again, just pondering where some of these cars came from.  If anyone has more information, please share.
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February/March 1967, Chicago, Illinois continued

Let’s get back to more of the Chicago Auto Show information, shall we?  In addition to the Camaro convertible “Dream” cars visible in the picture posted above, you can just make out the headlight from the front of a light colored, non-Rally Sport Camaro between the man and the left side of the “Carnival” Camaro.  An early production, light colored non-Rally Sport Camaro Z28 will be seen when I post pictures of the New York Auto Show.  That show took place a month and a half after the Chicago Auto Show and I am wondering if this is the same car.  It’s too bad we can’t see more of the car to identify any Rally Stripes or the Z-28 license plate the car wore in New York.  One thing that makes me think it might just be the same car is that in both settings the car appears in close proximity to Camaro “Dream” cars on the same inclined display with the same striped floor.

Close up of my picture taken at 2017 Chicago Auto Show display
« Last Edit: September 06, 2018, 07:01:13 PM by SMKZ28 »
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February/March 1967, Chicago, Illinois continued

Children were excited to see the new model year introductions at Auto Shows across the country but they were probably more excited for a chance to win a pint sized motorized vehicle of their own called the Chevy Jr.  At the time of the Chicago Auto Show these go carts were colored red.  The Chevy Jr. was not only given away at Auto Shows but images, ads, and articles posted earlier in this thread demonstrate that they were also given away at the Cinesphere Chevy Shows.  Notice to the right of the Chevy Jr. sign you can see a banner that says “CAMARO” and what I assume is “RALLY SPORT.”   
picture:  (
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Although some of his dates and information are contradicted by some of the pictures I have found, Rick Loving posted a history of the Chevy Jr. on the Corvair Center web site.  He stated that:

“Some time prior to 1965 GM contacted Rupp MFG, a mini-bike and go cart company located in Mansfield Ohio, to provide a chassis for a miniature fiberglass replica of the Monza SS show car. Rupp ended up paring one of their existing models of go cart chassis, the Dart Kart with the scale replica Monza SS body which was then designed to fit the Dart Chassis. The single seat Monza Jr. was powered by a 3.5 HP Lauson motor (a division of Tecumseh). The body had integrated inner fender wells to keep out road debris. The steering consisted of a uni-action steering linkage and braking was handled with a 6” drum and brake strap setup common to Karts. The drivers ride comfort was enhanced by inflatable rubber tires and a black padded naugahyde seat with front and side bolsters. It would appear that the first Monza Jr.’s were offered with black seats and the later Chevy Jr.’s were offered with white seats.

In 1965, Chevrolet received its first order of Monza Jr. go carts from Rupp. Chevrolet displayed them and raffled them away at auto shows and exhibits. It is believed that they first made their appearance at the Detroit Auto show, possibly in conjunction with the newly restyled 1965 Corvair debut and then continued to make their appearance at various auto shows, traveling Chevy shopping center shows, Chevy exhibits at fairs, etc.

Initially they could only be won through these special promotions, but eventually Rupp was allowed to sell them to the general public. Not only could the general public purchase them from Rupp but also dealerships began buying them and offering them in their own promotions as well.

Over the years there were some slight changes made to the carts. The very first carts produced from 1965 to 1967 were named Monza Juniors and were Ember Red like the full sized Monza SS prototype they paid homage to. There are two different styles of Monza Jr. cart bodies.

The first generation carts manufactured were similar to the Mitchel and Jordon cart body, in that they had the raised “hump” behind the driver (as compared to later styled bodies) to allow for a taller rear seat. A windshield option was never offered by Rupp and was only seen on the two GM specialty carts. The 65-67 Monza Jr carts came with a 3.5 HP Lausen motor and all other standard Rupp Dart options. This particular body style was produced in a much lower quantity and only a few are known to still be around. The cart was offered with an optional triple white stripe decal (2 narrow on either side of wider center strip) running down left side front to rear. This was a lower quality tape, most often peeled off or missing once exposed to weather. The carts came with a black license plate with Silver Bowtie and Monza Jr. script and red reflector faux brake lenses. The instrument cluster area had decal with Monza Jr. and a Chevy bowtie in the lower right hand corner of the cluster panel.  Sometime after the initial production run of Monza Jr bodies, a re-design of the body occurred. This 2nd generation body kept the main body lines but changed the rear deck area behind the driver, the cockpit back shaping was lowered and the high of the seat was changed to accommodate the new height of the cockpit area behind the driver. Both the 1st and 2nd generation bodies had a molded area for the Monza cross emblem on front nose of the cart body. The Monza Jr.'s have a serial tag riveted onto the body, in the drivers "cockpit" area, generally on the passenger side.

In 1968, there was a 3rd generation body which consisted of a very minor body change removing the raised area on the front nose where the Monza cross was placed on earlier versions. Additionally, the cart’s name was changed to Chevy Jr. and the body color was changed to Marina Blue with a wide horizontal white stripe pattern added to the nose and rear end. This white stripe consisted of a thin stripe and a thick stripe with the words CHEVY JR in black print. Early Marina blue carts came with the Lausen 3.5hp motor, but sometime in 1968 Rupp switched to using a 3.5hp model H35 Tecumseh motor. The H35 would be used in all future carts. It would appear that early production (if not all) of the Marina Blue Chevy Jr. had the serial tag riveted to the passenger side like earlier carts.

Sometime in early 70’s the Chevy Jr. body color was changed to Corvette Monza Red (a red with more orange color tint) with similar white stripe on the nose and tail. However the stripe now had the script Chevrolet printed in black instead of the print Chevy Jr. Chevrolet continued to use the carts in promotional give-a-ways up until around 1975. The Monza Red Chevy Jr bodies did not have a serial tag affixed to the body and only had a visible serial decal placed on the frame of the cart . A stamped “hidden” serial number can be located on this Chevy Jr frame on the left side, "floor pan", between the main frame rail, and the outer rail where the body mounts to, close to the front of the pan.” (,892456,892490)

More info can be found here:  and

1st picture: Chevy Jr Giveaway Detroit Auto Show (enlarged to show red color) (cropped from

2nd & 3rd pictures show a Chevy Jr today (

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February/March 1967, Chicago, Illinois continued

A Camaro Cutaway display made an appearance at the Chicago Auto Show but unlike images from preceding Auto Shows this one was equipped with rally wheels instead of the base wheels with standard wheel covers.  In fact, the stock photo of the Camaro Cutaway display with the standard wheel covers even appeared in the February 12, 1967 edition of The Chicago Tribune.  A dark colored Camaro convertible also appears in the photo above the Cutaway Camaro and a light colored Camaro coupe can be seen in the foreground.  The slogan written in cursive on the sign to the right of the Cutaway says “Fashion Goes Motoring.”  It will be further explained in the next post. 

Picture: Cutaway Camaro (Chicago Auto Show Facebook Page)   
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February/March 1967, Chicago, Illinois continued

“Fashion Goes Motoring” was the slogan for the Collection of Women’s Fashions inspired by the Camaro.  In his book entitled The Great Camaro, Michael Lamm states on page 27 that, “another early Camaro promotion consisted of a new line of women’s fashions.  These were created by designer David Crystal of New York.  Known as the Camaro Collection, the half-dozen dresses were ‘named for Chevrolet’s sporty new personal-sized car.  The introduction of the fashions for motoring reflects the prominent role of the automobile in the modern woman’s world.’  Dresses in the Camaro Collection cost between $20 and $40 and were available in 450 shops across the country.”  On a thread at, member “Bluetoppace” stated, “Fashion Goes Motoring was a program that started in January 1967 and ended in mid February with a Camaro to be given away.” (

A picture with three women wearing some of the fashions appeared on page 30 of the Tuesday, February 28, 1967 edition of The Times, which was a newspaper from Munster, Indiana.   Under the picture the copy states, “CHEVY CAMARO FASHIONS—A ‘Camaro Collection’ of stylish and practical new fashions for motoring, inspired by the sporty addition to Chevrolet’s car family for 1967, is a special feature in the division’s passenger car exhibit at the Chicago Auto Show.  The dresses are modeled daily throughout the show, held at the International Amphitheater.  Here are three of the dress collection.  Mary Jean Tull (left) wears a bold, bright imported cotton with the ‘tent’ look. Brigitte Leckow (center) models a linen-like weave of rayon and silk with yoke top and notched design.  At right is Linda Hock in a printed Jersey with cowled neckline.
1st picture: close-up of “Fashion Goes Motoring”  (
2nd picture: Picture from page 30 of Tuesday, February 28, 1967 edition of The Times (courtesy of The Supercar Registry member ‘PeteLeathersac’)

3rd picture: Color Vogue 1 (

4th picture: Color Vogue 4 (
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February/March 1967, Chicago, Illinois, continued

A brochure/binder was produced to explain the Camaro Collection. member “Bluetoppace” posted these three pictures of the brochure/binder here: (

1st picture: front covers:
2nd picture: inside:
3rd picture: back cover:
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February/March 1967, Chicago, Illinois, continued

Here are more pictures of Camaro Collection

Bother pictures are from here (
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February/March 1967, Chicago, Illinois, continued

Here are more pictures of Camaro Collection

1st picture: B&W Lamm page 27
2nd picture: B&W Witzenburg page 41
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February/March 1967, Chicago, Illinois, continued

A few more of the Camaro Collection from
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February/March 1967, Chicago, Illinois, continued

Apparently the Camaro Collection even made it into one of the premiere women’s fashion magazines.  In the first picture you can see a mall display with a sign above the Camaro RS/SS 350 convertible that states, “Fashion Goes Motoring David Crystal’s Camaro Inspired Fashions as seen in Vogue.”  The light blue outfit on the blonde mannequin on the right of the picture appears to be the same outfit that appears on the cover model, Evelyn Kuhn, on the January 15, 1967 edition of Vogue Magazine.  The title page caption for the cover confirms that it was an outfit made by David Crystal.  The website that posted the cover and title page also posted about 30 pages of the issue but they didn’t post anything else concerning the Camaro Fashion Collection.  Perhaps it was in the January 15, 1967 issue but just not scanned.

