Decoding/Numbers / Re: Caveat Emptor...forget something?
« on: May 03, 2017, 07:00:03 PM »
I know of at lest three semi rare Corvettes that were judged, the judges who thought they were right deducted the aforementioned points for the engine pads, the owners could not live with it and had there engine re stamped, only to end up with the same result several thousand dollars later. The sad part of this story is I am convinced all three of those vehicles had original engines, that just had factory anomalies on their pads and somebody that had to prove they knew everything ended up causing three original examples to be destroyed. Not to mention the thousands of dollars it cost to end up with the same or in one case a worse result. The example that was worse result is an original pad had been lightly decked during a squaring of the block deck bore process in rebuild. He originally lost .8 percent for the missing original pad surface machining. After he had it re stamped, he lost 2% for the pad surface machining and both sets of stamps the machine code and the VIN derivative. Not smart, but in his case the pursuit of perfection caused disaster, that engine will never be viewed as original for the car again and it was.