Maintenance / Reverse bleeding rear drums
« on: December 13, 2019, 08:07:20 PM »
Replaced master cylinder due to brake fluid being rusted. Pulling in air at the new master after air bubbles appear even after bench bleeding. Was going to try a reverse bleed from the passenger right and cannot push the fluid through and only comes gushing out of the bleeder screw no matter if it's barely cracked or almost all the way open. The fronts are bled and only have the back wheels that i cannot push the fluid through. Makes me wonder if i have a corroded line somewhere not allowing the fluid to pass. The steel line coming off the master is taped off and have it attached to a bottle (catch) can if i ever get it to flow correctly. Would the only option that i have is to start chasing which line or lines contain the blockage starting from both rear wheels and on up to the master?