Trans-Am Camaros / Re: Racing AMX Information
« on: November 18, 2013, 10:59:21 PM »
That is Ike Knupp in the TEAM (Technical Employees of American Motors) AMX. A factory basement effort headed up by Jim Alexander and Knupp. Car was run in 69 and I believe won the Cen-Div that year. They went to Daytona for the runoffs, and I've read that Knupp was leading Alan Barker when something broke. There is a Corvette book (about the L-88??) where Delorenzo or Thompson mentions Knupp out-qualifying all of the BP Vettes and many of the AP cars. This picture might be in that book....it looks slightly familiar. Nice find, SMK!!!
PS--the car pictured on the SSAMX site is a different AMX than the one pictured above. Knupp did enter a race or two driving that one....but the car in the pic with the Cobras is not it. After speaking with Alexander many years ago, we determined that the original car was most likely lost.
PS--the car pictured on the SSAMX site is a different AMX than the one pictured above. Knupp did enter a race or two driving that one....but the car in the pic with the Cobras is not it. After speaking with Alexander many years ago, we determined that the original car was most likely lost.