1st picture: Women’s Fashion Display with Camaro Convertible 1a:   

2nd picture: Vogue Cover: 

3rd picture (Vogue Title Page): 
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March 9-18, 1967, Melbourne, Australia

The next public Auto Show where I have found information on Camaro inclusion occurred thousands of miles away from the United States at the 33rd Melbourne International Motor Show.  This event took place Thursday, March 9th through Saturday, March 18th, 1967 at the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.  An ad for Preston Motors, inside the 1967 Melbourne Motor Show Guide Magazine seems to imply that there was at least one Camaro on display at “GMH Stand 18-21.”  “GMH” stands for General Motors Holden, which was the Australian division of General Motors.  The headline of the ad states, “Show stealers & Preston Motors have them all!”  Underneath are pictures of a Chevrolet Impala, a Buick Electra and a Camaro SS sport coupe with rally wheels.  To the right of the Camaro is the following caption, "CAMARO  Imported direct from the U.S.A.  All the fire of a sports car with the luxury of a prestige sedan.  An exhilarating car with famous Chevrolet desirability.”  In addition, two images of a Camaro RS/SS sport coupe appear in an ad from the Tuesday, March 7, 1967 edition of The Age, a Melbourne newspaper.  “Try exciting new Chevrolet Camaro” appears next to the larger image at the top while the headline of the ad announces, “See the Preston Motors line-up: the stars of the 1967 Motor Show! The ad copy states, “Wait no longer!  The Car of the Year has arrived . . . the swift, sleek Chevrolet Camaro!  Now in Melbourne and exclusive to Preston Motors, Chevrolet's exciting new Camaro, the luxury sports car that has taken America by storm! This car has everything you ever dreamed of.  It is undoubtedly Chevrolet's greatest achievement!  Be sure to see it at Stand 7.”
Since this ad says “Stand 7” and the other one says “Stand 18-21” Preston Motors might have had two different displays with at least two different Camaros.  Interestingly, Preston Motors is still in the business of selling cars.  They are now known as The PM Group and have been in business since 1912.

1st picture: Preston Motors Ad from Auto Show Guide: (

2nd/3rd picture: Preston Motors Ad from newspaper (

4th picture: Ad for the 1967 Motor Show features the line "See exotic 295 h.p. Chevrolet Camaro"
« Last Edit: April 08, 2023, 09:31:56 PM by SMKZ28 »
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1967, Australia

The Camaro might have been “exclusive” to Preston Motors in Melbourne at the time the March 7, 1967 newspaper ad came out but a magazine ad demonstrates that Bill Patterson Motors in Ringwood, Victoria, Australia soon also began importing and converting Camaros to right hand drive.  Bill Patterson not only owned this dealership but he was also a successful race car driver and race team owner.  Apparently, Ringwood is a suburb of Melbourne, so in 1967 you could get an imported Camaro from two different dealerships in the greater Melbourne area.
If you look closely at these Australian ads you will notice that the steering wheel is on the right side.  Regularly produced Camaros could not be sold in Australia.  According to Team Camaro web site member, “BlackoutSteve” from Melbourne, Australia, “Pontiacs and Chevrolets that were sold new here (Australian Delivery) were shipped as partially completed, complete from only the firewall back, and were then assembled at their destination by GM Holden, or a separate company commissioned by GMH.  GMH assembled the Australian delivery vehicles that were exported from Canada and were sold here as brand-new in GMH show-rooms.” (  A sentence posted in the foreign Camaro section of The Camaro Research Group web site seems to contradict this notion when it states, “there were no 67-69 Camaros exported by GM to Australia (due to the right-hand drive requirements), but a few were imported and converted by private companies.”  (

If anyone here is from Australia or has further information about the importation process, the dealerships mentioned above, or the 1967 Camaro participation in Australian Motor Shows, please share.  Thanks! 

Picture: Bill Patterson Camaro Magazine Ad (

2nd/3rd/4th pictures: newspapers com
« Last Edit: April 08, 2023, 09:46:13 PM by SMKZ28 »
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March 1967, Palm Springs, California

Earlier in this thread I mentioned that a Camaro Cutaway car display appeared at an Illinois dealership called Clark-Maple Chevrolet in May 1967.  Apparently this display was part of something called the Chevrolet Motorevue Show which must have traveled around visiting Chevrolet dealerships across the country.  Over the weekend of March 11/12, 1967 it visited Stack Chevrolet in Palm Springs, California. Page 10 of the Saturday, March 11, 1967 edition of The Desert Sun, a Palm Springs, California newspaper, proclaims “See Chevrolet's 1967 MOTOREVUE EXHIBITS DISPLAYS Thru Sunday March 12th SHOW * Engineering features of Chevrolet's bright new Camaro will be displayed here thru March 12th in a Chevrolet Motorevue Show at Stack Chevrolet.  A special Camaro display has been constructed with a large cut-away section revealing the chassis, power train and other mechanical components. These also have sections cut out of them to demonstrate their workings in action. Also included in the show are working exhibits explaining the operations of mechanical, convenience and safety features in a new Chevrolet.  A brake safety unit allows show visitors to test reaction time and stopping distances at various speeds.  A power steering unit allows visitors to compare power steering with standard steering. Stars of the show, appearing in individual settings, will be models from the six Chevrolet car lines . . . Chevrolet, Camaro, Chevelle, Chevy II, Corvair and Corvette.  D. C. Stack, of Stack Chevrolet sponsor of the Chevrolet Motorevue, said he feels this is one of the most popular auto display attractions in the nation and has drawn millions of visitors in its travels. ‘We expect to have a full house while it is here and I'm sure every visitor will find it worthwhile,’ he said.”

This is yet another example of why I believe that there must have been more than one Camaro Cutaway car.  If there were two Cinespheres traveling to fairs and parking lots, it stands to reason that there would also be at least two Motorevue Exhibits traveling to Chevrolet dealerships.  As the ad said, these Motorevue Exhibits prominently featured a Camaro Cutaway display. 
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April/May 1967, Switzerland

While not a public Auto Show, the Camaro Tour de Suisse was a unique promotional event for the Camaro.  Starting on Saturday, April 1, 1967 and continuing for eight successive weekends, five “conspicuously decorated Camaros” traveled to major events and cities throughout Switzerland promoting the new Chevrolet Camaro.  A two page article from the July/August 1967 issue of General Motors World Export Factory Magazine gives an explanation of the event.
1st picture: 1st page of article: (courtesy of CRG Coordinator “KurtS”

2nd picture: 2nd page of article: (courtesy of CRG Coordinator “KurtS”
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April/May 1967, Switzerland continued

The picture from the article shows that each Camaro sport coupe had an offset white stripe running over the hood, roof and presumably on the trunk lid.  They also had white decals/stickers on their front fenders, header panel, and doors.  Notice that the Camaros have both the round parking lots in the grill and the square parking lights in the valence.  They also have a unique triangular badge on the grill.  According to the Camaro Research Group, “cars that were assembled by the Bienne plant received a unique emblem on the grille representing the Eiger, Monch and Jungfrau peaks and bearing the words ‘General Motors Montage Suisse’ - Montage Suisse meaning ‘Made In Switzerland.’  The appearance of this emblem proves that these five were part of the “just over 200” Camaros produced in Switzerland for the 1967 model year. (

1st picture: Enlarged picture of 5 Camaros (

2nd picture: Picture of front of red 1967 Swiss Camaro (courtesy of CRG member “Tom76”

3rd picture: Grill Badge (
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April 1967, New York, New York

The next public Auto Show where I have found information on Camaro participation is the 11th Annual International Automobile Show.  This prestigious event took place Saturday, April 1st through Sunday, April 9th, 1967 at the New York Coliseum in New York, New York.  While this large Auto Show undoubtedly featured multiple standard and SS model Camaro convertibles and sport coupes for people to view and sit in, the only images I could find feature special Camaro “Dream” cars.  The pearl yellow Camaro Californian appeared without the matching Golden Cameo and trailer it was shown with at previous events.  Why this is the case I’m not sure.  This is also the first Auto Show where I can find positive visual documentation of a Z28 in a Chevrolet display.  (UPDATE: Since I wrote this, images have come to light that prove the same Z28 was also at the earlier Chicago Auto Show.)
1st picture: Program Cover (

2nd picture: Californian and Z28:  The metadata for this photo states, “1967 New York Auto Show UNITED STATES - APRIL 05: 1967 New York Auto Show. A 350 Chevrolet Camaro SS hardtop on display at the New York Auto Show. (Photo by Bob D'Olivo/The Enthusiast Network/Getty Images)”

3rd picture: Californian, Z28 and Cherokee:  On a different CRG thread Jon Mello said, “I believe it is the 15th Z-28 built, a very early car. Never knew they had D-spoke Americans and Firestone racing tires on it.” The metadata for this image states, “1967 New York Auto Show UNITED STATES - APRIL 05: 1967 New York Auto Show. A variety of Chevrolet Camaro's on display at the New York Auto Show. (Photo by Bob D'Olivo/The Enthusiast Network/Getty Images)”

4th picture: Rear of Z28: While I’m not positive, this picture was most likely taken at the Auto Show in New York because the color of the car is the same, the license plate matches the above picture, and the car is sitting on a floor/ramp that looks to be the same as in the above photos.  Regarding this picture in another thread, CRG member Jon Mellow stated “here's the only other Auto Show '67 Z-28 photo I have seen to date. No RS pinstripe on the side, stripes on rear go up too high for the car to have a vinyl top and there are no rear bumper guards like on the Press Preview Z. Also, the rear spoiler is not flat across the back like that car either and has a unique cut-out shape around the emblem on the decklid. This is Z-28 #15 off the production line for the Central Office Show Program.” (courtesy of CRG Member Jon Mello)
« Last Edit: January 30, 2020, 05:54:36 PM by SMKZ28 »
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April 1967, New York, New York continued

