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Originality / Re: Original 69 Z28 Master cylinder- no power brake booster?
« on: December 26, 2010, 07:07:45 PM »
Modified in what way? I dont understand your answer, can you explain that more in depth. Alright my Z came with disc brakes, why no brake booster behind the corrrect master cylinder? Are all disc brake applications on 69 Z28s suppose to have a brake booster, or did some Zs come without them?

Originality / Original 69 Z28 Master cylinder- no power brake booster?
« on: December 26, 2010, 01:10:38 PM »
Gentlemen i have a question about my original brake master cylinder on my 69 Z28. When i bought this used Z28 it came with no power brake booster but has a original master cyliner casting number 5468309 which is a correct Z28 piece.  This car has front disc brakes. Whats going on here, why no power brake booster. Did some Z28s not have these installed with the front disc brake setup? All the brake lines going to the master cylinder are original and never have been changed or modified. Could this car have been a drum brake unit and someone may have installed these disc brakes? My Z28 is currently setup for drag racing. Could have someone removed this power brake booster because of low vaccum on the drag engine and wouldnt operate the booster correctly? I am puzzled here. Any input is greatly appreciated.

Merry Christmas to all and have a safe enjoyable holiday.

General Discussion / Re: Prestone Brake Clean Parts Cleaner
« on: December 15, 2010, 01:01:24 AM »
I will give Honeywell a call tomorrow. Thanks for the info IZRSSS.

General Discussion / Re: Prestone Brake Clean Parts Cleaner
« on: December 14, 2010, 10:37:01 PM »
Do you have the option to call Prestone direct and place an order for this brake cleaner, i am stumped. I talked to a Walmart supervisor today and said he cant get this brake cleaner and that i have to use the site store, but like Jerry said its a hassle. Should i call Prestone and have some shipped to my residence?

Decoding/Numbers / Re: 69 Z28 Front disc brake calipers factory numbers?
« on: December 13, 2010, 01:04:16 AM »
Thank you William.

Decoding/Numbers / 69 Z28 Front disc brake calipers factory numbers?
« on: December 12, 2010, 09:48:14 PM »
Guys can you help me out. What is the 69 Z28 front disc caliper factory assembly part number they used. Can i find a good used pair from someone with the correct numbers. Do you know where i could buy a good used factory pair? Would ebay be good to find a set of them?

General Discussion / Re: Camaro Hi Performance-thank you Jerry!
« on: December 11, 2010, 03:22:17 AM »
Jerrys work is incredible on Camaro restorations and his help also. I had parts that came back and i cant tell you how much his work is appreciated. Those pics say it all. What a great job for that customer. We as Camaro fanatics are blessed to have Jerry MacNeish aroundHis work speaks for itself. Rally from Mich. A very happy customer.

« on: December 03, 2010, 01:49:08 AM »
Jerry its unreal what you have done with your 67 Z28 on the drag strip. Its truly amazing what you have accompolished with that setup. Keep up the great work Jerry. Good luck next season and what a year you had, well done. From a happy customer. Happy holidays.

Originality / Re: 69 Z28 Camaro rear brake drums?
« on: December 02, 2010, 08:27:23 PM »
Thanks John for the info.

Originality / 69 Z28 Camaro rear brake drums?
« on: December 02, 2010, 07:29:49 PM »
Guys what style rear brake drum did Chevy use on the 69 Z28? Was it the smooth sided drum or the finned style? Also did the factory use a balance weight on there drum along with a GM stamped code or ID? Thank You

Mild Modifications / 12 Bolt brake line T-Block on 69 Camaro Z28?
« on: November 30, 2010, 11:01:37 PM »
Guys i am stumped here? What did Chevy do on their 69 Camaro 12 brake line T-Block? Did they use this T-Block to connect the brake lines on the 12 bolt? If so where could i purchase one? Thank You

Originality / 69 Z28 Original Cap and Rotor- Special Factory Parts?
« on: November 30, 2010, 05:30:44 AM »
Guys did the 69 Z28 Camaro come from the factory with a special distributor cap and rotor? If so was it the D 309R Cap and D 308R Rotor? Or did they use just the factory cap and rotor like the other passengers cars came with back then? Thank You.

Decoding/Numbers / Re: Chevy BB Oil Pump number 3863598
« on: November 26, 2010, 11:36:38 PM »
Well guys i decided to remove the oil pump gears and measure the height. They are the 1.3 gears that were used on the ZL-1, L-88 oil pumps. So i have the corrrect oil pump for my 6 quart BB Chevy oil pan that was sold over the counter. A 1967 pan that was used on the 67 L-88 Corvette and would fit Camaros. I will install this setup on my 69 Camaro drag car. Thanks Steve, appreciate the help.

Decoding/Numbers / Re: Chevy BB Oil Pump number 3863598
« on: November 26, 2010, 12:20:43 PM »
This number is cast on the bottom of the oil pump. Any ideas what kind of pump it is and what iit was used for, applications?

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