Looking for some insight on troubleshooting my engine troubles. Car starts, idles, drives out fine until you give it any heavy throttle. I'm not talking mash to the floor, just hard acceleration, say 1/2 to 3/4 throttle. When you do that, engine stumbles, then dies. Quickly restarts and runs fine at light/partial throttle. Car will rev in neutral without issue. Car also seems to be able to handle heavier throttle when I first take it out. After about 1 mile of running through the gears a few times, it can't handle heavy throttle. I started to troubleshoot, then fell into the black hole of replacing parts one at a time to no avail. Here's what I've done/checked:
1) checked plugs - fine
2) check resistance on plug wires - fine
3) checked coil - fine
4) replaced points with electronic module / along with coil
5) checked timing - fine
6) plugged vacuum advance - no change other than difficult idling
7) changed plug wires

changed fuel pump
What am I missing? BTW, it's a solid lifter 427 built to stock specs - heads, cam, carb, distributor are all OE stuff.