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Messages - JST69Z28

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General Discussion / Re: Light switch noise
« on: March 31, 2024, 02:09:00 PM »
An easy way to check out any vacuum operated system for leaks is with a smoke machine.   You can plug (or T it) it into any hose in the system, turn on the smoke, the entire system gets pressurized, and the leak (or leaks) shows up quickly.  It produces less than 1 PSI, so nothing gets hurt.  Most auto repair shops have one, so if you have any problems finding your leak, it can easily be checked.

Restoration / Re: water pump question
« on: March 28, 2024, 03:08:52 PM »
Thanks to all for the great feedback. 

Restoration / water pump question
« on: March 27, 2024, 08:33:02 PM »
The water pump on my 69 Z28 just started to leak at the shaft seal (photo attached).  I have owned the car since 1982 and never replaced it.  I have reviewed most of the messages from team members, but still looking for advice on 2 questions:
1. What is a J48 code? Most of the others I see have 3 numbers after the letter.   
2. If original, should I rebuild it and what's the best way get that done?

Thank you for all the great info on this site.

General Discussion / Radio recommendation?
« on: December 07, 2023, 05:17:38 PM »
My 69 Z28 doesn't have a radio and hasn't since I got it in 1982.  It was gone when I bought the car.  I am looking for any advice or recommendation of one to buy.  I want it to look as original as possible, but would really like to have bluetooth.  Custom Autosound offers the 740, does anyone have any experience with that one or can suggest another? 

Originality / oil fill tube on intake manifold-is it original?
« on: October 04, 2023, 10:08:05 PM »
Attached is a photo of the intake on my 1969 Z28.  Question:  Is the oil fill tube original?  The block is not original, but the 1974-1978 owner told me he had the engine rebuilt using all original parts except the block.  Intake part number is 3932472.

Restoration / windlace molding for 1969 Camaro
« on: September 10, 2023, 11:51:10 PM »
I am replacing the windlace moldings on my 1969 Camaro, and there is a size difference between the old ones and the new ones I received with my master interior kit.  I'm looking for some advice on what came originally on the car.  Photo attached showing the old smaller, more narrow molding and the new ones.  The new ones being larger now create interference when the door closes where the old ones did not.  What I don't know is are the old ones original, or are the new ones the correct size for original?  I did review past messages but did not see a similar question.  Any advice would be appreciated. 

Restoration / Re: installing dash pad metal clips on 69 Z28
« on: August 31, 2023, 02:52:43 PM »
Final update: The epoxy worked great to keep the clips in place. I used JB Weld 5-minute set clear (1 hour cure) and it worked very well.  No loose clips making any noise, and it holds the dash pad down nicely.  Thanks to all for the feedback.

Restoration / Re: installing dash pad metal clips on 69 Z28
« on: August 25, 2023, 01:59:11 PM »
The original dash pad is not in good shape, it has several cracks plus many plastic pieces missing.  The clips I am using are the original metal clips.  This is a second repro pad because the first got a small split in it on one of the corners, and when I installed the clips in it several months ago, they all did not hold well. 

I read two other posts where the installers used epoxy and super glue to hold the clip to the pad.  I was asking if anyone had tried that or another method and the results they got. 

Restoration / installing dash pad metal clips on 69 Z28
« on: August 25, 2023, 02:50:08 AM »
I am replacing the dash pad on my 69 Z28.  Looking for the best way to hold the 6 metal clips in place on the new pad.  I have installed them before on another pad many years ago, without any adhesive, but some don't hold well and seem to rattle later.  I have heard of epoxy, super glue, etc., just looking for your thoughts on the best method to hold clips to pad.

Restoration / Re: shifter bushings for 1969 Z28?
« on: July 17, 2023, 04:05:08 PM »
Ordered, thank you.

Restoration / shifter bushings for 1969 Z28?
« on: July 17, 2023, 02:43:03 PM »
I just cleaned up the original Hurst Comp Plus shifter on my 69 Z28 and it had some rubber or plastic bushings (mine were crumbling or missing) in the joint where the shift rods attach to the shifter body.  Are those available and/or needed?  I had purchased a Hurst Pit Pack but those did not work.  For now, I reassembled it with some lube and without the rubber pieces.

Decoding/Numbers / Re: Please help ID 1969 4 speed shifter #3138
« on: July 16, 2023, 10:51:33 PM »
I just cleaned up the original shifter on my 69 Z28 and it had some rubber or plastic bushings (mine were crumbling or missing) in the shift rods where they attach to the shifter body.  Are those available and/or needed?  I reassembled it with some lube and without the rubber pieces. 

Restoration / Re: window regulator roller repair?
« on: March 30, 2023, 11:50:56 PM »
Attached is a photo of the tool used to mash the rivet end when replacing a window regulator roller in the car.  It could of course be used with the regulator out.  This came from a friend, not sure who the tool maker is.  Somewhere offshore.  He did tell me he stakes the rivet end first so it mashes easier. 

Restoration / Re: window regulator roller repair?
« on: March 24, 2023, 03:13:48 PM »
I found a video where the person stakes a shallow X into the rivet end with a chisel, then mashes it the rest of the way in a vise with the ball end of a ball peen hammer.  It worked great for me.  I also used a socket in the vise to fit the flat end of rivet so I didn't mash any of the nylon roller.  A friend told me he has a special tool to do it in the car where you grind off the old rivet end first, punch it out, then this tool can mash the rivet without taking the regulator out of the car.  I'll post a photo of the tool if I get it. 

Restoration / window regulator roller repair?
« on: March 15, 2023, 07:07:34 PM »
My 1969 Camaro needs the rollers replaced on one of the window regulators (photo attached).  I was able to find a 3 piece set, and they will arrive in a few days.  They look to be a pressed pin with the end mashed to secure it in the regulator.  Any tips from the team the best way of replacing them?

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