Author Topic: 67 Z-28 going to auction  (Read 40397 times)


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Re: 67 Z-28 going to auction
« Reply #60 on: May 25, 2016, 04:43:55 PM »
One thing is for certain..  If there is money to be made then scammers & crooks will come..  This along with other issues with this hobby is slowly driving me away..  Either the parts cost an arm & a leg or the car is fake or you get forums that pick apart your car because either A.  you didnt build it like they feel like you should have or B.  you didnt pay a crap ton of money to have a professional shop do the work for you...  I have been quilty as much as the next guy at picking apart cars on the net but I guess I am starting to see the light of day or maybe Im just having a bad day..