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Messages - clwilcox

Pages: [1] 2 3
Originality / Re: 67 Pace cars
« on: February 28, 2007, 03:35:47 PM »
It's his car, he can do what he wants with it IMO.

Interesting read never-the-less.  I at least learned more about the cars.

General Discussion / Re: Your worst 1st generation Camaro fears - realized
« on: September 01, 2006, 11:12:23 PM »
That interior on that kit car is awful!!

General Discussion / Re: what to ask for NOS 67 Camaro Parts
« on: January 14, 2006, 10:03:32 PM »
Oops! I said 1200 each for the fenders, I meant for each pair.  I've seen them sell for around 600-650 each.  Sorry for the confusion.

General Discussion / Re: what to ask for NOS 67 Camaro Parts
« on: January 14, 2006, 09:44:56 PM »
You're sitting on a gold mine there.  I'd like to be able to tell you they aren't worth much and I'd give you a few bucks for them, but my conscience won't allow that.  The Team Camaro site at has a classified section where you can sell those parts pretty quickly, also Ebay will get you some good sales.

You're sitting on at least $10,000.00 worth of parts there.  Those fenders if in perfect shape will go for around $1200 each..... I wish it wasn't so but it is unfortunately for those of us that need the parts...

Restoration / Re: Dash
« on: January 14, 2006, 09:41:22 PM »
The dash face itself is indeed welded in.  You cannot remove it easily and don't need to for a restoration if it's in good shape.

General Discussion / Re: Why are 69s worth more than 67s
« on: December 10, 2005, 05:05:52 AM »
There's humor all over the world if you just know where to look for it :D

General Discussion / Re: General Motors
« on: December 09, 2005, 09:21:03 PM »
As long as GM and the rest of American Car manufacturers have Gays at all the top end levels of management we will see nothing but garbage come from them and they will continue to lose ground to the Japs.

I couldn't read past this line.  Anything else you might have had to say past this can't possibly be intelligent.

General Discussion / Re: Why are 69s worth more than 67s
« on: December 09, 2005, 09:18:37 PM »
Sit the two next to each other. If you can't see why a 69 is a much more awesome looking car You might want your eyes checked. The 67 and 68 Camaros look unfinished and quite dorky looking when sat next to a 69. You will hear 67 68 Camaro owners go on and on about how there isn't much difference between them and a 69. You will never hear a 69 owner say that. 69 was also the magical year for Muscle cars except for the Cuda and the Olds Cutlass. I would not trade my 69 for both a 67 and 68, I am surprised that there is not a bigger difference in price between them. The 69 was a single year model. Add the 67 and 68 production numbers together to get a more realistic grip on the production numbers. Race a 67 or 68 against a 69 and that is one more feather in the 69's cap. I cant believe that 67 and 68 owners aren't enmasse in changing quarter panels and cowls now that all parts are available into 69 clones. But I guess 67 and 68 owners haven't figured that one out, when they do and there are only a couple dozen or so left original then they might be worth almost as much as a 69

That was undoubtedly, one of the funniest set of comments I've ever read on this forum.  Thanks for the laughs.  You have a remarkable talent for sarcasm, or so I believe it had to have been.  There is no way you could possible believe everything you just wrote otherwise.  Thanks again!!!


Decoding/Numbers / Re: Need Help Decoding Cowl Tag
« on: December 08, 2005, 08:50:18 PM »
01B = Built the First week of January.
67-12437 = 1967 Standard Interior Coupe.
NOR = Built in Norwood, Ohio.
741 = Standard Red Bucket Seats.
Z = (A50) Strato Bucket Seats (without headrests).
R-R = Bolero Red Exterior Paint

1E = (A01) Tinted All Glass
2L = (M20) 4-speed floor shifter
2G = (D55) Console front compartment
2S = (U73) Antenna manual right rear
3K = (Z21) Deluxe exterior trim
4P = (L48 or L30/M20) SS 350 or L30/M20

Note, this car might not be an SS without more information.  GM started adding the 4P to L30/M20 cars somewhere in late December.

Can you get us the axle codes off of the right rear pass axle?

Decoding/Numbers / Re: VIN number matching trim tag
« on: December 08, 2005, 08:07:33 PM »
I think Mark's been around long enough to likely not make that mistake.  Is it possible for you to post a picture of the trim tag for the site at all?

General Discussion / Re: new forum
« on: November 19, 2005, 04:27:11 AM »
The best thing I like about the forum over at Team Camaro, is the ability to click on the "New Posts" and "Today's Posts".  It lets you see everything that is new no matter what forum it is in.  Is there such a tool for this site that is already there and I haven't seen it yet? Or that can be implemented?  It has the feel of our old forum here as well for those that liked it.  One thing I REALLY do like about this forum vs. the TC forum, is the "All" button for threads that are multiple pages.

Yeah, the same guy has sold another first gen invoice if you look back through his history.  I think it was the buyer's history I saw it, but now I don't remember.

Originality / Re: 1968 Body
« on: November 05, 2005, 11:34:48 PM »
Anyone that's seen the pictures have any comments on this one?  This seems to be quite the mystery car :)

Restoration / Re: 1968 RS/SS oil pressure line routing?
« on: November 05, 2005, 02:11:42 AM »
That's a very nice list Ed! I have most of those.  I'll point others that are asking about these (often), to this thread when needed.

Restoration / Re: new quater panels
« on: October 30, 2005, 11:55:04 PM »
The following thread over at the Team Camaro web site will give you an idea of what you're up against.  I'm with Doug that you'll need a lot more tools to do the job properly.  Not to say you can't do it.  I think most people can with a ton of patience and the proper tools.  I'm doing mine myself, but I've spent over $1,500 on tools (compressor, mig, cutting wheel tools, etc) just to even think I'm near ready to start, and there are still tools I'll need.  I have more than just 1/4's to replace on mine though, so the expenses of someone else doing them for me starts to add up, not to mention I have another vehicle to restore after my Camaro is finished.  Anyway, read through this thread, it's many pages long:

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