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Originality / 69 Z28 Distributor- True or False?
« on: October 10, 2010, 09:41:51 PM »
Guys i was told by an ebay seller 69 Z28 Distributors used two different slots, early Aug 68 to Feb 69 used the CCW532. And the Mar, Apr, May 69 distributors used the CCW 530 Slot. Is this true, i thought the 69 Z28 Distributor used only the CCW532 slot. Please help me out, need some expert advice, thank you

Decoding/Numbers / 69 Z28 Driveshaft any numers stamped?
« on: October 05, 2010, 01:31:13 AM »
Anybody know if Chevy stamped a part number on there 69 Z28 Factory Driveshaft. I understand they paint coded rings on the shaft. I have one i think, but is there any numbers stamped anywhere on the driveshaft, thank you.

Decoding/Numbers / L89 842 Aluminum Heads cast date?
« on: May 31, 2010, 08:22:52 PM »
Gentlemen i have apair of 842 69 heads, but one head has no cast date to be found anywhere. Would this head be a service head? I bought these heads from a person who claimed this set was a 69 cast date pair. Is this one head a service head, if so what numbers do i need to look for and where?

Originality / 302-Z-28 factory original timing chain and gears
« on: May 25, 2010, 11:33:31 AM »
Gentlemen did Chevy from the factory use the heavy duty morse link chain and wider cam and crank gear set? Its a heavy duty set, wider plastic cam gear and wide crank gear that was used on the 67-69 model years, is this a legit factory install or a over the counter buy at the  GM delearship?

Decoding/Numbers / Chevy BB Oil Pump #3860376?
« on: March 08, 2010, 08:42:43 PM »
Anybody know what application oil pump with this ID Number was used for? L-88, ZL-1, Any Hi Perf BB Engine? I cant find nothing on this. Also cast number on housing is #3963598. Any help gentlemen?

Decoding/Numbers / Chevy BB oil pump 3964255 casting numbers?
« on: March 01, 2010, 10:21:47 PM »
Does anybody know GM oil pump casting numbers. I am looking for the casting number for this  oil pump 3964255, but the person i charge says i need casting number for him to find this pump in the inventory. Any help is greatly appreciated. Or does this oil pump have the number cast into it.

Decoding/Numbers / Chevy BB Oil Pump numbers location?
« on: March 01, 2010, 05:16:58 PM »
Where did Chevy put the part number on BB Oil Pumps. Was it cast in the bottom plate? I am trying to locate a oil pump and the person said just because the numbers are cast in the housing and plate doesnt mean thats the pump number. If so how did Chevy identify the oil pump then? Help.

Originality / 1967 L-88 Aluminum heads painted from the factory
« on: February 28, 2010, 05:02:48 PM »
Did Chevy paint the L-88 Aluminum head orange from the factory? I saw pics from cars that had these heads painted. If so was it a thing that they disguised by painting them, or just something a owner of the car did? I have an old pic of Grump Jenkins 67 Camaro SS that he raced in i believe in stock eliminator and it showed the engine and the head were painted orange. Its the 396-375 engine, i am thinking its the iron heads no doubt, but again did he swap these heads out in favor of the 67 L-88 heads? Whats your take guys, ever heard of the factory Aluminum heads painted orange?

Restoration / need Chevy BB high perf oil pump- used or new
« on: February 24, 2010, 03:36:53 AM »
Anybody have this oil pump laying around, used, new. possibly with the screen for deep sump oil pan. the oil pump number is 3946023, this pump fit the 6 quart over the counter heavy duty parts list oil pan number 3879633. Again this pump has the number cast in the bottom plate of the pump bottom cover. oil pump 3946023.


Decoding/Numbers / 842 Aluminum BB heads cast date?
« on: January 29, 2010, 11:15:33 PM »
Guys i have a pair of 842 heads. One head has a cast date of 69. The other head has no cast date, i am thinking this head is a service replacement. The only numbers i could find on this head are 5625, the other one is 4025, what do these numbers stand for? Is this some kind of a cast number? Or is it a replacement number they used?

Decoding/Numbers / 302 69 block numbers
« on: January 23, 2010, 08:10:55 PM »
is their any truth to the numbers cast in front by the timing chain area that these are high nickel content information. i heard 10/20 is a high nickel block is this true? also my numbers read 618
                                                                                                                             632 in this front area. what do thse numbers stand for anybody? thanks guys.

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