The Auto Show in New York is also the first time the special Camaro convertible “Dream” car with the clear Plexiglas hood was given the name Cherokee.  This time the name is not written in cursive and the license plate can be easily read.  It clearly says “Camaro Cherokee.”  Additionally, a couple of newspaper articles covering the Auto Show refer to it by this name.  One of these articles appeared on page 19 of the Monday, April 3, 1967 edition of The News Journal, a newspaper from Wilmington, Delaware.  Talking about concept cars, it stated that “on the main exhibition floors are the Toronado XX, the Firebird Skydiver, the Camaro Cherokee, LeGrand Marquis Mercury, Barracuda Formula SX, all U.S. styling and design ideas that aren't showroom models yet but someday may be.”  A picture of the Cherokee and the Californian at the Auto Show in New York is located on page 35 of the Tuesday, April 4, 1967 edition of The News Journal.  The caption states, “Camaro Swingers – Models Jackie De Maria and Nancy Townshend climb into a Chevrolet Camaro Cherokee design styling-prototype Saturday at the International Automobile Show in New York City.  Car and models are typical of the automakers’ appeal to youth.”
1st picture:  Cherokee and Californian: (pg. 35 of Tuesday, April 4, 1967 edition of The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (courtesy of The Supercar Registry member ‘PeteLeathersac’ at

2nd picture: Cherokee: The metadata for this picture incorrectly identifies this as just an SS when it states, “1967 New York Auto Show UNITED STATES - APRIL 05: 1967 New York Auto Show. A Chevrolet Camaro SS convertible on display at the New York Auto Show. (Photo by Bob D'Olivo/The Enthusiast Network/Getty Images)” (courtesy of The Supercar Registry member 'PeteLeathersac' at

3rd picture: License plate close up “Camaro cherokee”
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April 1967, New York, New York continued

Picture: Close-up of Californian exhaust:  Since the Californian in this picture appears to be on the floor/stand and not parked on the special trailer as it had been seen multiple times before, I believe that this photo could have been taken at the Auto Show in New York.  Since they were both posted by Jon Mello in a separate thread, perhaps they both came from the same source.  (courtesy of CRG Member Jon Mello)
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April 1967, New York, New York continued

An article entitled “Youth Is Auto Ad Image” appeared on the same page as the picture of the Cherokee and Californian on page 35 of the Tuesday, April 4, 1967 edition of The News Journal.  It talks about how the auto manufacturers were catering to the young baby boomers in their promotion of new models because they had influence on their parents.  An interesting part of the article states, “on those special Saturday nights when the new Camaro is going to sit in the driveway because Parents are at home entertaining ‘at bridge,’ John gets the key to the four-speed shift and Positraction and 396 ‘cubes’ under the hood and whatever other goodies he has persuaded Dad to invest in.  And he boastfully tells Susie who probably already knows, that a model just like this is going to be the Official Pace Car for the Indianapolis 500 race this next Memorial Day.”

Photos 1/2 are courtesy of The Supercar Registry Member ‘PeteLeathersac’ at
Photo 3: SS 396 advertisement from inside the souvenir program (
« Last Edit: February 22, 2023, 09:48:06 PM by SMKZ28 »
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April 1967, Denver, Colorado

The next public Auto Show where information is available on Camaro inclusion took place at the 10th Annual Tri-State Auto Exposition.  This took place Friday, April 14th through Sunday, April 16th, 1967 at the Denver Coliseum and Arena in Denver Colorado.  The program for the event has a full page ad explaining to the reader what they will see at the “Chevy Show.”  It declares “See the MOTOREVUE SHOW BY CHEVROLET at the 10th Annual Tri-State Auto Exposition.”  Underneath a picture of the Camaro Cutaway display the copy reads, “camaro chassis half-body turntable  An inside look at the new Camaro in this eye-catching exhibit that revolves before the spectators eyes.  Complete with carpet and barrier.”  Underneath a picture of a Cutaway Engine display are the words, “ engine with turbo hydra-matic  A beautifully finished cutaway exhibit that shows one of Chevrolet’s greatest power teams in action.”  The words beneath a picture of a go kart state, “monza junior kart exhibit  Shows off the gas-powered Monza .Junior.  Optional for use as a door prize, the Monza Junior is an eyeful for the kids.”

It’s interesting to note the name “Monza Junior” is still being used in the ad when by this time Chevrolet had already started calling it the Chevy Jr.   

All pictures came from (
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April 16-22, 1967, Nashville, Tennessee

The next public Auto Show where I found information on participating Camaros was the 4th Annual Nashville and Greater Tennessee Auto Show.  This event occurred Sunday, April 16th through Saturday, April 22nd, 1967 at Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee.  An article entitled “Cars and Prizes!...You’ll Find Them at the Auto Show” appears on page 88 of the Sunday, April 16, 1967 edition of The Tennessean.  It states, “CUTAWAY CHEVROLET CAMARO see the exciting Camaro . . . through and through! Cutaway body reveals chassis, engine, transmission, brakes, plus interior of the sporty Camaro, at the Chevy exhibit.”   The standard Chevrolet Auto Show ad appeared on page 87 of the same edition.
A member of The Supercar Registry named ‘cook dw’ posted a few scanned pictures on their forum of a modern newspaper article that was “a reprint of an article from the Nashville Banner from April of 67 about the 4th Annual Auto Show here in Nashville.”  In the pictures you can see a Camaro Cutaway display, a dark colored SS sport coupe with rally wheels and what looks to be a vinyl roof covered SS with standard wheel covers amongst the other Chevrolet models for 1967.  Also notice the 427 Cutaway Engine display mentioned in the program for the Auto Show in Denver.  Notice that the rear taillights are illuminated on the Camaro Cutaway display and that this one is still fitted with standard wheels and wheel covers as opposed to the one at the Chicago Auto Show in February that wore rally wheels. 

1st picture: Overview (

2nd picture: Close up of same picture with Dark SS and Cutaway Camaro (

3rd picture: Close up of same picture with vinyl topped SS (
« Last Edit: April 08, 2023, 09:54:41 PM by SMKZ28 »
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April 16-22, 1967 Nashville, Tennessee continued

Picture: Ad for Chevy Auto Show display from page 87 of Sunday, April 16, 1967 edition of The Tennessean (

2nd picture:
« Last Edit: April 08, 2023, 09:55:21 PM by SMKZ28 »
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The last two posted Auto Shows are another example of why there must have been more than one Camaro Cutaway display car produced.  Both the Denver and Nashville events featured Camaro Cutaway and 427 Cutaway Engine displays but the dates actually overlap!  Obviously neither display could be in two places at once, so there must have been more than one.   
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April 1967, Scranton, Pennsylvania

The next public Auto Show where information on Camaro inclusion exists was the Scranton Auto and Boat Show.  This event happened Friday, April 21st through Sunday, April 23rd, 1967 at Watres Armory in Scranton, Pennsylvania.  According to the admission ticket it was sponsored by the Scranton Jaycees in conjunction with The Scranton Times—Sunday Times.  The only Camaro to appear in the small show was a dark colored base sport coupe with base hubcaps, white wall tires and the white nose stripe that Pete Estes said would be available on all Camaros starting in March. 

All three pictures came from:
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May 1967, Detroit, Michigan

The middle of May 1967 must have been a slow time for Auto Shows because from Friday, May 12th through Wednesday, May 24th, 1967 Chevrolet chose to display a collection of its Auto Show “Dream” cars, including three Camaros, in its own corporate headquarters located in Detroit, Michigan.  An article entitled “GM BUILDING DISPLAYS CHEVY DREAM CARS” on page 18 of the Saturday, May 13, 1967 edition of The Detroit Free Press mentioned, “a display featuring seven Chevrolet ‘dream’ cars opened Friday in the East Exhibit Hall of the General Motors Building.  The exhibit, highlighted by the low-slung, rear-engine, experimental Astro I which was first shown at the recent International Automobile Show in New York, will continue through May 24. Besides the Astro I, the display includes the ‘Royale,’ described as perhaps the most luxurious Chevrolet ever built a four-door model featuring a special limousine interior; Capella, a specially trimmed Caprice coupe; Cherokee, a specially styled Camaro; Cabriolet, a high performance version of Camaro; and the Californian and Golden Cameo, a two-in-one exhibit including a pearl yellow Camaro mounted on a special trailer attached to a custom Chevrolet pickup.”
Picture is courtesy of The Supercar Registry member ‘PeteLeathersac’ at
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Is it possible that the “Dream” cars came off their display at the GM Building on Wednesday, May 24, 1967 because they needed to be shipped to Indianapolis to be displayed at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for the events leading up to and including the 51st Indianapolis 500 scheduled to be held on Memorial Day, Tuesday, May 30, 1967???  Since the Official Pace Car for the event was a 1967 Camaro RS/SS 396 convertible, Chevrolet might have seen fit to show off a few more of their special products to patrons of one of the most prestigious motor racing events in the world.  Perhaps the Cinesphere Chevy Show or the Chevrolet Motorevue Exhibit was displayed on the infield or outside of the track.  Earlier in this thread I posted images of just such a “Chevy Show” at the 1966 Can-Am race at Mosport Park in Canada, so there was a precedent for this kind of exposure at a motorsports event.  Even now, Chevrolet has a large display featuring their current models and performance parts in the paddock at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway during all the events connected with the Indianapolis 500.  Perhaps having the Pace Car for the event and approximately 100 additional identical “Festival” cars was enough exposure for Chevrolet, perhaps not.  Does anyone know if Chevrolet had a large display of “Dream” cars and production vehicles at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway during the Indy 500? 
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May 1967, Sayre, Pennsylvania

The next public Auto Show where I found information on Camaro participation was The Valley Auto Show.  This took place Friday, May 19th to Saturday, May 20th, 1967 in Sayre, Pennsylvania.  According to Wikipedia “Sayre is part of the Penn-York Valley (“The Valley”), a group of four contiguous communities in New York and Pennsylvania: Waverly, New York, South Waverly, Pennsylvania, Sayre, Pennsylvania, Athens, Pennsylvania and smaller surrounding communities.” 

