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Messages - allen

Pages: [1]
Decoding/Numbers / Re: 68 Vin and POP
« on: December 03, 2010, 11:57:06 AM »
Tom     This car has on lower side trim at  all.     Could it come with out any when new a be a true RS?    I find these options very confusing.    Please bear with me      Allen

Decoding/Numbers / Re: 68 Vin and POP
« on: December 01, 2010, 02:17:04 AM »
Victor   The rear panel has the correct backup lights now.  The headlight backing plate is a early square hole design. The car is in cold storage now.   I live in ND along the canadian border, we are having a snow storm as we speak.   I find it odd that the POP does not tell if it had the RS option.   Check out the other things on it tomorrow  Allen

Decoding/Numbers / Re: 68 Vin and POP
« on: November 30, 2010, 11:40:20 PM »
ED Thanks for the info. I do not know about the backup light wire yet but it has the grommet on the firewall with 2 holes in it for vacum hoses. The headlights have to be opened and closed by hand. There is no other headlight operateing parts on the car.  Is there anything else to verify a RS car.  The car was rebuilt without any lower body moldings. It has the wheel well mouldings.  The car has a very nice Torch red paint with black interior. Has all the upper moldings. The car has white Z stripes on hood and trunk with spoiler, with BB block hood. with chrome louvers.  So there has been some extra things done. Both the front and rear valences are correct.  Would they ever not put on the lower moulding but everything else for RS option?  Allen

Decoding/Numbers / Re: 68 Vin and POP
« on: November 30, 2010, 04:24:55 PM »
Thank you for the  info.  My real question was it a RS from the factory based on the POP info.  The car was sold in Grand Haven, the city is a little hard to read.  The colors were GG by the POP.  I have started to track some of the prior owners.  Thanks again ALLEN

Decoding/Numbers / 68 Vin and POP
« on: November 30, 2010, 10:33:10 AM »
Newbe  what a great site.  I own a 68RS that was rebuilt in 2004. The VIN is 124378N338716 for your data base. I have located the POP just now. My question is in regard to the RS option. Seems to me it was added during rebuild.

Will someone verify my  info on my POP.    Here are some of the POP location #   A-29=R   B1 to B7=V1027EA  B-15 to B-21 PE1028G   B-29=N   C-1 to C-5 = S8R10   C-15=1   C-17=3    Soid out of Miller Chevrolet in Michigan.  The car does not have the correct drive train with your help from this info maybe I can locate it Love the thrill of the hunt.  Thanks Allen.

Mild Modifications / Re: 67 rearend in a 68 ?
« on: November 28, 2010, 02:04:06 PM »
Thanks guys   I now know what to look for before changing the rearend.   Yes the 56"s are fun with a 4-speed and 425 hp. Have to decode the rearend in it to see about wheel spacing.   Thanks again ALLEN

Mild Modifications / 67 rearend in a 68 ?
« on: November 26, 2010, 11:14:48 AM »
Please bare with me new to this great site.  I have a 68 Nov. build RS.  Can a 67 PA 0329GI rearend be used without any modifications? The 68 has multileaf sgrings.  The rearend in it now is a later one with 4.56 gears. Do not have the info. on the rearend yet.  Want to make it a more streetable car.  If there is modifications to be made what are they?   Thanks Allen



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