Agreed $20 to $30K IS a lot of money - however look at the price of new cars. $30 won't even buy a top of the line model Toyota mini van. I know as I own 1 along with my '67. In 10 years the van will be in the junk yard while the Camaro will probably doubled in price.
So perhaps the question should be can you afford NOT to buy one....
On page 20 of Miller's Camaro book and in the storyboard drawing that I posted unusual bullet shaped side mirrors are shown. Does anyone know anything about these? Were they ever produced by GM or the aftermarket?
Yeah that rings a bell - I THINK it was a retractible sunroof. I sort of remember seeing a picture of it somewhere.
I also seem to recall a color picture of a proto 1st gen with woodgrain sides, custom grill and maybe a surfboard rack??? Just can't seem to remember where....
At the time the parts store said that the yellow weatherstrip adhesive was superior to the black. I'm not sure if he was right but it sure looks worse if any gets out past the seal! And you're right it does work like contact cement so "glue" was the wrong term.
3M yellow glue WILL fail after a few years - both ends of my seal are loose. I think I installed it about 10 years ago. NOT correct for a '67 but mine had cooling problems and also blew an a/c hose so it was a fix that seemed to help.