New Chevrolet models at the Auto Show is the topic of conversation in an article entitled “Mint Will Display Most Complete Line of Cars in Chevrolet History” that appears on page 28 of the Thursday, May 18, 1967 edition of The Evening Times, a newspaper from Sayre, Pennsylvania.  It states, “two names make their debut with the 1967 Chevrolet lineup of passenger cars seen by Auto Show visitors, to be shown by Mint Chevrolet at the Valley Auto Show.  The names are Camaro and Concours, says Dominic Mente, partner in Mint Chevrolet.  Camaro (pronounced ca-mair-o) is the name of Chevrolet's new personal-size car.  Camaro means "pal" in French.  Tested in a jet age wind tunnel.  Concealed headlights in a black grid grille and special exterior molding.  With the entry of the new Camaro as its sixth line of cars, the 1967 Chevrolet lineup to be shown at the Valley Auto Show by Mint Chevrolet offers the most complete model coverage in the division's history, say partner Joseph Mint. "The 48 new models of Chevrolet, Chevelle, Chevy II, Corvair, Corvette and Camaro offer an unparalleled variety of sizes, styles, options and new features."  Mint said, "With a new stereo tape system.  Headlights are included in a distinctive Rally Sport (RS) option.  Among the list of more than 400 options and accessories styled for the various lines.  Among these are front disc brakes as options on regular Chevrolets, Chevelles, Chevy II’s and Camaros.  Many optional features are SS (Super Sport) packages built around either the new 350-cubic inch or 396.  Corvette made its bow in 1953. Chevrolet also has a larger family of Super Sport high performance vehicles for 1967 Auto Show visitors to see, Mr. Mente noted.  Continued are the popular Chevelle SS 396 models, introduced in 1966.  New are SS 427 versions of the regular Chevrolet and the SS versions of the new Camaro.  Super Sports are available as either a sport coupe or a convertible, powered by the largest displacement engines available in the specific line.  Other individual markings are a special hood, distinctive ornamentation and trim including exterior body paint stripes, heavy-duty chassis components and red-line tires. To meet the demand for America's most popular cars and trucks seen at the Auto Show, Chevrolet manufacturing and assembly plants across the United States are geared to turn out as many as 12,000 vehicles a day.  The new Camaro nameplate now being shown introduces the fourth totally new line of cars by Chevrolet within the last eight model years.  Chevrolet expects to continue a firm hold on the No. 1 position in the industry."  The industry's newest 108-inch wheelbase car blends four-passenger roominess with sports car proportions and wide tread handling in both a sport coupe and convertible.  With the greatest choice of engines, trims, options and accessories ever available in a new line of cars, the Camaro buyer can literally ‘tailor’ his for 1967.  VISIT THE VALLEY AUTO SHOW THIS WEEKEND!  An ad for Chevrolet also appears on the same page as the article.  It is the one used in newspapers throughout the country with the headline, “We Won’t be Hard to Find at the Auto Show….Just Look for the Crowd.”  Each time it was used in a local newspaper the information for the local Auto Show was included the bottom. 

« Last Edit: April 08, 2023, 10:14:28 PM by SMKZ28 »
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Camaro Waikiki

In the summer of 1967 Chevrolet started showing a wildly customized Camaro convertible at Auto Shows and custom and hot rod shows across the country.  On page 49 of Camaro! From Challenger to Champion: The Complete History Gary L. Witzenburg writes, “in August, Chevy unveiled another interesting ‘idea’ car called ‘Waikiki.’  Based on an SS-350 convertible, it was ‘tailored’ for specific use by the sun and surf set.”  Although he mentions August for the unveiling, newspapers started publishing articles on the Waikiki in July.  The earliest newspaper article I have been able to find is ironically from the July 14, 1967 edition of the Honolulu Star Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii.  The caption underneath a picture of the Camaro Waikiki on page 16 of the July 20, 1967 edition of the Chateaugay Record and Franklin County Democrat from Chateaugay, New York states, “NOW IT’S THE WAIKIKI ON THE BEACH—The unlashing of a surfboard mounted on the rear deck of the Chevrolet idea car, the Waikiki, waits as Bob Schuster and Nancy Ann Townsend are attracted by the graceful movements of Loki Nani, a native Hawaiian dancer.  The ‘tailored’ Camaro Waikiki convertible is equipped with teakwood side panels; deep pile gold carpeting; actuated red, yellow, and green taillights; rear fender marker lights; chrome surfboard Y-mounting arms and a wood-grained console.  This auto show display unit pulls a special trailer with a hydrokart painted in bright okra and teakwood to match the car.”  The article underneath the picture and caption goes on to say, “DETROIT—Already riding high on a wave of popularity, Chevrolet’s sporty Camero (sic) is sure to make a big splash with a new auto show version.  The ‘idea’ car is a remodeled version of a SS 350 convertible and was designed specially to demonstrate the car’s versatility as a sports-type vehicle.  Called the Camaro Waikiki, it is ‘tailored’ to the sun and surf set.  ‘The idea is that the Camaro is more than just transportation,’ said a spokesman for the Chevrolet section which designed the display car.  Among the Waikiki’s many eye-catching features are a removable surfboard carrier which is attached to the body and extended real lamps that are green when the driver’s foot is on the gas pedal, amber when he takes it off and red when he applies the brake.  Side marker lamps are on the front fenders and rear quarter panels.  Sideview mirrors are attached to both sides.  Special head lamps are fitted into the teak wood-bar grille. Teak wood panels running full length along the sides compliment the bright yellow finish above and okra-colored body panels below.  Fifteen inch G-70 tires are mounted on its wire wheels.  The rare two-tone decorative theme is continued into the interior of the car with deep-pile gold carpeting and yellow and okra vinyl seats.  Wood grain panels cover the center floor console.  A specially-made trailer hitch is attached to haul a small trailer and hydro-kart, a sort of motorized surfboard painted to match the car.  The unit will be displayed at auto shows and other exhibits throughout the United States.”

1st picture: B&W July 14, 1967 Honolulu Star Bulletin 1a (

2nd picture: B&W July 20, 1967 Chateaugay record and Franklin County Democrat 1a
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Camaro Waikiki continued

On a thread at The Supercar Registry, member “D Berger” from Grand Rapids, Michigan stated that “the Waikiki Camaro was done by a division of Chevrolet they called Chevrolet Show and Display. The head of the department in the late 60's was a fellow named Bob Thomas. His department also did the car and engine cutaway displays for the auto shows etc. It was a little unusual because most of the concept or Dream cars as we called them back in the day were done by the styling dept. I saw the car on display in the GM building on West Grand Blvd. back in 1968. (   
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Camaro Waikiki continued

I believe the press photos for this car were taken on Belle Isle in the middle of the Detroit River.  That looks to be the Detroit skyline in the background.  Why they couldn’t have waited to shoot the photographs on a sunny day is beyond me.  They must have been pressed for time because the photos were taken on a miserably cloudy day.  This is certainly not the location or the weather that reminds one of Waikiki in Hawaii.

1st picture:
2nd picture:   
3rd picture:
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Camaro Waikiki continued

The only event where I can confirm the participation of the 1967 Camaro Waikiki “Dream” car was the traveling custom and hot rod show called Autorama.  This particular Autorama took place Friday, February 23rd through Sunday, February 25th, 1968 at War Memorial Auditorium in Boston, Massachusetts.  A clipping from an unknown February edition of the Boston, Massachusetts newspaper called Record American shows the rear view of the car.  Notice the unique extra wide tail lamps and the rear side marker light inside the edge of the wood paneling.  This clipping does not provide a date for the event but a list of events scheduled to take place at War Memorial Auditorium in 1968 found on page 15 of a publication by the City of Boston Finance Commission, entitled “Comprehensive Review of the Administration of the War Memorial Auditorium”, confirmed the event name and date.

1st picture: B&W Clipping from a February edition of the Boston, Massachusetts newspaper called Record American (

2nd picture: List:
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Camaro Waikiki continued

The stock black and white photo of the Camaro Waikiki taken on Belle Isle in the Detroit River appeared in an article on page 7 of the September 1967 edition of NADA Magazine.  The copy in the magazine is exactly the same as the copy in the newspaper article posted above.  This must have been the standard write-up provided by Chevrolet. 

Picture:  NADA Magazine Article:
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Here is a list of Auto Shows that took place in 1966 and 1967 where I could not find any pictures or information pertaining to Camaro participation.  Camaros were undoubtedly in attendance at most if not all of these shows, but I just couldn’t find any evidence. If anyone has pictures of 1967 Camaros at these events please share

51st International Motor Exhibition, Earls Court, London, England (October 19-29, 1966)

New England International Auto Show, War Memorial Auditorium, Boston, Massachusetts (October 1966?) (3rd largest in country)

48 Salone Internazionale dell´Automobile, Palazzo Esposizioni al Valentino, Turin, Italy (November 3-13, 1966)

Portland, Oregon Auto Show (November 1966)

New Jersey’s 8th Annual Auto Show, West Orange Armory, West Orange, New Jersey (November 8-12, 1966)

Upper Midwest Auto Show, Minneapolis Auditorium Convention Hall, Minneapolis, Minnesota, (January 6-15, 1967)

Philadelphia Auto Show, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (January 1967)

Montana Auto Show (March 1967)

37e Salon de l'Auto, Geneva, Switzerland, (March 9-19, 1967)

Salón de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain (April 20-30, 1967)

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If anyone has any personal recollections, personal photographs, or any other additional information pertaining to Camaros participating in 1966 and 1967 Auto Shows and/or Chevrolet promotional exhibits that is not presented here, please share. 
Please don’t post any 1968 or 1969 Camaro Auto Show items on this thread because I will soon be posting separate threads for each model year.  Thanks.

