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Topics - Fanthomgreen69

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Restoration / 69 Z/28/ radiator mounting
« on: January 23, 2025, 05:19:50 PM »
Will b replacing orig radiator with US Radiator unit when wether improves. Will have original recorded in the future. Ordered original mounting hardware for shroud & radiator from HBC. Noticed on UPC 11/13  B4 the Pass. side uses 2 bolts, but Driv. side uses 2 screws & 2 well nuts. Just curious,? What’s the reason for this & does anyone have original pics showing the fit.

General Discussion / Argent Silver/ Krylon dull Aluminum
« on: April 06, 2023, 02:10:25 PM »
Tried to find Argent Silver in an aerosol can. Went to Eastwood. Won’t be available until July. OK, I saw that Krylon 1403 Dull Aluminum is a good substitute. Went looking for that at… Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe’s, couple of Hardware stores. Don’t have it. Online….same thing. Not available until 2nd quarter of the year. Is there another substitute silver that Krylon makes that is close to Argent Silver? I like the Krylon because it is made to use on plastic

General Discussion / Didn’t know it would be so difficult
« on: May 24, 2022, 04:44:13 PM »
Wanted to have someone to go through my M-21 Muncie transmission. Just for the piece of mind. Have had the car for over 7 years now and it  a little hard shifting from 1st to 2nd sometimes. Tried contacting several shops in my area and NOBODY seems to work on manual transmissions any more. Asked around to friends for anybody they might know. No luck. Found a couple of guys who could do the overhaul, BUT they can’t pull the trans or reinstall. Can’t work on car myself now and really don’t have a place to do it. Is this the way it is in other parts of the country as well?

General Discussion / 50’s & 60’s Assembly line workers
« on: April 24, 2020, 05:48:43 PM »
Watching one of the shows on car assembly lines. Got me thinking about what kind of training did the new assembly line workers (Specifically Chevrolet) get before they were put on the line. The pace that the line moved had to be a little daunting to a new worker. The noise, new unfamiliar surroundings and pressure to keep up was scary to a newbie. Was there a system to make sure the worker installed the correct part or option were installed on the correct car? Also, was there a large turnover?  Being in the union I guess the pay and benefits were pretty good.

Originality / Original seat belts
« on: March 08, 2020, 01:40:58 PM »
Pulled out the back seat and this is what I found. Could this be how they came from the factory or one of the previous owners just taped them up?

General Discussion / Decisions Decisions
« on: January 29, 2020, 01:47:51 PM »
This has been discussed before. Am having my 2/69 X77 painted. When I bought it 5 years ago it had the Z/21 chrome already installed. Had to decide if I wanted to take it back to original so i made the decision. I told the painter to weld up the holes at the gills to bring it back to original. Hope I am doing the right thing. Read comments from other owners. It’s your car do it your way. Will probably catch flak from friends for doing this, but I want to do right by the car and take it as close to factory original as I can.

Maintenance / Tire pressure gage
« on: August 19, 2019, 03:21:32 PM »
Been trying to check air pressure on my repro Goodyear bias ply tires regularly. Used a small gage I have had for years. Recently I found a couple more hidden in my tool box and decided to try them. Of course, each had a different reading. The was as much as 6 or 7 lbs. difference. Who makes a reliable & accurate tire pressure gage? Is there a way to check the accuracy?

General Discussion / Help in finding this car
« on: February 28, 2018, 05:32:05 PM »
Attached is a picture of my Navy buddy's '69 Z/28. He bought it in the late fall of '68 and told me several years later it was the 6th Z off of the Van Nuys assembly line. Don't have a VIN, but is there any way to find out if this could be. I would like to find out if the car is still around and surprise my friend with the info. BTW When I went to visit him in early spring of '69 he let me drive it and I ordered mine when I got home. Just had to have one.

Originality / Correct 1969 Windshield washer repair kit
« on: October 27, 2017, 03:28:56 PM »
Wanting to replace my broken washer pump nipple assembly with a new kit. CI has a kit that is supposed to be correct that is black. CC offers one that says it is correct in white plastic. My broken one is black. On an older thread in the Restoration area shows the CC whole pump with a black nipple assembly. Which one is correct.

Restoration / '69 center console oil pressure gage
« on: August 08, 2017, 05:44:28 PM »
Just noticed my oil pressure gage started reading about 15 lbs. with the engine off. This is a fairly new gage. The one that this one replaced did the same thing. Anyone else have similar problem and is there more than one supplier?

General Discussion / Palmetto Entrprises
« on: July 17, 2017, 08:44:58 PM »
Anyone know if this company is still in business? Called the # on their website and got a recording that it is no longer a working #. Found a # from '09 on this website. It did ring and got a generic VM. Left a msg. Doing the research, sounds like a good product, inexpensive and easy to use. Is there another company  that offers the same type of product?

Restoration / Source for 302 cylinder heads
« on: April 10, 2017, 05:51:20 PM »
Both of my heads are cracked and can not be repaired. Checked several Camaro sources with no luck. Does anyone have suggestions? Getting desperate.

Originality / Exhaust manifold
« on: October 25, 2016, 06:06:58 PM »
What kind of manifold is this? Would it be stock? The reason I ask is, I have the same thing. I was going to order a repo set from one of the online companies, but if is correct then I will hold off. The right side looks like it could be for a standard engine with a heater box.

General Discussion / Neighbor's Orig '69
« on: September 29, 2016, 12:06:09 PM »
Found out my neighbor has an original '69 base Camaro with a 350 ci 250 hp engine. Bought it in 1970. One repaint Wanted to share this. It could use some TLC.

Originality / Intake manifold bolts/Engine lift hook brackets for SB
« on: September 15, 2016, 07:37:57 PM »
Ordered an engine lift hook brackets(1256599) from Classic Industries.(Came with Paragon instruction) They offer 2 different ones. The other is HC70. They both show they are for a SB. The one I ordered looks to be the original type that came on the '69 Z/28.  The right rear bracket bolts to the bellhousing. The other one just bolts to the intake. How much longer does this bolt need to be? Also ordered the intake manifold bolt kit. They don't offer a bolt kit with the 2 longer flange bolts. On a previous thread someone mentioned a certain flanged bolt size(3/8 16x1-1/4) from AMK. I called AMK. The lady I spoke with told me that bolt was for a big block. Don't want to order the wrong/incorrect bolts.  I am confused. Which lift bracket is correct for my application and what are the correct longer flanged bolts and the AMK part #.  Thanks for any help.

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