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Messages - jtl4pr

Pages: [1]
Decoding/Numbers / Re: POP Decoding
« on: February 18, 2023, 02:25:15 PM »
Thanks everyone for the help.  The POP definitely does NOT match the car but the cowl and vin tags match. How leery would you be that the VIN and trim tags could have been bought or created? I'm a pessimist by nature.

Decoding/Numbers / POP Decoding
« on: February 17, 2023, 10:38:17 PM »
I'm trying to avoid the mistake it seems like anyone wanting to buy a Gen 1 is almost bound to make. I'm trying to decipher what is supposedly a POP that goes with a '68 convertible SS. See Image.  I'm struggling with trying to make sense of the number positions, etc. From what I see in the picture and what I've been able to gather in looking through the site, the POP does not show this was a convertible. Does the POP match the car?

I would greatly appreciate an expert opinion. Thank you for cataloging all this information - it's a tremendous help!

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