Scott Koscik
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Great information! Interesting where there two 67 Cherokee Camaro’s built or is one not the real car, clearly they are not the same car.


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Great information! Interesting where there two 67 Cherokee Camaro’s built or is one not the real car, clearly they are not the same car.

They are both real.  The restored car was the one that was built in June 1967.  It was used as the pace car for at least three of the six SCCA Can-Am races in the Fall of 1967.  It differs from the car that appeared at the Chicago and New York auto shows by having a black interior, hood mounted tachometer, different wheels, soft boot, automatic transmission, gold pin striping, rear license plate light and a different size & shaped gas cap at the rear. 

I always wondered why at least two were built.  To me the most plausible reason is the transmission.  We know that the restored car is an automatic while the pictures posted above seem to show that the first car was a manual.  Perhaps Chevrolet built the second one once they knew they were going to be pacing the SCCA Can-Am races.  If the first Cherokee did have a manual transmission, this would probably prevent it from being used as a pace car.  For the most part, pace cars are equipped with automatic transmissions to eliminate the chance of the driver missing a shift while leading a bunch of race cars at a constant, high speed around the parade and pace laps.  A missed shift could cause the pace car to abruptly slow down and possibly cause a huge chain reaction crash before the race gets underway.  It's just a theory but it seems plausible.  As for what happened to the first one once the second one was produced, who knows.  Perhaps it stayed on the show circuit while the new one performed its pace car duties.
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I also noticed that the 67  blue convertible car with the white interior does not have a vin number on the door hinge pillar, I don’t see it in the picture with the doors open.


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I also noticed that the 67  blue convertible car with the white interior does not have a vin number on the door hinge pillar, I don’t see it in the picture with the doors open.

Interesting observation, I had not noticed that.
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Post #27 above.
That's a pretty clear shot of the pillar too.....
Kurt S


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Information on the 2nd Cherokee, the one that has been restored

While obviously not an Auto Show, the following motorsport event appearances of what I am calling the 2nd Camaro Cherokee “Dream” car, the restored one with the build date of June 1967, should be included here because they ought to be considered a part of the promotion of the Camaro during the 1967 model year.

The 2nd Camaro Cherokee “Dream’ car was created out of a Camaro convertible with a build date of 06B, June 1967.  The car was built as a white RS/SS car with a black deluxe interior and a white convertible top.  While written more than ten years ago before new information was gleaned from the restoration of the vehicle and before knowledge of the February Chicago Auto Show and April New York Auto Show pictures was well known, the following article entitled “They Crush Show Cars, Don’t They?” from the November 2007 edition of Muscle Car Review does have some good background information on the car.  In it, the author Bob McClurg states, “word has it that sometime in June 1967, (William L. “Bill”) Mitchell and (Vince) Piggins pulled a brand-new Aztec Gold (not correct, originally the car came of the assembly line painted white) Camaro RS/SS convertible off the Norwood, Ohio, GM Assembly Line, locked it away in some secret back room at the GM Design Center and worked their magic.  The performance upgrades made to the show car included the addition of a pre-production (or ‘un-stamped’) 396ci/375hp Mark IV big-block Chevrolet engine, equipped with ‘experimental’ Weber 48IDA downdraft carburetors bolted to a Weber carburetor intake manufactured by the Moon Equipment Company.  The show car was also equipped with a TH400 transmission, 12-bolt Positraction live rear axle, GM code J52 front power disc brakes, Koni front and ACDelco rear air shocks, power steering with a custom Corvette-style steering wheel.  Styling wise, the Camaro was outfitted with a distinctive hand-formed fiberglass hood with a hood-mounted tachometer and clear plastic hood scoop sporting the letters ‘MARK IV 396’ on both sides, a custom rear deck spoiler with Corvette-style split rear bumpers cast in brass, candy-apple-red paint applied over the Aztec Gold basecoat, gold pinstriping, power windows, a power top and bullet side mirrors.  Inside, a custom console held special gauges, and the car also received an ACDelco AM/FM radio and a fold down rear seat.”
Charlie Hutton’s Color Studio Inc. restored the 2nd Cherokee a few years ago.  Part of the Bio for the car on their web site states, “having never been restored prior, and originally a white car painted in Aztec Gold Metallic with a Red Candy over the top (all in lacquer paint), stripping it became a bit of a history lesson for Charley Hutton’s Color Studio.  The Cherokee revealed some fun findings like white paint on the A-pillars, and old war wounds from it pace car days.  All of these which were kept intact to retain the originality of the car.  All factory and original numbers, much of the Cherokee was simply refinished and cleaned up.  Original to the Cherokee included the interior, dash, and convertible top of a deluxe ’67 Camaro.”  To see a 10 minute video on the restoration click on the following link:

The fact that the 2nd Cherokee has power windows is another possible difference between this car and the one that appeared at the Chicago and New York Auto Shows.  The color picture of the Cherokee with the red interior seems to show a “window crank” for manual side windows.  In addition, if pilot car #N100037 was used as the basis for the 1st Cherokee, pictures show that it too was equipped with “window cranks” for manual side windows. 

The findings from the restorer of the car pretty much confirm the fact that there were two Cherokees produced.  He stated that the car still had the interior that it left the factory with.  That means the car with the red interior is a different, earlier car than the one that was restored.  The case seems to be solved.
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August 1967, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada

Now back to more historical information on the 2nd Cherokee.  I’m not sure just how long it took the Design Center to work their magic on the 2nd Cherokee but the first documented motorsports event that it participated in was the 1967 Canadian Grand Prix for Formula One race cars.  The race occurred at Mosport Park in Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada on Sunday, August 27, 1967.  It was the eighth race out of eleven for both the 1967 World Championship of Drivers and the International Cup for Formula One Manufacturers.  The race was won by Jack Brabham in his Repco powered Brabham BT24.

At this event the 2nd Cherokee was NOT used as a pace car.  It was at the track only to show off.  A Formula One race begins with a standing start.  They go around the track on a recon lap before coming back to the grid to await the start of the race.  In 1967 a flag was waived, now automated lights are used.  The drivers perform this recon lap by themselves without a pace car.  In addition, full course cautions that require the bunching of the field behind a pace car rarely happen in Formula One now and didn’t happen back then.  Since all of their races are run on road courses they usually only have a yellow flag waving indicating caution around the scene of an accident or problem.  The rest of the course is still green and racing is still going on.  On occasions when there is a massive accident, they deploy what they call a "Safety Car" to bunch up the field in order to clean it up, but this is a rare occasion even now.  Safety cars were not employed at Formula One races until the early 1970’s, so a race that took place during the 1967 season would not have employed one. 

The 2nd Cherokee was at this particular event to impress the crowd and promote the Chevrolet brand.  It was not the only Chevrolet “Dream” car at the track to perform these functions.  Both the 1961 Corvette Mako Shark 1 and 1965 Corvette Mako Shark 2 Chevrolet “Dream” cars were brought along by Vice President in charge of General Motors Styling Section, William L. “Bill” Mitchell to impress the throngs of motorsports fans.  In the first picture, Mitchell can be seen sitting in the driver’s seat of the 2nd Cherokee as it sits in the paddock.  All three “Dream” cars drove around the track during the driver’s parade prior to the start of the event.  The second picture was taken by CRG member Michael Scott who attended the race in person.  It shows all three “Dream” cars parked together in the “Corvette Corral” on a rainy race day.  This picture demonstrates that the convertible top on the 2nd Cherokee was white.  The third picture shows the “Dream” cars lined up on the grid prior to their participation in the driver introduction parade.  If you click on the link for the third picture and use the magnification tools provided by the web site you will see the 1965 Mako Shark 2 in the foreground.  Lined up in front of that is the bubble topped 1961 Mako Shark 1.  Lined up in front of that is a white Camaro convertible with flags attached to the windshield.  More information on these cars will be given in the next post.  In front of that white Camaro convertible is the 2nd Cherokee.
1st picture: (

2nd picture: courtesy of CRG Member Michael Scott who attended the race

3rd picture: ( )

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August 1967, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada continued

To further help promote the Camaro, approximately 21 or 22 white, specially painted (0-1 code), 1967 Camaro convertibles with blue interiors were used to carry the drivers around the track in order to introduce them to the fans.  According to the schedule of events, this “parade of drivers competing in the Player’s Grand Prix of Canada” happened at 1:15pm, forty-five minutes prior to the start of the race.  After performing its duties at the track, one of these cars appeared in a used car advertisement in the Saturday, September 9, 1967 edition of the Toronto Daily Star.  The listing states that this particular Camaro RS/SS 396 convertible was “built by General Motors as a special show car for the Grand Prix of Canada.”  While all of the specially painted cars were equipped with the RS option, some were also Super Sports powered by either the 350 or the 396.  Some cars had wire wheel covers and others had rally wheels.  Some had a special sticker/decal on the door promoting the race and some did not.  During the driver parade, the names of the drivers riding in the car were affixed in different places on the side of the car.  Some appeared on the door and some can be seen on the rear quarter panels.  An entire thread explaining and documenting these special Camaro convertibles can be seen at the Camaro Pace Car web site:   

The 2nd Cherokee, Mako Shark 1 and Mako Shark 2 were positioned at the head of the parade of Camaro convertibles as they made their way around the track.

