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Topics - Kaanderson

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Brake light problem
« on: October 10, 2021, 08:04:32 PM »
Hi, I was hoping someone could help with a problem I am having. I have 67 rs ss camaro. My brake light switch went out, so I changed it out. I was checking all of the lights after I changed it and have noticed that when the blinker is on right and hit the brakes the left brake lights do not come on. When blinker is on left the brake light on right works correct. The brake lights work correct when no blinkers, correct with tail lights on. Anybody experience this? In the steering column switch?  Also I noticed dash lights quit working, I checked fuses and noticed no power to the instrument fuse. I was going to check the headlight switch next as I believe power goes to headlight switch first then to fuse panel. Any thoughts on that?
Thank you all in advance

General Discussion / 68 rs z28 headlight bucket-dish. finish
« on: February 27, 2021, 08:20:16 PM »
Hi, can someone tell me what the correct finish on the headlight buckets? The car has 1 painted black and one is a dull metal finish.  The repro ones are painted black. I would think the metal finish is correct. The car is a Feb build.
Thank you for your time

General Discussion / caliper date codes and front spiral shock rebuild.
« on: October 17, 2020, 04:25:31 PM »
Hi, 68 z28 caliper date code question for the experts..  i have 331 and 319 on caliper casting halves. Casting number 5455533. Those dates must be 319 day and 331 day into the year 67? The car is feb  68 build. Do i have that correct. Does any one know? There must be  year cast into them also or? It appears also the car has the original front spiral shocks. Does any one have a source for them to get rebuilt? Im trying to keep all original parts on the car.
Thanks a lot every one.

General Discussion / Third clutch is the charm
« on: October 17, 2020, 02:27:57 PM »
Hi, i just wanted to share my experience for whatever it is worth. I had a older chattering clutch in my 67 ss -rs 350 convertible . The car is the ultimate California cruiser with the original 295 hp motor. I  removed the clutch and had the flywheel resurfaced.  I installed center force stage 1. The quality of everything looked the best. Pedal felt great, but had a chatter upon take off. I was told to let it break in and would go away. I gave it some miles and could not hang with it so I yanked it out installed LUK clutch and  got a nice smooth clutch engagement. I put some miles  on it and then it started to get a noise upon clutch pedal depress. I spent some time checking linkage and double greasing everything. I then determined it was pressure plate. I could not hang with the noise and feel of pedal when applying. I yanked it out and installed a Zoom clutch. The pedal of the Zoom feels real good and has a nice and smooth take off. That is the story for whatever its worth.
Good luck with your clutches and take care

General Discussion / caliper rebuild and sleeve job.
« on: October 03, 2020, 05:28:38 PM »
Hi, I was hoping for a reccomendation for original caliper rebuild and sleeve job for a 68 z28 i am restoring.
thanks in advance

General Discussion / 68 z28 leap day date code and question.
« on: May 04, 2020, 04:34:45 AM »

Hi, I am restoring my 68 Z28.  I pulled the rear end out of the car today. It has a leap day 2/29 date code and a BV 4.10 posi rear end.The original brake drums still on it and some old hijacker Gabriel air shocks. I noticed someone welded the spring perch on the driver side only to the bottom plate that holds the leaf spring in place, the dowel is on the leaf spring  and is centered in the hole. The u bolts are still intact and everything looks as though it was solid and factory assembly. I will have to cut the weld to remove the plate to remove the leaf spring. The weld is on the parting line of the upper and lower spring perch where they meet to hold the spring in place. Any one ever seen this before? What is your thought on why? Thank you

General Discussion / 1967 ss rs 350 emission equipment
« on: November 01, 2018, 01:43:03 PM »
Hello, 1st time post, I have 67 ss rs numbers matching engine and m20 4speed. The engine build date is Oct 14. I was trying to figure out what emmission equipment the car was built with. The oil filler has pcv and the tube in back of block instead of the road draft vent. The car must of came with a smog pump?
 Thank you for any clarification

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