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Topics - Brandan

Pages: [1] 2
Restoration / 67' Speedometer cable firewall hole question
« on: July 23, 2010, 02:04:50 PM »
From what I can understand the '67 automatic and Saginaw both used the same firewall hole for the speedometer cable is that right?  I have a pic of my firewall and want to double check. 

Restoration / '67 RS front parking light brackets???
« on: March 02, 2009, 01:43:10 AM »
I am in the middle of my restoration (seems more like the beginning ;)).  I finally got the car out of final paint and am having a great time putting all the goodies back on the car.  My front valance is a '67 RS valance. (looks same as the '68, but no flange to mount the front parkng lights.)  Since this is my first '67 I am taking it slow and learning about the '67 realizing that I am missing the valance brackets.  I found them in many catalogs and even have some original ones available here locally.  My question are they mounted to the valance.  welded?  or just as a backing?  Any ideas on this one? 

At least on my '69 the parking lights were a little easier.  ;D

thanks for any help


Originality / '67 fuel tank question.
« on: February 25, 2009, 03:26:41 PM »
If I remember correctly, the assembly manual shows that the filler tube is attached to the tank by being soldered.  My body guy says it is clamped on both ends with the rubber sleeve.  When I did my '69 tank I remembered that the tank came with the filler neck attached.....

What is the correct way to mount the filler neck and be correct?


What was the correct jack instruction sticker that goes on the decklid?  I read in Hoopers book that the sticker was supposed to be blue print.  I ordered a conv sticker from NPD and the print is black and the code is correct (3909135), according to the assembly manual.  According to NPD's catalog the blue one is 3919193.  From what I can tell is is the space saver tire sticker.   So my question is if I put the black printed jack instruction sticker on the decklid would it be correct? 

I have looked through all my manuals and books and can't find the answer.


Restoration / Update to my '67 Butternut Yellow Convert Project......
« on: September 22, 2008, 09:22:34 PM »
Here is a link to the site....Slowly started the painting process...I am hopeful maybe two more weeks till I can get it home and start reassembly.  Feedback welcome both good and bad.....

Thanks for looking.....


Restoration / Natural Metal Finish? Paint undercarriage.....???
« on: September 03, 2008, 05:11:56 PM »
Looking at Jerry's book, some of the undercarriage calls for "natural metal finish".  Does anybody know of a paint that is natural metal finish?  I don't want to leave some of the steering and springs untreated.....bare metal in Florida is not a good idea..


We are getting ready to paint the doors on my 67 RS convert.  From what I have read the upper part of the doors should be painted black.  It has the regular interior (not deluxe).  The car is butternut yellow and from what I can gather the top part of the driver and passenger door should be black and not yellow.  My question is how does this look?  If I do the top part black where is the cut off point to match up with the yellow?   The door seal seperates the outer yellow from the black.

Does the black go on the top of the inner door and down to the bottom of the door?  If you have a picture of how it should look that would be extremely helpful.  I hope to have the car all together in about one week and will post some pictures as to the final outcome.

Thanks for the help in advance.  This site has really helped my in restoring this car to the way that it was made in 1967. 


I have a post in the restoration forum and need some help on the car project I am doing, painting monday.  I don't want to repost here but if you have a few minutes and can answer some questions on how the car should look I would appreciate it if you could check out my post over there and help me out


Hey guys, we are going to start the actual paint process on Monday.  It looks like my "parole" from paint prison has been granted! Yeah! 

Anyhow.  I was going over how and what to paint on the car and have a few areas that I am not sure about.  The car is an original butternut yellow 1967 RS conv. with custom buckets code, small block 327. 

I have a few areas that I can't find info on. ???

1.)  I know that the RS rocker panels were black (depending on what the original car color was) and the the 6 piece trim goes above the black rockers.  What color black is acceptable?  30% 60% gloss, chasis black?  Also, more importantly, how does the original paint blend on the inside of the door to the rocker?

2.)  The trunk will eventually get spatter paint.  Black/Aqua is what I came up with for 1967.  What is under the Black/Aqua spray in the trunk area?  black primer?  Also I have read on this site that the shakers do not get spatter.  Then I read in Hoopers book that they are spattered.  Confused on this one. ???

3.)  The outside of the fenders will be butternut yellow.  What were the inside  fenders painted?  Were they painted or just primed?  Should there be overspray on the prime or paint inside the fender?  If there is overspray, how much?  If you have pictures, they might help.  I am leaning to keeping it in black primer.

4.)  The hood is black on the inside and the yellow paint will go, of course, on the outside.  How much overspray is there on the inside, underneath the hood?  or is it a clean cut?

5.)  The car was not a deluxe interior.  So the top of the doors and the dash will need to be painted.  What was the color?  I have a black interior and was thinking tuxedo black for those two areas.  Also above the dash, under the windshield, was that a flatter black to reduce glare?  I know that the dash pad would transition the tuxedo black to the flatter black to look better.

6.)  The top cowl panel vents between the windshield and the hood.  Should that be entirely yellow or is there some black primer visible?  I know the top panel should be yellow but the panel underneath it is where I am unsure. 

Well that is it for now.  I got the call Friday AM that they were ready to finish the paint so that is why this is last minute.  I am trying to get this thing back to original as possible.  I will post some pictures when we are done.

Hopefully I can get some answers here.  Thanks for the help in advance!!!


Originality / Help finding what the proper emblems were 67 convert RS
« on: July 27, 2008, 03:15:40 PM »
I need some info on what are the correct emblems and correct locations for 1967 small block a/c RS convert.  Painting in two weeks, butternut yellow.  I want to put emblems on fenders before I hang them.  links? references? 

thanks brandan-

Restoration / Update on my restoration project.
« on: April 23, 2008, 05:31:19 PM »
Well I have an update to the car.  The link is below.  We are getting closer to paint.  I am hoping that the car will be out of the paint booth in a few weeks. 

Let me know what you think.


General Discussion / Update on my restoration project.
« on: April 23, 2008, 05:27:45 PM »
I figured I would post the link to my restoration project.  Not too many changes as you can guess, the body work is time consuming and expensive. 

Let me know what you think.


General Discussion / 1967 RS Project
« on: February 16, 2008, 06:58:21 PM »
Put a note in the restoration section too....coming along slowly, hopefully start painting here in a few weeks.  check it out and let me know what you think...

Major body work complete!!!!!  Should have fenders on this week to check for fit........  also finishing rear springs and the forward chasis just got blasted and Por'd.   More soon-


Restoration / Update to my 1967 RS project
« on: February 16, 2008, 04:48:47 PM »
Update to the Camaro project.  Slow progress but it is coming along.


Originality / info on painting the camaro....details details details!!!
« on: January 20, 2008, 11:25:55 PM »
I am getting closer to starting to paint parts of the car.  I am trying to get this thing back to original as possible.  I am looking for a book that tells me what came on the car (paint color etc..) for a 1967 RS convertible. 

Ex... hood hinges, engine bay, under neath the car, block, correct trunk splatter, I think you get the drift. 

any ideas.....?

thanks for the info in advance

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