The first three photos are courtesy of Camaro Pace Car web site member “1967 RS SS” and the fourth is from member “festival.”
« Last Edit: October 04, 2022, 04:15:11 PM by SMKZ28 »
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August 1967, Canadian Grand Prix for Formula One continued

These three pictures can be found at the Revs Institute Digital Library.  Click on the link in order to use the magnifying tools on each picture.

1st picture: Drivers Jochen Rindt and Jackie Stewart prior the start of the driver introduction parade:

2nd picture: Driver Al Pease prior the start of the driver introduction parade:

3rd picture: Drivers Mike Spence and Al Pease prior to the start of the driver introduction parade:
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August 1967, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada continued

These three pictures are courtesy of CRG member Michael Scott who took them when he attended the event.

1st picture: Mako Shark 1, Mako Shark 2 and Camaro convertibles during driver parade.  The 2nd Cherokee must have been just out of the picture in front of the Mako Shark 1.

2nd picture: Mako Shark 2.  Apparently Chevrolet produced two of these Mako Shark 2 concept cars in 1965 but only one of them was functional.  This is obviously the functional one.  In article entitled, “Cars of Futures Past – 1965 Corvette Mako Shark II” author Kurt Ernst mentions, “two Mako Shark II cars were ultimately constructed, and the concept that made its appearance in New York was nothing more than a rolling, non-functional show car. Its square-tube, oval-exit side exhaust was little more than window dressing, and its airplane-style square-corner steering wheel would have been less than ideal for road use.  While both design elements were bold and futuristic, neither made it into the second Mako Shark II concept, a fully functional automobile that was completed in time for the 1965 Paris Auto Show.  Could this be the answer as to why two Cherokees were built?  Perhaps this was a standard operating procedure.  Maybe the 1st Cherokee was a “rolling, non-functional show car” and the 2nd Cherokee was a “fully functional automobile” as proved by its use as a pace car.  See the article here:

3rd picture: Driver Dan Gurney waiving to the crowd from a Camaro missing a wire wheel cover.  I'm surprised that they would allow the car to go out in front of the crowd like that.  Surely they could have found a replacement sometime before letting them go out on the driver parade lap.  Maybe it fell off during the lap??  In addition, notice that there are no race promotion stickers/decals on the door of this car.  Only the name "Dan Gurney" appears in smallish letters. Nothing appears over the rear wheels.  This proves that not all of the cars received the large stickers/decals on the doors.   Dan started 5th in his Eagle T1G 103/Weslake Ford and finished in third place one lap behind the winner Jack Brabham.  Dan Gurney was probably at the height of his popularity with race fans at this time because earlier in the year he became the only American to ever win a Formula One race in a car designed and constructed by his own company when he won the Belgian Grand Prix. He also won the 24 Hour of LeMans earlier in the year with co-driver A.J. Foyt in a Ford GT40 Mark IV becoming the only American drivers to score an overall victory at the 24 Hours of LeMans in an American built car. After that race he began the tradition that lasts to this day in motorsports when he shook up and sprayed the bottle of victory champagne on the crowd and the other competitors.  He had also been victorious at the Green Valley Trans Am race in a Cougar earlier in the year.

I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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August 1967, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada continued

1st picture: last one from Michael Scott.  Driver Jack Brabham started 7th on the grid but went on to win the race in his Brabham BT24 1/Repco. He would go on to finish second in the Championship that year to his co-driver Denny Hulme. Brabham won the Formula One World Championship three times including 1966.

2nd picture: Mako Shark 1 in Corvette Corral: Posted by Ed Moody on the Remembering Mosport Facebook page
« Last Edit: March 16, 2018, 04:51:30 PM by SMKZ28 »
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August/September 1967 Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin

A week after it was in Canada showing itself off to race fans the 2nd Cherokee found itself in Wisconsin performing a much more important task.  On Sunday, September 3, 1967 the 2nd Cherokee was used as the pace car for the Sports Car Club of America’s (SCCA) Canadian-American Challenge Cup (Can-Am) event held at Road America in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin.  Unlike Formula One, the Can-Am series started their races in 1967 with a rolling start.  A pace car is used to bring the race cars into formation before pulling into pit lane and letting them go for the green flag.  This event was the first race of a six event championship held on road courses around Canada and the United States.  The race was won by Denny Hulme driving a 358.9 cu in Chevrolet powered McLaren M6A. 

Pictures from the Revs Institute Digital Library indicate that the 2nd Cherokee was shipped directly from Mosport Park to Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin soon after the conclusion of the Formula One event.  Four pictures show the car parked in front of an old house in the picturesque town of Elkhart Lake.  In one of the pictures a sticker attached to the passenger side windshield says, Elkhart Lake.  Click on the link and use the magnification tools to see it. 

Road America is located just outside of the historic town of Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin.  Most, if not all of the people associated with the races stayed within the town at historic hotels like Siebkens Resort and Victorian Village Resort.  I’ve been there many times myself.  The pictures could have been taken in front of one of the historic resorts or a private home in the town.  The metadata for these pictures say that they were taken in August 1967.  The race took place on Sunday, September 3, 1967, so I would bet they were taken Wednesday, August 30th or Thursday, August 31st.  Those would have been the days the racers and their cars got up to the track to start practicing for the event.   

1st picture:

2nd picture:

3rd picture:

4th picture: This is the picture the current owner of the restored Cherokee should use to replicate the wheels that were originally on the car.  The last time I saw the restored car it was wearing the wrong wheels.  If anyone knows the owner please alert them to the existence of this thread.  If you use the magnification tools at the web site you can see that the tires look to be Firestone Sports Car 200 E70-15:   
« Last Edit: March 16, 2018, 04:52:41 PM by SMKZ28 »
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September 1967 Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin continued

Here are pictures of the 2nd Cherokee performing its pace car duties at Road America.  Ex Formula One driver Stirling Moss was a spokesman for the series and he drove the pace cars among other official duties.

1st picture: color pace lap (

2nd picture: color pace lap (
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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September 1967 Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin continued

More pictures of the 2nd Cherokee on its pace lap at Road America.

1st picture: B&W pace lap Friedman:

2nd picture: A DVD movie put together exclusively from original Can-Am motion picture archival footage entitled "Can-Am: The Speed Odyssey" includes a few brief appearances of the 2nd Cherokee during the opening pace laps at Road America. 
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September 1967 Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin continued

The first two pictures can be found at the Revs Institute Digital Library.  Click on the link in order to use the magnifying tools on each picture.

1st picture:

2nd picture:

3rd picture: Program Cover from the 1968 Road America Can Am featuring a picture of the 2nd Cherokee in pit lane from the prior year, 1967  (
« Last Edit: March 16, 2018, 04:53:47 PM by SMKZ28 »
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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September 1967 Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin continued

Pictures of the driver introduction parade do not include images of the entire convertible used.  Camaro convertibles were not used at this race for this purpose.  Instead, private owners and their Corvettes were used to chauffer the drivers around the track.  Speaking of Corvettes, a picture from the Dave Friedman Collection demonstrates that the 1965 Corvette Mako Shark 2 made another appearance at this event. 

picture: Mako Shark 2 and Firebird:
« Last Edit: March 16, 2018, 04:54:42 PM by SMKZ28 »
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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September 1967 Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin continued

The Dave Friedman picture posted above also shows a 1967 Firebird convertible parked in front of the Mako Shark 2.  I’m not exactly sure, but proximity to the Mako Shark 2 might identify this Firebird as another special General Motors “Dream” car called the Skydiver.  If it is, the Skydiver made its debut at the Chicago Auto Show in February 1967.  A caption in the book entitled, “The Definitive Firebird and Trans Am Guide: 1967-1969” by Rocky Rotella states that it, “featured pearlescent orange paint and a similar interior treatment.  It was intended to attract youth interested in the sport of skydiving.”  The July 2017 edition of Smoke Signals: The Official Publication of the Pontiac-Oakland Club International has an article on page 8 entitled “Skydiver: 1967 Firebird 400 Show Car Found!”  In it author Mike Noun points out that “when the Skydiver made its debut at the 1967 Chicago Auto Show, Pontiac went all out and presented the car on a large display floor that appeared like an open parachute.  To make the display that much more visible from across the show hall, a couple of additional, vertical orange-and-white parachutes were presented off one side.”

1st picture: Firebird Skydiver at Chicago Auto Show:

2nd picture: Color Firebird Skydiver:
« Last Edit: March 16, 2018, 04:55:02 PM by SMKZ28 »
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1967 Firebird Skydiver

Apparently the 1967 Firebird Skydiver is another General Motors “Dream” car that escaped the crusher and still survives today.  At some time the car was painted blue but the original orange is still visible in the trunk.  In addition, the special interior was never altered.  The car has a VIN # that ends in 00004 and the word “SHOW” appears on the cowl panel trim tag.  Click on the following link to a PDF of the article.  A vintage color picture of the car at the New York International Automobile Show in April 1967 and current pictures of the car appear in the article.   Read it here starting on page 8:
« Last Edit: April 09, 2023, 12:59:28 AM by SMKZ28 »
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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September 1967, Bridgehampton, New York

The 2nd Cherokee was also used as the pace car for the second event of the SCCA Can-Am Championship.  This race was called the Chevron Grand Prix and it was held on Sunday, September 17, 1967 at Bridgehampton Raceway in Bridgehampton, New York.  Denny Hulme won the event in his Chevrolet powered McLaren M6A. 

The driver introduction parade for this event occurred in privately owned antique cars, not Camaros.

Click on the link in order to use the magnifying tools on each picture.

1st picture:

2nd picture:

3rd picture:

4th picture:
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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September 1967, Bridgehampton, New York continued

Additional pictures from Bridgehampton.

