Hey.. I'm just double checking the size of two brake lines.
They are on the front system with power discs..
First is the line that runs from the master cylinder (front reservior) to the metering valve..
..and then from the metering valve to the distribution block/brake switch.
I know that the lines from the distribution block to each front caliper is 3/16", but because these two lines that I'm referring to feed
both front calipers, did the factory make these in 1/4" just like they made a 1/4" line to the rear axle, before it also down-sizes to 3/16" at the rear axle distribution block?
From all the pics I can find on-line, these two do appear to be 3/16", which kind of surprises me.

If the colors of the flare nuts are anything to go by (are they?), then yes, these two lines would be 3/16"..
MBM Reproduction assy.

OE Appearing..