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Topics - Mike S

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10]
General Discussion / Engine chrome paint spray protection?
« on: March 16, 2012, 06:20:01 PM »
Just curious how a motor that was equipped with chrome valve covers were painted. I read coffee type cans were placed on the distributor, caps on hose nipples and tape (or magnet) on engine pads, but how were the chrome covers protected from overspray?


Restoration / Judges: Question on SS stripe w/base coat clear coat
« on: February 22, 2012, 10:07:38 PM »
Judges: I'm going to repaint my 67 convertable that was restored in '88. Back then I sprayed it with DuPont Lucite acrylic lacquer.
The nose bumblebee stripe was sprayed over the base coat color as done at the factory so there was a very definite edge seen and felt.
Being that type of paint is obsolete now, I'm going with a base coat/clear coat finish this time.
 My question is would there be a point hit if the stripe was under the clear coat instead of over it? There will likely be an edge still but not as defined.

Thank you,

Maintenance / Removing frozen hoses from necks
« on: February 20, 2012, 08:07:45 PM »
 Several times I have helped friends remove their radiator hoses only to find they either cracked the neck or gouged it using screw drivers between the hose and neck/nipples.
I showed them this tool and they said they have never seen before it despite working on cars for a while.
I figured maybe showing it here for those who have never seen it would save time and unnecessary repairs as a result of removing frozen hoses especially if you have a Harrison radiator (very $$$$ to replace).
  To use, carefully wiggle the point to slip it between the hose and neck. When it's under then push it around the neck and presto, it's freed!
You can get this at places like Pep Boys for under $10.

Hope it helps,

Originality / 67 BB vacuum advance hose stripe color?
« on: February 17, 2012, 08:09:38 PM »
 In looking to freshen up my 67 L35 engine compartment I cleaned some hoses including the vacuum advance hose with soap and water.
What I thought was a dirty white stripe is actually a red stripe. In the resto parts catalogs I see only a white stripe
being advertised as a correct replacement. I uploaded 2 images of the stripe and the opposite side with what looks like the correct hose rib lines.
Does anyone have an original hose to compare colors? This was on the car when I bought it 30+ years ago.


General Discussion / Stock looking ignition conversion on e-Bay
« on: January 28, 2012, 03:21:55 PM »
This conversion sure has my interest. It uses the stock single wire from the distributor and coil so it retains the stock look. Has anybody used this or know of someone who has?


Restoration / Recommended chromer?
« on: December 31, 2011, 09:03:33 PM »

  Can anyone recommend a place to send out a set of 67 BB valve covers for re-chrome and actually uses copper in their process?
I may have to go that route after getting a set of repos for Christmas and finding the left side wire tower hits the washer motor and it doesn't have the slight slant end and this seems to be a problem with '67 BB Camaros as far as reproductions go.
  An alternate, though maybe pricey, would be this vendor I found on eBay that has the correct style for the '67 LH side and matches mine perfectly.
 If re-chroming is more costlier than the above eBay item then I may have to go that route.

Thank you and have a great new year,

Restoration / Recommendations for a carb restorer
« on: December 06, 2011, 04:57:23 AM »
Hello List,

The finish on my '67 Quadrajet has long faded so I'm looking for recommendations for a place that does show quality restorations.
I've seen several restored carbs but many have the butterfly valves anodized instead of the silvery finish so I'd rather go to a place that recoats down to the correct part finishes.

Thank you,

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