1st picture:

2nd picture: page 168 of “Chaparral: Can-Am and Prototype Race Cars” by Dave Friedman

3rd picture: DVD movie: "Can-Am: The Speed Odyssey"

4th picture:
« Last Edit: October 09, 2024, 06:29:03 PM by SMKZ28 »
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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September 1967, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada

The next race where the 2nd Cherokee was used as a pace car was the third event of the SCCA Can-Am Championship called the Player’s 200.  This event was held Saturday, September 13, 1967 at Mosport Park in Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada.  Denny Hulme won for the third time in a row in his Chevrolet powered McLaren M6A. 

These three color shots were captured from the DVD movie entitled "Can-Am: The Speed Odyssey"

Note that the white convertible top is up on the 2nd Cherokee parked in front of the VW Microbus.
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September 1967, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada continued

These two pictures came from the Dave Friedman Collection on Flickr.

1st picture:

2nd picture:
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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September 1967, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada continued

Another Dave Friedman Collection shot from Mosport with the 2nd Cherokee in pit lane.

I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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September 1967, Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada continued

The drivers were chauffeured around the track at Mosport Park during the driver introduction parade in brand new 1968 Camaro convertibles.  These were used since the race took place after the 1968 Camaro models were introduced to the public on Friday, September 15, 1967.

These three pictures also came from the Dave Friedman Collection on Flickr.

1st picture:

2nd picture: Drivers: Mike Spence, John Surtees and Peter Revson

3rd picture: Drivers: Dan Gurney, Bruce McLaren and Denny Hulme
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Chevrolet produced this brochure to capitalize on the fact that Chevrolet engines powered the winning cars in the first three events of the 1967 SCCA Can-Am Championship.  It was meant to inform dealership salesmen about the series and how Chevrolet engines had been so successful.  The brochure was not supposed to be handed out.  As you can see the 2nd Cherokee is featured prominently on the front page.  The pictures of the 2nd Cherokee and the Chaparral 2G were both taken at the Bridgehampton event.

I found these pictures at
« Last Edit: March 16, 2018, 05:00:39 PM by SMKZ28 »
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The 2nd Cherokee was not used to pace the last three races of the 1967 SCCA Can-Am Championship.  I’m not sure of the exact reason but I speculate that it wasn’t used at the races held in October and November 1967 because the new 1968 model cars were already being sold by then.  The 2nd Cherokee was a 1967 model year Camaro with the side vent windows, lack of side marker lights and first model year interior.  Perhaps Chevrolet just didn’t want to promote last year’s model any more. 

If anyone has any more information or historic pictures concerning the 2nd Cherokee, please share.

These pictures show how the 2nd Cherokee looked once it was completely restored.  I took them at the Muscle Car and Corvette Nationals in Rosemont, Illinois back in November 2013. 
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This thread has the makings of a cool Camaro book !  I was at the 1967 F1 race at Mosport. I still have the ticket stub that I saved some where. I was only 12 years old plus I got to ride to the track in my cousin's friend's new 396 4 speed white 67 chevelle . Pretty memorable day for a kid! 


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This thread has the makings of a cool Camaro book !  I was at the 1967 F1 race at Mosport. I still have the ticket stub that I saved some where. I was only 12 years old plus I got to ride to the track in my cousin's friend's new 396 4 speed white 67 chevelle . Pretty memorable day for a kid! 

Thanks.  Did you happen to take any photos that day?  Did you happen to get and keep the program?
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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No photos. I probably had a program but if it still exists it would be buried at my parents house some where.


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I just found this picture of an ad that would have run in a Detroit newspaper during the 51st Detroit Auto Show.  This premiere event took place November 26th through December 4th, 1966 at Cobo Hall in Detroit, Michigan.  It's the same as all the others with the exception of the "Detroit Auto Show" information at the bottom.  I found it here:

I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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I also just found this picture of a Camaro SS-396 ad that appeared inside the program for the 11th Annual International Automobile Show.  This prestigious event took place Saturday, April 1st through Sunday, April 9th, 1967 at the New York Coliseum in New York, New York.  It came from here:
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A Camaro Cutaway Car is featured in a black and white image on the front of a brochure entitled, "The Camaro from a Service Viewpoint."  This brochure was produced by Chevrolet Communication in October 1966.  It was part of an Ebay auction and it sold on July 19, 2017. 

Click on the following to see three more pictures from the brochure:
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Poughkeepsie, New York, October 1966

I just found some interesting information on an Auto Show that took place in Poughkeepsie, New York one month after the Camaro was introduced to the public.  This Auto Show was not the same type as those that took place in amphitheaters or convention halls in large cities.  This particular kind of Auto Show took place at the local mall, and I believe the local car dealerships provided the cars that were on display.  This is probably the type of Auto Show that multitudes of people attended in towns and smaller cities across the country.  While doing my research I remember seeing several little blurbs and ads in newspapers talking about these types of Auto Shows held at local malls.

A full page ad on page 31 of the Wednesday, October 26, 1966 edition of the Poughkeepsie Journal proclaims, “AUTO SHOW ’67 MODELS…HUDSON PLAZA, SOUTH ROAD OCTOBER 27th THROUGH 29th Come on down and look around!  See the many New 1967 Cars and Trucks.  In the usual Hudson Plaza fashion, we are making it possible for you to shop for a new car without having to travel from dealer to dealer.  The prices are right and the variety is great…so what are you waiting for…come on down”

It seems that a dealer called Mid-Hudson Chevrolet was providing the new models from Chevrolet.  The ad also states, “ALL NEW FOR '67: CHEVROLET CHEVELLE CAMARO CORVAIR CORVETTE CHEVY II   MID-HUDSON CHEVROLET, INC 534 MAIN STREET POUGHKEEPSIE”

I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Poughkeepsie, New York, October 1966

The impetus for looking for information on an Auto Show in Poughkeepsie was a copy of the Sunday, October 23, 1966 edition of Family Weekly that I found online.  This publication was a syndicated Sunday newspaper magazine supplement that appeared in newspapers across the country.  The “special issue” was entitled “1967 AUTO SHOW” and the particular one I found happened to be included in the Poughkeepsie Journal.  A full page, color advertisement for Chevrolet featuring a red 1967 Camaro can be found inside.
Both pictures came from here:
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Poughkeepsie, New York, October 1966

An article entitled “Introducing the Safer, Sleeker ‘67’s” shows a color version of the stock photo of the pre-production yellow 1967 Camaro RS/SS 350.  The black and white version is included for reference.
1st picture:

2nd picture:
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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I just found a couple more pictures of the 1967 Nickey/Bill Thomas SS 427 featured in the Nickey/Bill Thomas booth at the High Performance and Custom Trade Show held from Tuesday, January 10th to Thursday, January 12th, 1967 in Los Angeles, California.

More info and other pictures can be seen in Reply #42 on page three of this thread.

Both pictures came from a Hot Rod Magazine article on the subject.  See it here:
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Scott, here's a photo I just found, I think this is at the '67 Canadian Grand Prix for F1 cars at Mosport. You can see a row of white

 Camaros  maybe this is in the wrong spot ? on hind sight (they look like '68's ?) behind the red Chevy panel van.

Mike, in Canada

Scott, did you get the image I sent of the special paint '79 Firebird Trans-Ams ?


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Hi Mike.  Great photo!  Sure looks like the 1967 Camaro convertibles used at Mosport during the Canadian Grand Prix.  Where did you find the picture? 

Not sure where you sent the '79 Trans Am photos but I did not get them.  Sorry I didn't respond to your message from last month but I haven't checked in here for a couple of months.
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Scott, good to see you back  :)  I found the photo here in this group, a sight you know.

Mike, in Canada

PM sent


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Here is a close up of the six cars.  It looks like the second one from the right has writing on the door.
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Just found some professionally produced color film footage of spectators being interviewed in the Chevrolet section of the 1967 Chicago Auto Show which took place Saturday, February 25th through Sunday, March 5th, 1967 at The International Amphitheater in Chicago, Illinois.  Several commented on how they are interested in or like the new Camaro. 

Camaro signage and a few of the display cars can be seen in the background or near the interviewees.  The color film documents the color of two of the Camaro convertibles.  One was brown and one was red SS with a white nose stripe.  It also looks like there was a black coupe.

See the footage between 01:52:02 and 01:55:13 here:
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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It can also be confirmed that a non-RS 1967 Camaro Z28 was also in attendance at the 1967 Chicago Auto Show.  The color film footage shows that the car was painted white.  It also has a rear spoiler and a Z-28 rear license plate.

See it at 01:53:06
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Just found some fantastic color photos showing the Camaro "Dream Cars" that were on display at the 11th Annual International Automobile Show which took place Saturday, April 1st through Sunday, April 9th, 1967 at the New York Coliseum in New York, New York.  Some of these pictures seem to be the color versions of known black & white photos but there are also some new ones I have never seen before.  They show the yellow "Californian", the red "Cherokee" with the red interior and the Z-28 which can definitely be confirmed as being white!  Since the other two wore special auto show paint jobs, the white paint was probably a different color than what was normally available on regular production cars.

I found them at the Petersen Automotive Museum Digitization Project.  The website gets the correct venue for the pictures but it has the wrong year.  They are mislabeled "1968 12th Annual New York Auto Show."

Additional photos and information on these cars can be seen in this thread starting in Reply #73, page 5 and continuing through Reply #77, page 6.
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More from the Petersen...

The second and fourth photos are cropped versions of the first and third.
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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More from the Petersen.....

The white Z-28 photo is a cropped version of the second photo.
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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I devoted a couple of posts earlier in this thread to the bright orange 1967 Pontiac "Dream Car" known as the Skydiver Firebird convertible.  I found three additional photos of the car as it was also displayed at the 11th Annual International Automobile Show in New York.

