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Messages - 1967butternut

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Originality / Original 67 Gas Tank with blue stencil markings.
« on: July 14, 2020, 12:54:18 AM »
Anyone else seen these marks on their original tanks?

Car is a 02B LOS build and tank has 5 D 7 (fifth week of 67) date code stamp.

Research Topics & Reports / Re: Gas tank date codes
« on: July 14, 2020, 12:43:58 AM »
Couldn't edit my previous post, gave up trying to upload photos here so put them in my photo gallery here.

My LOS 67 has the tank stamp.

5 D 7 (the D is reversed)

And a fairly complete  blue stamp or stencil that reads:

 12 19
MADE IN (I'm assuming USA got lost over the side.)

Research Topics & Reports / Re: Gas tank date codes
« on: July 12, 2020, 05:21:36 AM »
My LOS 67 has the tank stamp.

5 D 7 (the D is reversed)

And a fairly complete  blue stamp or stencil that reads:

 12 19
MADE IN (I'm assuming USA got lost over the side.)

I have pictures but can't make them small enough on the phone.

For your own reference when placing your new decals.
Gotcha, thanks for the reminder. Just the kind if thing I'd forget and then be back here asking someone to measure theirs.

Might as well post the front AC label pic for posterity.

Take a pic, and measure,reference points your old sticker.
Not sure what you wanted? Here is a pic of my original (what's left of it) and the licensed replacement I got from Heartbeat City Camaro.
Here are more pics including the front AC label.

I measured best I could from point to point on the label lettering and everything matched up, have no way to know about the colors of silver and red from 50 years ago.

Originality / Re: CRG Report on Fan Blades question
« on: April 10, 2020, 07:09:22 PM »
Neither of my '67 fixed blade fans have numbers. I believe one has the letter 'S' stamped in the hub. Maybe the mfg?

I don't see any stamps at all on mine. Do you have one that no doubt came from an original 1967 V8?
Does your look like one of mine?

I noticed that one of mine felt heavier than the other, so after weighing and measuring found that

The darker one in the pictures is 8 ounces heavier and has 1/2 inch longer blades tip-to-tip.

Lighter one: 1 lb. 15.2 oz, 17 1/8 inch long blades.
Darker one: 2 lb. 7.2 oz, 17 5/8 inch long blades.

Could someone weigh and measure a fan that is for sure an original part?

I'd just clean it up. Engine looks mostly original, a restored air cleaner will look out of place, IMO. And the new decals are not the same....

I would powdercoat the fan though!
Anyone can fluff an engine compartment. And most bays have been repainted to some degree or another. It takes a lot of will power to resist the temptation to take an untouched engine compartment and just clean and leave it alone. It’s your car and you should make it to what suits you. But most hardcore enthusiasts will be more impressed with an original engine bay with original decals (no matter how frayed) & original paint even though things are not perfect...they are genuine and preserved.

I agree on keeping things original but this seems more like basic maintenance. I've been through a lot with this car since 1975, it's always been a driver and I'm trying to get it back to daily driver condition now. Not trying to fluff, restomod, or improve it beyond factory condition. Otherwise I'd slap on a chrome open-element air cleaner and be done.

The terrible cheap paint job I had done in 1988 got over-spray on EVERYTHING including the air cleaner, that's what looks like dust/dirt in the pictures.

I've got pictures of it over the years if your interested, including the receipts for the two paint jobs, 1977 and 1988, good for a laugh (or cry).

Originality / Re: CRG Report on Fan Blades question
« on: April 10, 2020, 04:49:29 PM »
Most fans don't have part numbers stamped in them....
Thanks, good to know.  Makes it a lot harder to tell if a particular fan is really the correct one for a particular car.

Of course any of the four blade fans will be closer to original than the fiberglass flex fan that's been on my car for at least 45 years!

Originality / Re: CRG Report on Fan Blades question
« on: April 09, 2020, 10:06:10 PM »
I've got two very similar four blade fans trying to figure out which is correct for LOS Feb 67 build, 327 2bbl LF7 (No A.I.R.) base V8 model.

No part numbers stamped into 4 blade fans?

My vote is for: DIY: Cheap-Affordable; Glass bead using low pressure, blow down & wipe down with PPG or equal wax and grease remover; on a nice warm day prime with SEM black etching primer # Part #39673 Top coat with a aerosol black lacquer spray [Rust-Oleum 1905830 1905-830 Spray Paint, 11-Ounce, Black ]
Thanks for the paint details! I can do all that.  I'll check around Memphis for a local powder coater that could do such a small job too.  I've got an original four blade fan that needs to be redone, maybe get them both at the same time.

My air cleaner needs a repaint and a new 210HP sticker.

I've got the sticker but not sure of the correct paint? Posts about other cleaners mention Black Semi-Gloss, is "Semi-Gloss" a standard or is there a specific (rattle can) paint I should use?

Any tips on repainting? Strip to bare metal? Primer?

Second question, I've owned car since 1975 but don't remember there ever being any gasket on either the lid seal area or the contact between the bottom of the cleaner case and 2bbl carb, should there be one? And if so, where to get it?


General Discussion / Re: How to Confirm ID of 1967 A/C Controls?
« on: June 16, 2018, 04:59:53 PM »
That's a mid 68 control.

Below is the 67 (top picture), and very early 68 / mid 68 (bottom picture).

More info HERE.


Thanks Ed, So really these can be ID'd simply by looking at the face and there isn't anything significant about all the numbers inside. Good to know.

I have my original controls out of the car to replace the control cables and bezel, which is what got all this started.

I'm wondering if I should go ahead and replace the fan switch, do those go bad? I see they are available now.

You might get a kick out of my half-ass JB-Weld repair, that repair worked, but unfortunately I went a little crazy and epoxied the tabs that I broke getting the case apart.


General Discussion / Re: How to Confirm ID of 1967 A/C Controls?
« on: June 16, 2018, 04:33:24 AM »
and one more

General Discussion / Re: How to Confirm ID of 1967 A/C Controls?
« on: June 16, 2018, 04:32:24 AM »
More pictures of numbers

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