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Messages - Pex68

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 26
Research Topics & Reports / Re: 1968 SS hood ornaments
« on: May 21, 2020, 05:27:00 PM »

Been off here for a while - Got married and had kids...just starting to find some time to get back involved :-)

SS396 12D LOS  = Stacks

Originality / Re: 1968 Front Spoiler!
« on: January 30, 2010, 04:18:44 PM »
Jerry, the trash is your worst enemy!!!  I learned that the hard way too!  If you’re gonna throw anything out take pictures from all angles first…never know when you'll want to refer back to it. ;)

Originality / Re: Black Firewall Paint
« on: January 30, 2010, 04:12:02 PM »
Oops, my bad, thought it was black that's why I was asking. 

Originality / Re: 1968 Front Spoiler!
« on: January 30, 2010, 04:35:32 AM »
Sonet, just check the piece of plastic you found under the screw, if it has a texture on it you have your your answer.  Mine had the early design and personally like it better.

Originality / Re: Black Firewall Paint
« on: January 30, 2010, 04:28:33 AM »
Nice, is it original paint?  What would say the percent of gloss on the tail pan is?

Originality / Re: Black Firewall Paint
« on: January 27, 2010, 01:48:49 AM »
Thanks Tony!  After speaking with the Judges in person I can see where their coming from.  They have to have a standard to judge from otherwise anyone could just come in and say this is they way the car was...and how could anyone effectively put a "score" on anything if there was no standard to go against.  Their standard is a mix of the way Chevrolet intended the cars to roll off the assembly line and, in their experience, how the majority actually did. There are a lot people out there who come and enter their cars in this class just get their car "certified" so they can put a $ sign on it...I'm not one of those people.  I restored my car myself, and will have her for a long, long time.  The points and recognition are just my way of patting myself on the back...and really, I get more out of just talking with everyone I meet at the shows and offering up advice or what I’ve learned along the way than any award or number on a piece of paper could give me.  For me it’s all about the car, she’s a piece of history…and being so original when I found her I really had no choice but to put everything back exactly (or as close as possible) to the way I found it...

I would LOVE to see some photos of the Camaro you found and get some details on it…Post or PM me!!!  My car was actually in your magazine!  February ‘09.  Tell Nick & Steve I said thanks again and to stop by and say Hi if they ever make it back out Camaro Nationals…or better yet, since you want to see her in person anyway grab them and head out to Carlisle this June and you can all say Hi.  ;D

Originality / Re: Black Firewall Paint
« on: January 24, 2010, 03:48:33 PM »
Welcome aboard Chris!  Sequoia is an AWESSOME color!  Good luck with your car and post or send me some pic's!

The bracket on the valve on my car did not have witness marks that a lock or toothed style washer was ever used.  This is not to say that a lock or tooth washer was NEVER used.  However, based on page 302 in the ’69 AIM covering the L48 pressure regulator valve, it calls for a #3958062 screw with no washer called out.  Using AMK Products catalog as a guide, I used the 8062 screw shown in my pic to attach the valve. 

There where often several suppliers for a common used hardware.  The 8062 screw is called out for 6 – 7 various applications in the ’69 AIM (brake and fuel line clips, etc., to mention a few) so we can expect some variation on the manufacturer’s bolt head markings.

Thanks Dave!

ALSO - If everyone could include the plant that would help out a lot as there are many known differences between NOR & LOS.

Happy & Healthy New Year Everyone!


68SS 12D LOS L35 HAS valve 283-7 date.

Danny, could you post or PM me the info on the bolts?  I'm not sure if I put the right one back in there.  Has RBW headmark with 3 lines and star lock washer.  Haven't looked to see if this info was in your original post or not.

General Discussion / Re: AM-FM
« on: December 30, 2009, 05:31:53 PM »
Another thing to remember is the rating of the speakers.  Stock speakers are 10 Ohm and all aftermarket are 4.  If you run the 4 Ohm with a stock radio you will be pulling over twice the current through the radio and run the risk of burning things up.

Any yes, best antenna reception for any frequency is a ¼, ½, or full match to its wavelength with the full match obviously getting the best reception. 

General Discussion / Re: Is Kurt there???
« on: December 30, 2009, 05:08:15 PM »

General Discussion / Re: John Z
« on: December 30, 2009, 05:06:38 PM »
Congratulations John!  Great to see you get the recognition you deserve and glad your passion for Corvettes bleeds over to Camaros also...always interested in your input!
Hope everyone has a Happy & Healthy New Year!

Originality / Re: 1968 disc brake proportioning valve big nut
« on: December 20, 2009, 10:27:10 PM »
Here's some pic's of a NOS one.  The plating is more of a tin-zinc that's not been buffed or tumbled.

Restoration / Re: 68 AIM revision Date
« on: December 20, 2009, 09:49:12 PM »
Awesome, Thanks John!  Look forward to reading it.

General Discussion / Re: The end of the big block
« on: December 20, 2009, 09:37:55 PM »
Wow, Seriously sad to hear that.  I took a trip to Niagra Falls last winter and had to stop by the plant to see where my engine was born.  The place was massive!  Here's some pic's.

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