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Messages - samanatoo

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General Discussion / Re: Barrett Jackson
« on: January 18, 2009, 12:15:35 PM »
I  watched the BJ auction and looks like all the Z28 cars all settled in the 60 to 80000 range (for non cross ram cars) and the 80 to 100000 (for the cross ram and JL8 cars).   It looks like the collector car market is just fine by looking at what all thecars were doing as I hoped it would see.  Seams like the very very high end cars like the 429 Boss  and Hemi cudas settled in the 150 to 185000 range where they were 250 to 300 a few years ago.   I like seeing evrything bringing strong money and not overinflated values . This is very healthy for the hobby I had a feeling we would not see things tank so to speak. Also a note all the very nice Boss 302 cars were doing very well.   100000 for a 1969 and 135000 for a over restored (to say) yellow 1970 version on Fridays auctions.            Not to many Mopars BJ  I think many mopar collectors are just holding onto there cars right now as they have seen the biggest drop.                 I AM KEEPING MY 1969 Z28!!and did not buy it to sell it     Did anyone watch and know what the other auction were like and the results in general before I start looking up results?????             

Decoding/Numbers / Re: Fischer rody run numbers
« on: January 15, 2009, 02:26:02 AM »
John where would numbers be for my hood?   1969 Z cowl hood. Thanks

General Discussion / Re: 1969 302 DZ valve adjustment question.
« on: January 09, 2009, 12:17:49 PM »
No  clacking a all at idle and there should be some noise at higher RPMS because of the soild lifters. Kind of sounds like a sewing machine to say. 

Nice work on the drums Jerry!!!  I use to have Mark Knoffler from Dire straights charter my dads fishing boat throughout the 80's and we used to play guitar alittle together. I always had my acoustic on the boat. That is the only time I have ever was lucky enough to play with a rock star.  Great work on the drums very cool.

General Discussion / Re: 1969 302 DZ valve adjustment question.
« on: January 09, 2009, 01:55:05 AM »
Ran the car tonight, the valves are less noisey at idle than before by far and they sound smooth, just a sick sounding little motor when revvvved up!  There should be lifter noise when at high revs right?? I guess I am just so used to hydraulic lifters and when I was a tech on BMW's years ago the older 6 cylinders 2.0 and 2.5 and 3.0 liters were solid lifter and the valves needed to be adjusted every 15 or 20ooo miles.   That is why I was thrown off by not using this procedure first.     Thanks for the help  CRG      I will try tro take the car for a good long run the next day off.   

General Discussion / Re: 1969 302 DZ valve adjustment question.
« on: January 08, 2009, 03:08:45 AM »
I went to mark the balancer in 90degree increments and someone already did so. I had the time tonight and recheck all the valves and they were all pretty close and good, but at least I rechecked them and know how to do it this way. I want to polish the covers alittle tomarrow so I did not run the car. I guess there is always going to be a little valve noise present with the solid lifters I am just use to the hydaulic. thanks for all the help.

General Discussion / Re: What's This Air Cleaner Assy worth?
« on: January 08, 2009, 03:03:19 AM »
My 08C August 1969 build Z has the flat bottom as well.

General Discussion / Re: 1969 302 DZ valve adjustment question.
« on: January 07, 2009, 02:22:16 PM »
I wish U were down in Florida Jerry to adjust the valves with me U could prob do them in YOUR SLEEP. I have been working fishing cherters for 12 days straight and will be off for the next 2 days I may be able to get to the car.  It sounds OK now, but maybe a little noisy so I want to check them again and it is fun also and I should know how to do it. 

General Discussion / Re: 1969 302 DZ valve adjustment question.
« on: January 06, 2009, 11:11:45 AM »

General Discussion / 1969 302 DZ valve adjustment question.
« on: January 06, 2009, 03:11:25 AM »
When using the 30 30 cam cold and not running valve adjustment for the 302 z motor what would be the valve lash setting for each cylinder when  both intake and exhaust valves for that piston are fully closed?      The procedure listed on the site has you turning the crank 90 degree increments and jumping around and setting them at .026     

General Discussion / 302 small block fire order
« on: January 03, 2009, 11:58:30 PM »
Does the 1969 302DZ motor have the same fire order as other 350 and small blocks?? 

General Discussion / Re: Congrats JohnZ
« on: December 31, 2008, 11:36:00 AM »
Congrats and happy new year Thanks for all the help.

Yes I meant my engine is a May 29 date,   NOT March 29th,  sorry too many dates to remember.

General Discussion / Re: 1969 DZ 302 lifter/oil dripper question
« on: December 21, 2008, 11:38:27 PM »
I ran the car today again and then took off the cover and checked the valve lash and so far so good.   

General Discussion / Re: 1969 DZ 302 lifter/oil dripper question
« on: December 20, 2008, 08:39:48 PM »
standard friction nuts, but it looked ike the lifters were replaced when engine was done they do not have the O on them like I see in your book pics.  I do have a full 2 page report with specs from the engine build shop andthe cam was replaced.  I will run the car somemore today thanks Jerry

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