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Messages - jk1969z28

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7]
« on: May 06, 2008, 07:47:18 PM »

Here is another option if you are considering Dynacorn, Mike rebuilds an actual car that already has a clear and valid title that is every bit as good if not better

Originality / Re: Do the date stamps look original?
« on: April 28, 2008, 05:37:59 AM »
Or how about this.....

Originality / Re: Do the date stamps look original?
« on: April 28, 2008, 05:12:07 AM »
You could also right click on the link and click  "save target as.." and it will save to your harddrive in which case you can open from there.  I think Tripod is not allowing in coming requests to view data from an imbedded website such as CRG.  But all that said if someone doesn't mind taking the extra step I would appreciate other's opinions and if anyone has pictures of their posi date codes I'd love to see them.

Thanks again!!!!

Originality / Re: Do the date stamps look original?
« on: April 28, 2008, 01:28:26 AM »
The photo is showing when I open the posting, I hope I did it right, if not try this link....  copy and paste into browser address bar, notice there is no WWW

If that doesn't work let me know,

Thanks Jerry

Originality / Do the date stamps look original?
« on: April 28, 2008, 01:07:20 AM »
Quick opinion, do the stampings on this 12 bolt posi look original?  And is this date reasonable for a late June car?  Found this at Carlisle Thursday after walking my legs off.  The casting date is E59 and the correct housing number is there, 3894860NF, the seller said it was just rebuilt by Stan's Restoration in the Carolinas so I jumped on it.

General Discussion / Re: Anyone had work done at Mike's Custom Cars
« on: April 08, 2008, 04:41:21 PM »
Thanks so much for the feedback!!!  When I first found my car I knew I had a PROJECT on my hands but given the fact I'm not Bill Gates I took a chance that I could save this car, since it had the original motor and transmission.  Fortunately for me I live relatively close to Jerry MacNeish so the first order of business was getting the motor right, and boy is it, I could not be happier, he did his magic and it looks and sounds better than I could have ever done on my own.

Once I knew the motor would be functional I starting scouting out someone who could do the same type of magic on the body, that is when I found Mike's website, so I called him and could tell that I might have found the right guy for the job just by talking to him.  I sent him pictures of specific shots he wanted and he assured me he has fixed worst then mine. So as luck would have it we were going to South Carolina for my son's graduation from boot camp and I made a quick stop to see Mike.  After meeting him (and his family) I had know doubt he could and would get my car the way I wanted it, so I gave him a deposit and have been waiting for June to get here ever since.

Again thanks for the feedback, it mainly reinforces what I already felt.


General Discussion / Anyone had work done at Mike's Custom Cars
« on: April 07, 2008, 02:58:32 AM »
I was wondering if anyone has had any work done by Mike's Custom Cars in South Carolina.  I'm scheduled for June and will be taking my body shell down in early May after being on his waitlist for about a year.  I've visited his shop last August and he could not be any nicer, and his shop is first rate.  I have all the confidence in the world in him but I thought I would just see if anyone else has had any work done by him and what their experience has been.  Below is a link to his Projects site in which my name is already listed.  Any feedback would be appreciated.

Jerry K.

General Discussion / Re: body parts search?
« on: April 05, 2008, 12:29:52 AM »
Try this site I think this is what you are looking for.

Jerry K.

General Discussion / Re: needing title help desperately in Texas
« on: April 03, 2008, 01:55:09 AM »
Click the link below, they might be able to help.

Maintenance / Rebuilt engine storage
« on: March 25, 2008, 03:23:44 AM »
I have just gotten my 302 back after being freshly rebuilt (THANK CHP).  Only problem is that in the excitement of getting the engine brought back from the dead I did not factor in the fact that the car might lag behind about a year.  So the engine has to sit in my garage that is less then air tight and needless to say not climate controlled.  I was told to get it in the house, which makes the wife not very happy and carrying it in is not an easy process.  I've consulted with Ken Lucas from Lucas Restorations who suggested I have it dynoed and broken in, which is scheduled for this week.  The thought being that this will get everything coated and worn in properly after 3-4 hours of running.  The shop doing the dyno then suggested that once I get it back home, wrap it in a blanket, put it in plastic and once a week or so, since I don't have experience setting solid lifter valves, that I turn it over about a quarter of a turn to releave the tension on the down valves.  Also we plan to break it in with Joe Gibbs oil since the dyno operator said he has seen a few wiped cams lately with lesser oils.  So after this long winded post mainly what I'm interested in any thoughts on storing the engine without harming it in anyway.

Thanks in advance for any feedback,
Jerry K.

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