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Messages - Buzz67

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General Discussion / Re: Need Big Block Radiator
« on: January 05, 2019, 05:16:55 AM »
It’s going to be tough to find an original.

The one in my son’s 67 L35 was replaced with a repro in the late 90s.

Hi Bryon!

How well did the repro work out as far as fit and function? Who was the supplier?


General Discussion / Need Big Block Radiator
« on: January 05, 2019, 04:00:09 AM »
Hello Members,

I just found out the side tank needed to build the Harrison radiator I need is unavailable. I was in the process of ordering a Harrison four core, auto trans radiator for my '67 big block car. The reason I was opting for the four row core is the differential is a 3.73 and the 400 trans has an ever so mild stall converter in it. It's the mildest street converter TCI makes.

Even though my car came with a three row core, I didn't want to end up with cooling problems and I definitely don't want to add an auxiliary trans cooler. I just felt with the drivetrain I had, a three row radiator may not be up to the task.

Does anyone have any suggestions beyond settling for a reproduction radiator?

Thanks everyone,

Originality / '67 RS/SS Pinstripe Delete?
« on: October 22, 2018, 08:09:42 AM »
Was it possible in '67, when ordering a Super Sport with the Rally Sport package, to delete the pinstriping? I thought I read that it was possible to delete the Bumble Bee stripe from the nose of Super Sport cars - but I was wondering if it were possible for a buyer of an RS/SS to delete JUST the pinstriping?

I've seen lots of Camaros that the owners opted not to pinstripe the cars after a repaint. But would those cars be gigged if they were being judged for originality?


Restoration / Foundry Black Paint
« on: October 10, 2018, 02:21:45 AM »
Hello Members,

Where can I find "foundry" black spray paint? I'm told that's what is supposed to be used on master cylinders.

General Discussion / Re: NCRS Can't Provide Dealer Name
« on: September 20, 2018, 06:53:14 PM »

Hello Everyone,

I've advised the researcher to proceed with the report. Thanks everybody for the responses and encouragement. When I receive the report I'll post again.

Thanks again, everyone!

General Discussion / NCRS Can't Provide Dealer Name
« on: September 19, 2018, 12:13:44 PM »
Hello Members,

Well, SHOOT! I've been contacted by the NCRS researcher regarding my car's history. It seems the GM documents do not list the dealer name and location. All they can provide is the production date, the dealer zone number and the dealer GM code.

Can someone here tell me more about dealer zone numbers and what the dealer GM code is? The researcher wants to know if I want just the limited details they have or do I want a refund. I appreciate their honesty, but I need to know more before I can make a decision. What do you members think? Should I proceed or tell them 'No Thanks'?


Research Topics & Reports / Re: Original ignition coils
« on: September 19, 2018, 09:23:14 AM »
What finish black is correct? Should they be 30/60 or gloss?


Originality / Re: L35 Dipstick Color Code
« on: September 17, 2018, 07:02:40 PM »
Dipsticks were a commodity and had multiple suppliers (two main ones, IIRC).
So even if one vendor was primarily used in a plant, the other vendor also supplied the plant too.....

Hi Kurt!

That's what I read on that Chevelle thread that Mike posted. I have procured another flat handle, a very nice one too! The tip isn't the right color, so that's the next hurdle. It was very pricey, but well under the market prices I've seen.

Thanks to all,

Originality / Re: L35 Dipstick Color Code
« on: September 15, 2018, 02:49:46 AM »
Buzz, these are pictures of 68 small block dipsticks but clearly shows some round and some flat handle. Review to see if your stick other than different color plug was similar.


Yes. My handle was exactly like pics #1,2, and 4 in your reply no. 35.

Originality / Re: L35 Dipstick Color Code
« on: September 15, 2018, 02:44:30 AM »
Maybe you had a Chevelle stick? Read reply #20 here in what has to be one of the more informative articles about Chevy dipsticks I have seen:

  I read it a few times before things started to become clear.



I can't imagine ANY scenario which would merit changing the dipstick for another, EXCEPT to pull the dipstick out of the tube, not replacing it and then driving away, never to return. I  may just have to contact the second owner and ask if he can recall ever replacing the dipstick.

Originality / Re: L35 Dipstick Color Code
« on: September 14, 2018, 11:19:22 PM »
When purchased, mine had a flat (dimpled?) handle with a salmon colored tip. I can't say whether the blade had a part no. or just the "USE SE ENGINE OIL" stamped into it. And apparently it is lost, because it hasn't turned up at the motor shop and I don't have it.

Anyone care to venture an explanation why my May '67 L35 had a flat handle rather than a round one? What do you guys think?


Originality / Re: L35 Dipstick Color Code
« on: September 13, 2018, 02:01:13 AM »
Both my 67 L35's are pink (salmon).
Here is a link to that previous discussion:


Thanks for the link Mike!! Some very interesting and useful info there! I've only just begun reading the thread, as I'm studying to take my CDL tests again. But I'm sure that threads info will be invaluable as I search to find another gage or dipstick.

I noticed both of your sticks had rounded tube handles whereas my handle had a handle that was a flattened tube other than at the end where the colored plug was inserted. Can you guide me to any info in regards to the differences in handles?

Thanks again Mike!

Originality / L35 Dipstick Color Code
« on: September 13, 2018, 12:59:20 AM »
Hello members!

For you L35 owners, I'm curious as to what color code your dipstick has. The AIM says an L35 oil "gage", PN #3925520, has a purple color code identification. My dipstick, before it was LOST by the motor shop, had a salmon colored code identifier. I am the third owner of the car, so I can't verify if it's the original. But it was definitely a vintage GM dipstick.

I am currently searching for a replacement "gage", which I'm told is very hard to come by. I doubt very seriously that if I do happen to find one, it will most likely be the wrong color code. And I'm puzzled why my car had a salmon colored identifier, rather than the correct purple.

Why would you replace a dipstick? It certainly wouldn't fall out of calibration. SO, other than swapping it for a flashy chrome one,...why would you replace it? Maybe it becomes LOST? But how does that happen?! I guess I'll have to ask the motor shop.

What color is your L35 dipstick?


General Discussion / Re: Original dealer info for 1st gens is available
« on: September 12, 2018, 04:29:03 AM »
Thanks Pete and Mike! I'm of course very excited and can't wait to receive it! All I know of the car's history is the previous, second owner purchased the car from an area used car lot. No paperwork came with the car other than a ragged owners manual.

Thanks again, both of you!

Originality / Re: '67 Starter Solenoid WIring Harness Retainer?
« on: September 11, 2018, 07:38:55 PM »
I believe I'll wait to see if a judge gigs the one I have. Then I'll buy the other,.....maybe! But thanks guys for educating me! I just love learning about 1st gen Camaros!

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