I wrote earlier in Replies #109 & 110 on page 8 of this thread that, "the Skydiver made its debut at the Chicago Auto Show in February 1967.  A caption in the book entitled, “The Definitive Firebird and Trans Am Guide: 1967-1969” by Rocky Rotella states that it, “featured pearlescent orange paint and a similar interior treatment.  It was intended to attract youth interested in the sport of skydiving.”  The July 2017 edition of Smoke Signals: The Official Publication of the Pontiac-Oakland Club International has an article on page 8 entitled “Skydiver: 1967 Firebird 400 Show Car Found!”  In it author Mike Noun points out that “when the Skydiver made its debut at the 1967 Chicago Auto Show, Pontiac went all out and presented the car on a large display floor that appeared like an open parachute.  To make the display that much more visible from across the show hall, a couple of additional, vertical orange-and-white parachutes were presented off one side.”

These pictures came from the Petersen Automotive Museum Digitization Project:

The fourth is a cropped version of the third.
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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CRG Member Mike (group/7) posted a new photo of the 1967 Cherokee Camaro in another thread focusing solely on the Dream Car itself but I feel it should also be a part of this thread because it was taken at the 11th Annual International Automobile Show held at the New York Coliseum in New York, New York Saturday, April 1st through Sunday, April 9th, 1967.  This is the first picture I have seen of the event that shows one of the  non-Camaro "Dream Cars" that people were allowed to sit in.  In the corner of the picture you can see what looks to be a white 1967 Camaro RS/SS 396 convertible with Rally Wheels.

Additional photos and information on the New York Auto Show can be seen in this thread starting in Reply #73, page 5 and continuing through Reply #77, page 6 as well as Replies #137-139 on page 10.
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Here is a photo of what the person who posted the photo on Facebook states is the 1966 Miami Auto Show.  The show must have taken place sometime in the Fall of 1966 since these cars are 1967 models.  In the photo you can see a 1967 Camaro with base hub caps and a 1967 Camaro convertible.  I have not been able to find out any information on when this auto show took place but several responses said it was held at the Dinner Key Auditorium.

I found the photo on the "Old Dealerships" Facebook page:
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd

Jon Mello

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An article on the Chevy display at the NY Auto Show from the NY Daily News.
Jon Mello


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An article on the Chevy display at the NY Auto Show from the NY Daily News.

WOW!  Thanks Jon for the fantastic preview article on the 1967 New York Auto Show.  It clears up and confirms many of the things I was wondering about.  Remember the debate on what the rear license plate said on the first Cherokee Camaro Dream Car when it was displayed at the Chicago Auto Show in February 1967?  This article confirms that it was originally called the "Carnival Camaro."  Interestingly, by the time the show opened in New York in April the car would be displayed with its more familiar name, Cherokee Camaro. 

In addition, the article also mentions that a 1967 Indianapolis Pace Car was at the show.  That must be the white 396 convertible with the rally wheels seen in the background of the photo posted in Reply #141 of this page.  I was wondering if this particular car was an Indy Pace Car but the door was not visible in the photo.  Now this article confirms that it was.  The question now becomes, was this car one of the special 1967 Indianapolis Pace Cars used by the track to pace the actual race?  The article does call it a "Super-Special 500 Pace Car."   I don't have the time right now to look up the dates in question but is it possible that one of the actual pace cars was displayed at the New York Auto Show (April 1-9, 1967) and then shipped to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway?  Does anyone know when IMS received their actual pace cars?

Additional photos and information on the New York Auto Show can be seen in this thread starting in Reply #73, page 5 and continuing through Reply #77, page 6 as well as Replies #137-139 on page 10 and the afore mentioned Reply #141 on this page.

Additional photos of the Camaro Women's Fashions mentioned in the article can be seen in this thread starting in Reply #62, page 5 and continuing through Reply #67 on page 5.

Additional photos and information on the Chevy Junior mentioned in the article can be seen in this thread starting in Reply #59, page 4 through Reply #60, page 5.

The photos of the Chevrolet Road Rally Slot Car Game mentioned in the article as "given away each hour" came from
« Last Edit: February 17, 2021, 04:15:47 AM by SMKZ28 »
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Many more photos of the "Electrovair, an experimental battery-powered Corvair" mentioned in the 1967 New York Auto Show preview article can be seen here:

Info on the electric car program can be seen here:
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Scott, thanks for the images of the Electrovair, and the link to the early GM photos of the '67 Camaro.

I'm not sure if this was seen here before, not a Camaro, but an earlier '64 version of an Electric Corvair, I think this was also GM,

 maybe in conjunction with another company ? I can imagine all that extra weight in the rear made the handling more dodgy than

 it already was  ::)

You do great research !



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Scott, thanks for the images of the Electrovair, and the link to the early GM photos of the '67 Camaro.

I'm not sure if this was seen here before, not a Camaro, but an earlier '64 version of an Electric Corvair, I think this was also GM,

 maybe in conjunction with another company ? I can imagine all that extra weight in the rear made the handling more dodgy than

 it already was  ::)

You do great research !


Thanks Mike!  I've never scene that photo of that first gen Corvair.  Like you mentioned, since they were known to be a handful handling wise in stock configuration I wonder what it was like to drive this thing?
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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I'm not sure if this was seen here before, not a Camaro, but an earlier '64 version of an Electric Corvair, I think this was also GM, maybe in conjunction with another company ?

You do great research !


Great pic, have never seen that one. This may be a clue: calvair 11 stir lec stirling electric hybrid GM experimental 64.jpg


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I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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The Calvair has a sterling engine. No mention of being electric drive.

4 of the first pilot build Camaros were destined to be converted to electric drives, ala the Electrovair.

Kurt S


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Interesting to hear that. Wonder what changed that they decided not to have engineering build them? Or did they?


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Here is a cool photo and caption that appeared in the March 30, 1967 edition of The Terre Haute Tribune from Terre Haute Indiana.  It shows what I assume to be one of the actual cars destined to be used to pace the 1967 Indianapolis 500 coming off the production line at Norwood.  Standing next to it are Anton Hulman, President of Indianapolis Motor Speedway, W.C. Clark, Chevrolet Mideast Regional Manager and John D. Rhoades, Chevrolet Plant Manager.  The fact that these VIP's were there to see the car at final inspection and the fact that there were reporters there to record the event must indicate that this was one of the actual pace cars. 

If so, this answers a question that I had posted earlier.  The caption states, "this pace car will first be exhibited at the National Automobile Show in New York City April 1 through April 9."  This fact would mean that the car mentioned as the "Super-Special 500 Pace Car" in a previously posted article about the 1967 New York Auto Show was in fact one of the actual Camaros that would be used to pace the 1967 Indianapolis 500.  It probably went straight to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway after the show.
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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I thought I read that the actual race Pace Cars were sent to engineering and then to Indy. I believe they would have needed to be race prepped.


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I thought I read that the actual race Pace Cars were sent to engineering and then to Indy. I believe they would have needed to be race prepped.

Good point.  That makes sense.  Produce the car, make it pretty and then show it off before updating the mechanicals for its duties.
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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According to this document it looks like the actual pace cars were to be delivered to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway "on or before April 24th." 

This means that it is possible that after the car finished being shown at the New York Auto Show on April 9th it might have gone back to be upgraded for pace duty.
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Did the SS396 horn button ever make it into general release?



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Scott, came across these two shots of  a restored, or in the process, '67 Camaro Pace car from the 1967 Canadian Grand Prix held

 at Mosport Park, Ontario, Canada, September 27th. 1967.

Any idea where these might have been taken ? The terrain looks South Western, or So-Cal.

Note the flags attached to the A-pillars.

I found these on a French forum I frequent, not sure if they have been here before.



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Scott, came across these two shots of  a restored, or in the process, '67 Camaro Pace car from the 1967 Canadian Grand Prix held

 at Mosport Park, Ontario, Canada, September 27th. 1967.

Any idea where these might have been taken ? The terrain looks South Western, or So-Cal.

Note the flags attached to the A-pillars.

I found these on a French forum I frequent, not sure if they have been here before.


Hey Mike, thanks for adding those current pictures.  Nice to see someone has taken the time to create and add those door decals.  I remember spending hours and hours looking for and finally finding a picture that showed what they might have looked like on some but not all of the cars.  The flags are cool too!

Not sure where it was taken but I concur with your assessment of it being in the southwest USA or California.  Neat bunch of old gas station signs!
« Last Edit: October 04, 2022, 04:01:49 PM by SMKZ28 »
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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Scott, came across these two shots of  a restored, or in the process, '67 Camaro Pace car from the 1967 Canadian Grand Prix held

 at Mosport Park, Ontario, Canada, September 27th. 1967.

Any idea where these might have been taken ? The terrain looks South Western, or So-Cal.

Note the flags attached to the A-pillars.

I found these on a French forum I frequent, not sure if they have been here before.


The location in the photos is a restaurant named Cooks Garage in Lubbock, Texas.  The photo was taken when the car was being showed at a car show there.

More on the car can be seen here:
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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October 1966, Dallas, Texas

Just found a few pictures of the Texas State Fair Auto Show which took place October 8-23, 1966 in Dallas, Texas.  The pictures show that at least three 1967 Camaros appeared at the show.  These include one of the Camaro RS/SS 350 cut-away displays, a dark colored RS/SS 350 convertible and a light colored coupe.  The first two are easy to spot but the coupe is hiding behind the station wagon which is behind the Chevelle SS 396 convertible.

Image 1:
Images 2/3:  (I posted this photo in Reply #17 when I first created this thread but I could not identify the location at that time.  Matching the cars and the background in this photo with the location and cars in the known photographs I just came across allowed me to identify it as the Texas State Fair Auto Show.)
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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October 1966, Dallas, Texas

You can see the Camaro RS/SS cut-away car in the background of this shot of the Cadillac display.
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd


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October 1966, Dallas, Texas

Texas State Fair Auto Show Twitter
I don't have a 1st Gen but I have 1971 Z28 RS 4-spd, 1997 Z28 Z4C 6-spd, 2000 SS Convertible, 2010 RS 6-spd