Author Topic: Black out tail pan BB 67 IPC  (Read 21211 times)


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Re: Black out tail pan BB 67 IPC
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2016, 01:53:54 PM »
Yeah I started this project maybe 8 years ago and it was lets say more of an opportunity then other projects I had done in the past. I agree 100% about the fun part and I stepped back from the car thing 5 years ago being burned out and not having much fun. I'm looking forward to getting back to it again with the right attitude.

Prior to me getting the car it had new GM quarters installed over a nasty brazed in Frankenstein mess of patched in sections from the rear seat support back to and including the tail pan. I basically tore it out and redid it and that's where I am now. The floor pans doors and fenders were pretty nice so my guess is it was rear ended and repaired poorly. So the tail panel had no sign of previous paint and likely not original to the car. The car seems to have always stayed in Indiana and the previous owner did not know it was a pace car.   
67 O-1 O4A L35 Convertible, Indy Zone IPC


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Re: Black out tail pan BB 67 IPC
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2016, 07:59:39 PM »
Wasn't there a pic of a IPC in the parade with a black tailpanel?
Kurt S


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Re: Black out tail pan BB 67 IPC
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2016, 08:01:28 PM »
Ccargo, I know someone that knows someone that has a BB '67 pacer. It's a 325hp, and I never knew they were built. My buddy has seen the car and THINKS it has a black tail panel. He will check into it, I'll report back later.
Doug  '67 RS/SS 396 auto I know the car since new


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Re: Black out tail pan BB 67 IPC
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2016, 06:05:07 AM »
Big Block Pace Cars had Blacked out rear ends.... Track 1 and Track 2 did not....... Pat, Why in the world do you feel your Pace Car isn't a Commitment Car??

All Cars that were delivered to the Zone ( With the Embossed date ) were known as Commitment Cars....

 Your car can ONLY have come out of one of two different groups we know the Big Blocks were in.

1. Display Group: We know ( By proof of Vintage Pics ) that there were at least 2 Flag bearing, Blacked Out Rear End Cars ( #123 and # 124 I believe ) and one, possibly White Rear, Big Block that was on Display at the Murat Temple Lobby where the Victory Banquet was held year in year out.  For sure one of the Black Tail Big Blocks was on Display at the old Indy Museum and the other one pretty much made the rounds for Chevrolet at many different Indianapolis Metro Areas where A Pace Car was to be displayed.   

2.  The 2nd Group:   We have the Assignment Letter that shows Car # 107 and if memory serves me right # 109 were Big Block Cars set aside for members of the press.  Oddly enough, these two guys I looked up there reviews and they gave the New Camaro somewhat poor reviews. The number one complaint (outside of storage space) by these guys was that the Cars they had been given to test were 6 pops. Therefore, both reviews mentioned cars they tested were "Under Powered" ......Leave it to Chevrolet not to make the same mistake twice with these two guys....

So,  knowing The Brass Hat Commitment numbered Cars had at least 2 Big Blocks available to them (maybe more) it is likely that there might be at least one more car (maybe more)  just like yours that hasn't been found yet.... If a car does ever show up like yours, your car might have been one of the 2 Big Blocks mentioned on the Assignment letter.


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Re: Black out tail pan BB 67 IPC
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2016, 03:23:08 PM »
Okay, I went through some of the old photos I had stored on my ancient computer and found a photo of a black tailed big block pace car with flags no less! I will really throw people for a loop if I put flipping flags on it too   :D

Tony, I guess I'm confused as to what is what for cars with embossed date (zone) and the specific speedway build. It seems to be a very purpose driven action on Chevrolet's part to have them all looking the same so it crossed my mind that if they requested the 03C BB pace cars to be repainted all white that a subsequent 04A BB O-1 with the same speedway build might have a white tail pan cove. Smart money says, black, and that's the way I'm going to go with it. Thank you everyone, it was fun tossing this around.   
67 O-1 O4A L35 Convertible, Indy Zone IPC


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Re: Black out tail pan BB 67 IPC
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2016, 04:37:16 PM »
What about the trunk latch support? Did you check it or black over white at the top?
Collectin' Camaro's since "Only Rednecks drove them"
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Re: Black out tail pan BB 67 IPC
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2016, 10:52:53 PM »
Killer information. Now, I have a question or two. My buddy knows the car I spoke of being a 325 hp, owner has had it for decades. I THOUGHT I had read only 375hp BB's were built. How many BB's were 325's? I have an official post card I bought in the '70's with a '67 pacer. I wonder which book it's acting as a book mark in?
Doug  '67 RS/SS 396 auto I know the car since new


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Re: Black out tail pan BB 67 IPC
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2016, 04:50:14 AM »
There has been so much wrong information written on these Cars it's sad.... Yes.... The original 3 Pace Cars were built originally as 375 hp cars....

These cars were changed to basically 350hp motors by the engineers at the proving grounds. 2 of those cars #90 and #92 were delivered to the Speedway, the 3rd one was the car that the engineers used as the TEST MULE when coming up with the different mods necessary for the Pace Car duties. No one knows what happened to that car.

Chevrolet made a replacement car that was originally made to be given to the winner of the race. The evidence suggests that car was the same car on Display at the Murat Temple.


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Re: Black out tail pan BB 67 IPC
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2016, 06:04:31 AM »
What about the trunk latch support? Did you check it or black over white at the top?

No I didn't think of that, good answer, I will give it a try. Its unlikely with all the work that's been done in that area but worth a try. Thanks, I will let you know. When Charlie owned #92 he was kind of enough to let us look it over in detail and I did try and find evidence of black over-spray but didn't see any. He drew the line at knocking out a tail light bezel or letting us scratch a little spot with my car keys.

Kurt I have a Q: how did they know at the paint area to do the black out on the early 4P L78 cars? 
67 O-1 O4A L35 Convertible, Indy Zone IPC