I'm having my LM-1 to my mechanic's garage right now, to bring her engine back to it's original state. Now I do have a question about the air conditioning. Correct me if I'm wrong, but according to the POP, only the power steering was installed, and the radio from the factory. (3 and 3)
Here's my POP:

When I bought the car, the A/C was installed and working. Of course it was not an original compressor, as the whole engine part we're swap for chrome part. But except for the compressor, the rest of the A/C component look pretty original from my opinion, even if the POP doesn't make any mention about A/C. Does the dealer could have add this A/C after the car was bought ? Does a dealer installation look the same as factory installation ?
I notice that there's a little metal plate, screwed on the rear right side of the engine bay, just above the A/C hosing. Does this small plate is related with A/C ? If yes, was it installed from the factory, or could have been added by a dealer, during the A/C installation ?
On the following picture (not my car), this small plate has 3 screws, and is located slightly right of the hood hinges, just by the rubber sealant for the hood.

What do you guys think, about this A/C story ?