How did you test those?
There was a procedure in the service manual. You test resistance in one direction, then switch leads and check it in the other. It only said that resistance should be high in one direction and low in the other. But, if I had a bad diode then I should see reduced alternator output. The alternator appears to have no problem keeping up with load.
I spent last night taking apart & cleaning every connection I could get to, including all grounds and positive connections at the distribution block & alternator. While none of them looked particularly bad, they didn't look all that great.
After sitting for 2 days, battery voltage is right at 12.6V, which is perfect. I turned on the lights for a little bit, and the battery was right back at 12.6V after shutting them off. While just a basic test, I would expect to see less than 12.6V if the battery were bad.
I ordered another Wells VR715, and I will try installing as-is (not swapping the guts into my original VR). I'm going to pay very close attention to the ground at the VR - I was even thinking of running a dedicated ground directly from the battery cable to the VR. If that doesn't help, I'll try to go to DJ's and have him check out my alternator.