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Messages - rally

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Originality / Re: 69 Z28 coil bracket- Notched?
« on: January 14, 2011, 09:17:26 PM »
Thanks John for setting me straight on this coil bracket. Unreal what these sellers advertise and say.

Originality / Re: 69 Z28 coil bracket- Notched?
« on: January 10, 2011, 03:31:34 AM »
Boy i am stumped here. You go on ebay and see these coil brackets for sale with no notch, and then some with it. And the ones that are for sale on ebay the sellers claim these solid brackets without the notch are the correct ones. Did Chevy use both of these coil brackets for the 69 Z28? Anybody have any other ideas. William i trust your judgement, but again what i see out there thats for sale just confuses me even more.

Originality / 69 Z28 coil bracket- Notched?
« on: January 09, 2011, 04:35:32 PM »
I purchased a 69 Z28 Original ignition coil bracket which has the correct angle to clear the cowl induction air cleaner. My question is, does the coil bracket suppose to have a notch on the top side? My bracket is a soild piece without this notch. Do i have the correct one? According to one person on ebay who is selling one with the notch, this persons claims if this coil bracket isnt notched it can cause ignition problems. I never heard of this, was the notched bracket use on BB Cars only? I am under the impression that the 69 Z28 Coil Bracket wasnt notched, please help me out. Thank You.

Yes i looked at these pics and i have the correct pair of calipers. Both calipers have the 633 casting numbers. Thanks for the info and pics.

After finding some pics on ebay i do have a left and right caliper, and they both are 633 cast numbers. The bleeders are on top. Also both are 69 date codes. For some strange reason both of these calipers have no L or R for identifications. It doesnt appear these letters were ground off. Are these some special ones, i dont know. But they are a left and right. Any more input is greatlly appreciated. Rally

When installing the calipers on the rotor, the piston side faces towards the engine on both sides. When doing this the bleeders are opposite of each other. Hope this helps explain this. To me these will work without a L or R Letter cast.  Am i right or not?

If you set both calipers on the floor with the piston facing in the same direction, the bleeders are  in the opposite direction.

Gentlemen i have a pair of used original 1969 Z28 Front calipers. The casting numbers on both are 5483633 but are not identified as Left or Right on the castings. Is this normal, did these factory calipers have a L for Left or R for Right cast into them. Or am i alright here with no identifications at all?

Originality / Re: 69 Z28 Distributor Hold Down clamp
« on: December 31, 2010, 08:59:53 PM »
Thanks John, appreciate the info. The one on ebay looks like the one you have described and have. Happy New Year.

Originality / 69 Z28 Distributor Hold Down clamp
« on: December 31, 2010, 02:07:47 PM »
Gentlemen what did the factory Z Points distributors use for a hold down clamp? Was this clamp used thru out Chevys production line? I see one on ebay that looks like the right one. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

Originality / Re: Original 69 Z28 Master cylinder- no power brake booster?
« on: December 29, 2010, 03:27:50 PM »
I agree my 69 Z28 is a bear to stop on the strip without the power booster being off the car. I need all the shut down on the strip to slow my car down with the manual front disc brake setup. With a 468 ci BB Chevy and 128 MPH thru the traps i have to bear down hard on the brake petal. You are so right there.

Originality / Re: Original 69 Z28 Master cylinder- no power brake booster?
« on: December 27, 2010, 07:29:01 PM »
John i really appreciate the breakdown on my situation with my Z28. I will look over this whole setup and see what they did. This is a big help now and when i decide to quit drag racing my Z i know what i have to do to install the brake booster and the correct hole to setup it back up. Thank You very much.

Originality / Re: Original 69 Z28 Master cylinder- no power brake booster?
« on: December 26, 2010, 07:57:16 PM »
Yes i will check this out about the vaccum resovoir. Makes sense. And like you said where is the power coming from.

Originality / Re: Original 69 Z28 Master cylinder- no power brake booster?
« on: December 26, 2010, 07:33:35 PM »
The only thing i can think is the previous owner removed the brake booster when he set the car up for drag racing. The engine i have in it now has very low vacuum, and maybe thats why he removed it, does this make sense to you? Should i put a brake booster back on it? I want to get this car back on the street in a few years after i quit drag racing. More input would help Tom, so far you input has been huge.

Originality / Re: Original 69 Z28 Master cylinder- no power brake booster?
« on: December 26, 2010, 07:27:43 PM »
Tom i do have power disc brakes up front right now. But no brake booster, puzzling.

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