« on: September 16, 2007, 11:50:28 PM »
i got a pleasant surprise today when i got a call from the original owner of my 67 rs/ss 350. when i bought the car from him in 1984, he said that he had the paperwork stored away some where and would dig it out and get it to me. time went by and i forgot all about it. i put the car in storage in 1989 and there it sat, other that starting it every other month, until august of 2005. i was helping a friend restore a 70 ss396/375 nova when i realized that i should be doing my own. when i was almost done with this two year project, i decided to look up the original owner and see if he was still around. i found him with no problem and was surprised to find out that he lived less than a mile away from me after moving out of his old neighborhood. he came by with his wife and two kids(now grown) and spent about two and a half hours reminiscing about rides in the car as kids. he was preparing for another move. this time to arizona. he again stated that he had just seen the original bill of sale while packing. a day or two went by and i hadnt heard from him. when i did, it was bad news. he couldnt find the bill of sale anywhere, and thought that his wife had thrown it out. i could hear her appologizing in the background. i thought my hopes of getting some original paperwork for my car were over. but this morning, i got the call. mr. heiser was in town on business and he had a surprise for me. while unpacking in arizona, he found the original bill of sale from village chevrolet in queens village new york. this is the same dealership that solda 67 marina blue z-28 now owned by jerry macneish. this is the best news i have gotten in a long time. and it only took 23 years!