I would not be concerned with duplicating the Camaro script (cursive). and receiving a cease and desist for logo infringement. Besides myself, there are thousands of custom painters who use Harley logos and legal actions have not been encountered. Not to mention every other company's logo painted on vehicles. When logo use problems arise, it's generally due to certain boundaries being overstepped to generate income for products and services that infringe on registration rights.
The money bag symbol was copyrighted by someone after it was discovered nobody ever did. It's use is common. And while the logo's legal owner could stop anyone who uses it without his permission and demand royalties or excercise a cease and desist, it's rarely done. When it was, it was done to flex the owner's muscles.
The back of #10 is awkward. We naturally read top to bottom and left to right. The repetition of the font
forces you to do this, even with the color change. When information is divided and sandwiched, it's done with font and layout differences.
You've put a lot of work into this Marty.