I hope the first of you guys to get the report back, will please post pics of what is provided, so the rest of us will see it nice and clear.
Thanks in advance!
Based on what Roy Sinor has told us we will receive, and based on my own car's VIN and dealer tag and label (on the car when I purchased it in 1976), I can predict what my letter will say...

"Subject to the General Conditions listed on the reverse side, National Corvette Restorer’s Society, Inc, confirms the following information exists in the GM shipping data records for the 1969 Camaro with vehicle identification number 124379N686XXX.
The GM official Production Date was 9/17/1969
The original delivery dealer was Dealer code 73 in zone 8 .
The name and Address for the dealer was:
Joe V Clayton Chevrolet, Inc
Arab, AL 35016"---------------------------------------------------------------
My only point with this is that most of us know or suspect the information on our cars already, and we can calculate the production date based on the VIN, but what the service does for us is PROVIDE GM CONFIRMATION of that information! and that is well worth the $50 IMO...

When I get my letter, I'll update this and see how good my prediction was....