A couple pics of a 69Z I now own after it was raced for 45 years. It spent 14 years racing S/S by it's original & second owner (friends) and another 30 years as a bracket car with the next couple owners. I am now in the midst of restoring the car but love it's long history as a drag car in the Pacific Northwest.
Calgary 1970 - Mostly stock looking then. Paired with Wosolinski's Tuff Nuff Hemi Cuda

Edmonton 1971/1972 - Stripes extended down the rear but still looking stock.

Fort St John BC 1973 - Home after mini tubs added and front solo stripe added

Matched up in Seattle with a 55 Post and seeing "Suddenly" 67 Camaro in the background.

Seattle 1974 - Newer paint scheme resembling a Motion Camaro

Seattle 1978 - Additional side stripe added with rear deck in white.

Oregon Woodburn 1980 - Second owner with car in the staging lanes.

Seattle 1981 - Heavy hitters like Rehr Morrison, Yule, Lambreck, McKinney, Wosolinski and others in the background.